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Everything posted by muswp1

  1. I have a 1/48 F-14D kit that I built a few years ago (one of the two that Monogram/Revell put out) and it is definately not much bigger than a 1/48 VF-1. If I get around to it (or find my digital camera), I could post a comparison pic. Not to mention that almost every model company makes a F-14 in at least one scale
  2. How come they are using the re-paint of Unicron for Energon, but not for Universe?? After all, the storyline for Universe REVOLVES AROUND HIM! Just a thought.
  3. Well, my two other hobbies are NASCAR (200+cars and about eleven years worth of race tapes) and G1 Transformers.
  4. I have been trying for the last 1/2 hour to keep that extra back piece from popping out the moment I snap the head back in place. Any ideas on how to keep it in place???
  5. That's a great example of misused technology. And your point about Napster is right on. The more the RIAA tries to supress file-sharing, the greater the backlash will be.
  6. I am curious about that too.
  7. It would be nice if the words "noncommercial purposes" was better defined. It seems kind of vague used in that context.
  8. I wouldn't put it past them. I sense some of the people over there are a little insecure over some of their Robotech merchandise and really don't want any thing that would make te MPC VF-1 look worse than it already does.
  9. Chna, just a suggestion but downsize those photos a little. It's throwing the page size off.
  10. Here's mine: 1/60: 4 (VF-1A Max, VF-1A TRU, Super VF-1J Hikaru, Strike VF-1S) 1/48: 3 (VF-1A Hikaru, VF-1S Roy, VF-1A Low-Viz) Also 2 1/48 FP sets coming (waiting on Kevin) I have plans on getting at least 3-4 more 1/60's and maybe 1 more 1/48 before the end of the year.
  11. That's true for just about all of the 1/60th's. The VE-1 would hardly be alone there, all five of my VF-1's have the same problem.
  12. Now that's probably where music is going to end up. The only problem is that the RIAA is a bunch of greedy little s###'s that they don't want to be forced out of their ways by changing technology. Online music stores, like Apple Music Store, would limit the price gouging that the RIAA is trying so hard to protect.
  13. Just an interesting thought I had, it seems that the RIAA is going after everyone it can here in the US. What about all the P2P and file swapping overseas?? It would hard to believe that there aren't people in Europe and Asia doing exactly the same thing over there as what's happening here.
  14. Sorry guys, this need a bump...
  15. I am going to reserve my judgement on this until this mess actually goes to court. This could potentially be a all-or-nothing case for the RIAA. If they manage to lose one case, they are finished.
  16. Well, since my computer had a double HD failure on Saturday (both drives have been iffy for a while, that's why I haven't been around much), the RIAA won't find much on my computer. I am just waiting for someone to point out in court that the RIAA is essentially hacking other people's computers to gain their information. I would love to see if the "evidence" they possess is actually legally admissable in court.
  17. Sad, but probably true. All I want is a GBP-1 armor set in either 1/60 or 1/48.
  18. LOL!! It's good to see that Babelfish is still good for a laugh.
  19. Yeah, what's up with that extremely unflattering avatar? It's much too hairy to fit my mental picture of Jemstone. Bring back the "Meltran squishes the dismembered Zentran head" avatar! Yeah, that creepy guy avatar is, well kinda creepy. Hey, I happen to like that avatar. If Jemstone wants to use it, feel free.
  20. Quick complaint, I noticed last night that the wing stripes on my VF-1S look wrong compared to my VF-1A Hikaru. The stripes seem thicker and the black border around the Macross Kite and the wing numbers seems unusually thick and almost fuzzy looking. I am suprised I haven't noticed this earlier as I bought the valk from Kevin about 3 months ago.
  21. Probably the latter, I doubt HG will do much other than take share and let it go.
  22. Are you trying to invite skullone back??? Having him and wrylac on the same board is asking for trouble.
  23. muswp1

    1/48 Line

    Let's all chant this together: CF VF-1J... CF VF-1J... CF VF-1J... CF VF-1J... CF VF-1J... I would love a CF in 1/48.
  24. Welcome back Quadrono.
  25. Yep, I also got one for my two sets. Any idea when they are expected to arrive stateside???
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