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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I'm trying to make a Robotech space battles conversion to a game system. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1385464268427804 Does anyone have top down silhouettes for any Robotech ships or Mecha?
  2. Note we are not trying to get anyone in trouble and understand the recent crackdown HG has been doing since the KS started we just honestly are true fans and want to see the Robotech dream come to fruition.
  3. I run a Facebook page with around 700 members and hunt the internet for stuff to share to keep interest going while we are waiting for Tactics to arrive on our doorstep. I found the Bioroids on Google checking and did not realize it was the same thread that I saw the Invid in a ways back. There are many of us anxious to get the game and also hoping for the ASC/Masters and REF/Invid stuff but with the results from the KS being mixed so far many have turned to looking at other possible options... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1440349382851175/
  4. doh, I'm wondering if they can be made a bit bigger.....1/285. What would be REALLY sweet is if you could take the top off and move units around inside.
  5. What scale are these and how much for a troop carrier and 24 or so bioroids with sleds?
  6. Only if there were sold in bulk to the general public like on ebay..... . Otherwise nothing Robotech or Macross related could be made
  7. How about at 1/285 scale to go with Robotech Tactics stuff? You'll get a lot of guaranteed sales that way! And if you want to see about some pre-orders I have 500 members on a Facebook Page for Robotech Tactics that would likely want to order a few!
  8. If it could also be made in 1/285 there would be a potential market for the Robtech Tactics group.....
  9. What scale is that going to be? How tall is it?
  10. For many of you here don't forget about the Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1440349382851175/
  11. Well I did manage to save copies of both videos...... for someone willing to host them. They might even still be on youtube.....
  12. No, the pledges will be sent out before GenCon. That is solid.
  13. We have created a Robotech Tactics Facebook page and because of a few things that I've done I've been allowed to get an early release of the rules. I plan on playing out a game the weekend of February 1st and post some pictures with an After Action Report. C'mon over and join us. I have rules posted based on my earlier interpretation of the pre-releases rules and also the tactical briefings and stat cards. I wound up creating paper cutouts to use as minis for the game until the KS sends out the pledges. My Table http://www.robotechg...c.php?f=9&t=208 My 2nd Game http://www.robotechg...c.php?f=7&t=287 3rd http://www.dakkadakk...22.page#6096328 4th http://www.dakkadakk...13.page#6191322 Alnd link to Facebook page. https://www.facebook...40349382851175/
  14. We have created a Robotech Tactics Facebook page and because of a few things that I've done I've been allowed to get an early release of the rules. I plan on playing out a game the weekend of February 1st and post some pictures with an After Action Report. C'mon over and join us. I have rules posted based on my earlier interpretation of the pre-releases rules and also the tactical briefings and stat cards. I wound up creating paper cutouts to use as minis for the game until the KS sends out the pledges. My Table http://www.robotechgamecenter.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=208 My 2nd Game http://www.robotechgamecenter.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=287 3rd http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/554922.page#6096328 4th http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/556413.page#6191322 Alnd link to Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/1440349382851175/
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