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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. The sniper class would be usefull if you had all the unlocks... meaning, the assault rifle and the explosive pack. Otherwise, I think it's pointless, and I'm primarily a sniper in BF2 (well, that and KICKARSE FIGHTER PILOT). Also, there's not gonna be fighter planes in BF2142? Lame. The remote control missles are still too damn hard to use (you can barely even see with the screen in BF2, so it's even worse)... and they need to just make the AT missles Fire and Forget, or at least like the Javelin in America's Army (verticle or direct attack)... otherwise you don't even have enough missles to take down one walker (5 isn't enough... or at least you rarely have time to fire all five, or you miss once, and you can't kill it now).
  2. I like it, but IMO the sniper class is totally useless, unless you're a "lone wolf" who doesn't care about winning, doesn't have a life, or doesn't like having fun... The game is just too fast-paced for a sniper class. I end up just using the engineer class since the SMG is very effective, and I feel totally naked without some sort of anti-take weapon (despite it being almost completely ineffective because of low damage and long reload). There are some serious balance issues involved with defending the titan control panels... a few guys can completely make a meat grinder out of the hallways that lead to the panels since there's no other way to get to them, and you don't get any grenades until you unlock them. It's really horrific. Not to mention it takes WAAAAY too many hits to destroy the stupid panels and reactor. I almost can't see any reason to actually shoot the reactor, since it takes about 20 hits from a rocket launcher (it's just as slow as waiting for the missles). The walkers are fun, though... but you have to wait forever to get to use one. I had the same problem with the crouch key. It seems to work now... Also, the launch pods are fun
  3. I love how Milia has the "holy crap, I can't beleive that came out of me" look on her face.
  4. Come on, everyone knows that Max's inability to produce male offspring is a side-effect of his years of usage of blue hair dye! I blame his incessant brand loyaly.
  5. Well, what are the stock tire sizes? If you want stiff sidewalls, DON'T GET 15"s! Get 17"s instead! They have about the best selection of high-performance rubber, anyway. Lower profile tires will give you much more road-feel and stiffer sidewalls. You're probably going to have to have some suspension work done if you put 255 or wider tires on the car...since the level up grip is gonna go way up.
  6. Bigger wheels FTW (but seriously, what kind of vehicle, and what kind of racing?) Edit: Sounds to me like a truck tire, about a 235-75-15. You could probably find a drag slick that big... which wouldn't have stiff sidewalls at all, and neither would any other truck tires, I'm sure. If this is for a car, you need some seriously smaller tires...) Unless you mean the rims are 8-10 inches wide...in which case you'd be looking at upwards of a 275.
  7. I think it would probably float... except it probably wouldn't be able to stay upright in the water. I mean, half of that thing is really made of air... legos are pretty much hollow after all.
  8. I.... CAN....FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Told you the last episode was AWESOME TO THE MAX
  9. The third opening's song kicks ass, imo (I think they're a good band from the two songs I've heard...). The visuals of the op are kind of mediocre compared to the first two, though... But the fourth op's song's quality is sort of....questionable (although I do like it). I also found the insert song from the last ep...ROXOR!
  10. So, it's a great engine in a mediocre to poor chassis?
  11. I saw it... loved it. Especially the detail they put in the sound effects and little tidbits (like the marbles during the race sequences). And the cameos
  12. I like it when my car smells like watermelons and bubblegum, thank you
  13. Yeah... Plus, new dashes cost A LOT, and a cracked one will just reduce the value of your car.
  14. Looks like a Nissan Z31 kitted out to look like a Ferrari... lol
  15. There's tire wear, and aerodynamics (you can draft, but the effect of drag at high speeds is barely noticeable, unless you play around with downforce), but no noticeable brake fade... 18 seconds IS a long time, but 1:41 seconds is already a VERY fast lap around the track (although you CAN go faster), even in the game.
