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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. Just wondering what's the deal with the rouge zentreadi fleets, and all the remaining Boldolzas (thousands of them?) that were mentioned in the end of DYRL? I only now remembered that Isamu had been originally fighting against rogue Zentreadi's (haven't seen Plus in years) but I was wondering where they're from... are they parts of the fleets that weren't part of the first space war, or were they just those who wouldn't make peace with the UN and ran off to join up and amass a fleet? The "Fleet of the Strongest Women" seems to pop out of nowhere, with no knowledge of the culture or the space war (except the desire to attack microns), yet it's not like Milia didn't know the leader personally...
  2. TEH SPOILER Neither... It's the 303.
  3. wow... that's... retarded.
  4. Yes, the worst dub ever is Nadesico.
  5. I love the wheels on that bronze race-modded Mustang (although it's probably a tube frame car...)... Also, that Scion is HORRIBLE. As if the xB wasn't bad enough. The xA and the TC are... eh.
  6. The loli is the main character's daughter I like the character designs... but it's kind of funny that they made the characters Japanese.
  7. Personally I just assume a lot of the more delicate actions are automated (like in DYRL... where the computer recognized Minmay falling through the air as a non-hostile target) and that the controls only direct the movements of the Valkyrie (ie, running, flying, direction). It also makes it a lot simpler if you assume that the gunpod and lasers are directed by the pilot's head/eye movements (at least the lasers were in Zero...), since that is a real technology currently in use.
  8. Yeah, but I like playing games in order for the most part (unless the originals sucked, like RE vs RE4...). ACZ has a lot of really interesting-sounding features though, mainly dealing with the whole "Ace" and scoring ideas.
  9. I just played AC4 again... man, I love that game. Makes you feel like a hero (plus, I'm really good at it...) I want ACZ! But I haven't played AC5 yet...
  10. That's because most of those racing broadcasts are live! So obviously many of them are in wacky timeslots. One time in Japan, I watched F1 at about 1:30 in the morning (live of course)... Japan has much better motorsports coverage (usually because a Japanese person is involved somehow...).
  11. Err, wasn't the war over by the time she had the baby? I would have think she was the darling of the public by then (since she was 1. pretty and 2. defected). Also, a Macross show with no love story/music isn't a Macross show.
  12. I saw the finale... IT WAS AWESOME! 48 is one of my favorite eps, though...
  13. Eh... I think they should have another series set after Macross 7, if only to make Macross not fall into the trap of constant repeats, remakes, side-stories, and prequels that Gundam has... Sequels > Side Stories I'd rather see a new story with new characters, but at the same time see what happened to characters from previous stories... Something around 2050 maybe? (well, besides VFX-2...) give us some closure to Macross 7 (if only indirectly) but give us a new, more mature story (as much as I like M7...)... I would expect the world they settled on would be connected to Earth the same way Eden was in Plus, by then. There are always enemies to fight/sing at!
  14. Hey, just look at what Max's scene got him... laid! Max FTW!
  15. Well, besides the fact that I have no insurance (has a plate though), it's mainly because the engine makes wierd noises when it's revving out of gear (clanking) and backfires (in the intake, not the exhaust) when I give it throttle under load (while driving)... I still have to replace a broken air temperature sensor (ordered it already) and set the timing (it's set to full retard, to see if the popping would go away... it didn't). So it's running richer than Bill Gates right now... which might be the cause of some of the popping, rather than just a timing issue. And also replace the vacuum hose for the brake booster (almost no brakes without it)... and a lot of other stuff that's wrong, although most of it doesn't matter as much (like a broken antenna).
  16. My RX-7 runs now... hurray. Still can't drive it though (although I did take it for a short spin...).
  17. He loves the GT and the Corvette (which he thinks is horrible, since it's poorly made, but he loves it)... he also loves the Ford Focus, and the Mondeo (he owns one of each, apparently). So he doesn't hate American cars... at least not just becaues they're American. I also wasn't referring to Top Gear, I was referring to his written reviews.
  18. E7 is TEH WIN. I've watched 47 episodes so far... It's sad there's only two eps left (although the last one will be one-hour long).
  19. According to Jeremy Clarkson, the Veyron is lightyears above every car ever made, including the McLaren F1, the Enzo, the Merc/McLaren SLR, the Carrera GT, which all are "slow and pointless" compared to the Veyron. Not to mention it's a marvel of engineering... it weighs an arseload but it handles like Lotus Elise, apparently. Every Veyron cost VW like 4 million a car, so they're taking a 3-million dollar hit for every car they sell. Of course, the only thing he didn't like is the fact that he knew he would never own one The idea that a tuner car, even one with 1000 HP could match the Veyron is also laughable.
  20. Hmm, driving it? Actually, whatever I do has to do with how much money I have at the time... I'll have to get a job to pay for gas and insurance, too. But if I was to tell you what I'd do with about 2K, it would be new shocks, springs, exhaust (mine isn't stock but I think it looks silly... with those square tips), a new steering wheel (it's a base model so it doesn't adjust... so I'll just make the steering wheel smaller )... and whatever else I can afford to do. A turbo engine with upgraded turbo and intercooler would be the ultimate reasonable goal... The first thing I'm gonna do is buy new bushings (urethane), since the ones it has look like they're falling apart (literally). I'd also like some 8" wide 17" wheels and wider tires, four-pot brakes (since the base car has one-cylinder calipers)...
  21. Speaking of cars... here's mine: http://photobucket.com/albums/c337/Busted7...current=RX1.jpg I bought it about three months ago. I hope I actually get a chance to drive it soon (...basically, I rebuild the engine since it had an internal coolant leak)
  22. ...so, I guess there's no word on if there are going to be any new Macross anime any time soon? Or has Kawamori lost interest all together? ...also, Nirvash Type Zero Spec 2 FTW!
  23. I find it ironic that I haven't seen The Magnificent Seven but I have seen Seven Samurai... while a Japanese friend of mine hasn't ...Kurosawa 0wnz j00
  24. I sure hate it when directors make one big trip-out sequence of an ending that makes no sense and label it as "deep." *cough* Eva *cough* They could have at least done us the favor and given us some closure or at least an explanation...
  25. I like it because it was entertaining.
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