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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. awesome!!
  2. What an amazing work !
  3. I think about the vf-5000 in a view to producing them on the vf-x licence or the M7 licence or the both licence Or another endless repaint of vf-1 :rolleyes:
  4. i Yes i spoke about canards because I didn't see any articulations on them. i lke the naked wing too
  5. amazing work but the small intakes wings are not supposed to fall back?
  6. had the same problem 25 vf1 1/48 scale. I have flatened the out boxes and inserts in two big cardboards i made the same with the macross zero boxes and the vb6 boxes. In an other cardboard I superposed the plastic insert. and in a last cardboard I superposed all the vfs I reduced the volume was taking Valks boxes around 70 percent. wish I could help you but you should take care to the cardboard with all the exterior boxes was very heavy (around 27 kilos)
  7. If I was yamato. I would edit a vf-11 armored in a view of increasing the vf-11 sales.
  8. graham is the vf-11 gbp armor planified? thanks
  9. the lack of vision shield of the yf21 head is corrected by many cams systems.(as we can see in first mac+ ova when technicians made check of the different visions spectrum) So the yf21 cokcpit is already reinforced ( this is not a simple glass like on the yf19) the pilot is surely protected as well as a vf11 pilot with headshield. I agree that it is very different of all the other valks because arms and legs are not apparent, but it may be a better protection for essential battroid parts.
  10. Yamato could make modified parts for making the vt and ve1 making molds for the new parts would be so expensive for them. (captain america have made vf1d kits for a reasonnable price for a low quantity) the prices could be reduced for a great quantity. And Yamato would certainly sell th vt, the ve and the vf1d at higher price. it is sure that they can't make so many variants like the vf1 but they will send the vt and ve1 easily. they could reduce the cost in using the vf1stock which were initially destinated for a vf1line which is not succesful (for example the angel bird or canon fodder) making the vt1 vf1d and ve1 for the 25 anniversary would be a great marketting operation. It would be ridiculous to miss this occasion. for making prices higher a special or limited edition of these valks would be a good operation for yamato. I think the yamato's marketing service has already study this question.
  11. Detachable limbs! sacrilege! blasphemy! HERETIC!!
  12. ca, ca sent le mec véxé par l'episode vf0A It seems the vf0A episode is still painfull! I hope they will make the two seat line to. otherwise I will be down for a "generic" vf-1
  13. Since one or two weeks, I am thinking of making a vt and a ve conversion kit by myself. PLEAAAASE, Mister John. Tell us that you will make them (it will prevent me to make a complete doom on one of my poor valkyries ) ps: for the poll, I had a long time hesitation between Yay and Yay. finally I voted Yay.
  14. hesistate between two choices: 2 vf1a low vis 1.0 scheme with the black right fist. the leader will also have low vis scheme but with blck vf1j head. name: "Black fist squadron" specialised in commandos operations the second choice: leader with black stealth scheme. 2 vf1a in black deep space colour with very light white points for the space camouflage "space mantas" or "storm crows"
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