  16. Yeah... I'm damn goon in GT4, but I'd never be able to do that kind of driving in real life because: 1. I don't want to die. and 2. The sensation of speed in GT4 seems to be about half of that in real life. 100 in GT4 feels like 50 IRL... and 200 in GT4 is like 100 in real life. Or at least that's how it feels, even in my RX-7...lol Also, Top Gear ignored the fact that when you have a car in GT4, it's assumed that they're fitted with high-grip semi-slick tires (like, Yokohama AO48's, which are EXTREMELY high grip), and probably high-performance brake fluid and pads, whereas that NSX was stock. (For the record, I beat Clarkson's time by one second, but only by taking shortcuts through the dirt )
  17. There's nothing wrong with the motor... it was rebuilt around 7K miles ago, and the only problem it had when I got it was that the coolant seals were blown. There wasn't anything wrong with the internals either (as far as I could tell. No extreme wear on them. What you see in those pics is RIGHT as a took it apart, so it's just a little dirty in the inside due to the coolant leak (if I had waited any longer to take it apart it would have started to rust up. The exhaust manifold was full of coolant!). Even just after I put it back together, it has decent compression. The clutch looked almost new... Although I do admit the inside of the bell housing was attrocious (although a few cans of degreaser fixed that). I'm sure an idiot owned it somewhere down the line (i'm probably the 4th or 5th owner), since they cut a whole in the engine bay for the air filter to get air (and trashed the brake ducting while they were at it), took out the washer bottle, broke off the antenna, and generally made a mess of things (like not properly installing the exhaust). Of course, I paid 400 bucks for it anyway
  18. Here are some more pictures of my RX-7... http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c337/Busted7/ The newest ones are from just a few days ago... It was running while I took them It's running at about 60%, though. Can't use much throttle or it makes wierd noises and doesn't have any power... BUT, it's registered and insured now, and it runs well enough to drive it, so it's now active duty....so to speak. I went and bought some groceries in it... all of them were scattered around the back of the car by the time I go back :-D (damn handling is sooo tempting to fling it around corners and stop on a dime). I'm gonna add some new ground wires and see if that makes it drive better. It seemed to get a little better when I cleaned the crappy stock grounds...
  19. Yeah, otherwise generals wouldn't be giving men their own medals like they often do in wartime...lol
  20. Kawamori + S. Watanabe = WIN
  21. Yes, but the difference is that Jags and Aston's share a lot of parts (including their basic layouts) now... Hell, even the new Mustang is part Jag...
  22. No wonder it has such huge wheels! Look at the size of the brake rotor! Holy crap!
  23. I tried playing against the Mig again... this time I destroyed it every time... lol (when it's you against 4-5 of them that's a different matter though...lol) And I don't mean a single burst from a 30mm gun, I mean a single damn round. Even the AI's F-16 can take waaay more damage than the player can. The same thing goes from the AA guns... one lucky shot from a 23mm and they basically take my plane out of combat entirely.
  24. He's almost too ugly to be Bond... Although I suppose the scarred-up look is actually closer to the original character from the novels, except his hair is supposed to be black... (or at least dark brown FFS...) I suppose he's the new George Lazenby, although personally I liked Lazenby... Not to mention the OHMSS was the closest of any of the movies to the book (almost dead-on). Also... HOLY CRAP! Look at the size of those wheels! I personally don't like anything over 17 inches on a car though...
  25. Well, the radar isn't all that hard to use... well, half the time you just point it at wherever your being RWR'ed from and you'll find them. It's extra nice when AWACS is available, since you can call it to ask where the bogeys are, and whether the plane you locked onto is friendly or hostile. The radar is especially easy to use at close range, since you can just set it to ACM, and it'll basically lock onto whatever you're point your plane at. Plus, for Sidewinders, you don't have to use the radar at all... Just hit "U" (uncage) and it'll point at whatever's hot in front of you (just make sure you can tell it's an enemy before you shoot...lol). Finding ground targets is a pain though Also, come to think of it, when an AI F-16 shoots you, you're pretty much out of commision with one little nick, whereas it takes you a GOOD amount of hits to take him down completely. So it's not just because the 30mm is powerful... And I was complaining that the Mig-23 could keep up in a turning fight... simply no way. Eventually I got to the point where I was being it in a sidewinder fight 10 to 5... although half of my deaths was because he would have missles when I was out...lol
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