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Everything posted by daisuki

  1. hi! will take one or two.
  2. huhu! I will wait to see the 1/60 yf 19 before being happy.cad work is not enough for me. i have a preorder since near 4 years on the 1/72 yf 19fastpack version
  3. yeah. this is my hypothesis.
  4. hi! is anybody knows how much time yamato will still have the macross license? I am troubled by the numbers of new 1/48 models that yamato make since january. could we hope to see a 1/48vt ostrich, 1/48 elint, 1/60or 1/48 vf4, 1/48 or 1/60 vf5000, 1/60 yf 19 ( not an urban legend like the 1/72 fp version), 1/60 yf21 and vf11? thanks.
  5. I am interested for one or two vf1a hollow lasers. I am still interested for 1s and 1d hollow lasers.
  6. daisuki

    Battl 7

    hi! is there existing a battle7 model kit? is there existing a variable battle 7 model kit?
  7. totally agree
  8. just bought the macross7 anime series. I have watched all the episodes and I have strange feelings about it. i think that the script is not complex enough. enemy is attacking macross7, basara sings and the ennemy gets away. in an other episode, enemy is attacking macross7, basara sings and the ennemy gets away. In an other one enemy is attacking macross7, basara sings and the ennemy gets away.for variation ,in a other episode ennemy is attacking macross7, basara and mylene sing, and the ennemy get away. So I have hoped to see better batlles than seeing always the same pics. but I loved to see the evolution of myria and max relationship, (I found myria sexy than ever in her battlesuit) , the battle 7 design. a little bit disapointed about the epilogue of the anime. what a pity that the final battle was not more developped. during 50 episodes basra is singing in front of lord gelpenich and when he decides to blast all the universe he finaly thinking that singing is good. I would prefer that the macross anime had the additional three episodes "encore" spirit.
  9. A ve-1 without the arm armor parts and without gunpod weighs 458 gramms ( aproximately 1lb) 355556[/snapback] u got pm 355791[/snapback] this is information that you could share with the rest of us. it's doesn't have to be private. 356163[/snapback]
  10. seriously, I have got a parcel problem; that's why I would know the weight of teh elint with his armor only.
  11. would prefer have to do with the rock!
  12. would know the weight of a ve-1 elintseeker with his armor only. thanks.
  13. I am interested for one .
  14. Salut. j'ai recu hier un yf 19 deuxieme version et j'ai ete un peu décu. ca fait 4 ans que j'en cherchais un et par dépit j'avais acheté un vf19a. j'ai été un peu decu car la couleur du yf19 n'est pas blanche, mais creme (franchement ca claque moins que dans macross plus). sinon il a de la gueule mais dommage que l'articulation des genoux ne soit pas cachée. on m'adit que le version 2 a recu des modif par rapport a la version 1 pour la qualité de la transformation.
  15. this is valk009
  16. somebody is selling this kit on ebay ebay kevin
  17. I found a guy in france who solds a green vf1j joons in box. ther is a pic if you 're interested.
  18. I received my two heads yesterday. simply beautiful.
  19. hi! I am definitely interested by recast elint kit to. I would find a strike cannon kit , vf1d conversion kit , gbp armor and rms 1 missiles. if somebody produce them pm me. than ks
  20. hi! I would have one or two ve-kit, one strike and one gbp armor But elint in a first time.
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