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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Would love to get in for one. Moved and have been busy and have not the best internet, so haven't checked the formums really til now. Have room for one more pour (I imagine at 200$/ea the list I might have some room to wiggle in? ;P Looks good so far!
  2. Troll away. =D
  3. This is very cool to watch take shape. You've got the right discipline in layout and an aesthetic eye to make it come together well. =) Very nice. About the only thing I wish for based on the WIP shots is a slightly more menacing eye, (or slightly more covered at the top vs. fully round), but it's still amazing all around. Keep up the good work!
  4. Wow wow WOW! Drool... =D =D =D Awesome, amazing, sweet, beautiful...shall I go on? I mean I've always swooned over all things Glaug but to see something this big and so well executed... Would be awesome to have something like this for myself but I'm sure it would take years to try to build one myself and to commission would be quite the sticker shock. So, um, on an unrelated note...if I asked when you are taking it to the post office...date, time, physical description of the box and your person, whether you travel with an armed detail or know any martial arts, etc...would that be weird? I'm really just curious; toooooootally innocent questions. =P
  5. Ooh, neat...1/48?! I too want a nice Arbalest, but I might actually consider one of these...
  6. I actually did pick up some "R-Tech The Sentinels II" and "R-Tech, Invid Wars" comics a couple weeks ago that have a few cool panels of Gamo goodness. Perhaps I could find a place to hang snaps and share the link... Actually...it doesn't mean duck, but ガーガー is apparently the sound a duck makes to the Japanese, so ガーモ maybe looks like half that followed by モ. Learn something new every day. I guess ducks go gaa gaa... =) And the progress...ooh...it's cool to see something like this take shape. The last I sanded, cut, dremeled, etc. something like this was Jr. High when we made those CO2 cars. Once was all fancy, aerodynamic, spindly design, and the other I cut into the shape of a speeder bike. =P
  7. モスピーダ インビッド ガーモ These should be the three words in katakana (mosupiida inbiddo gaamo)
  8. EXO - I dragged my feet getting payment in and got bumped, so if you and John don't mind me stepping in to your spot I'd be grateful. And I read you missed out on the last one as well. If John would be able to make an extra kit from the molds, I would be willing to pay for 2 and hold one for you until you have money available, if that's something you'd be interested in working out. Capt, is that a possibility?
  9. I guess I never hit "Post," but I'd like a second order of Blueberry Crabs please...(Make my order 2 total)
  10. Need to go to sleep, but based on fuzzy initial math, that looks about 18-20... Things are looking up!
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