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Posts posted by Swann

  1. 10 hours ago, Jasonc said:

    I've seen her out there before. If what you're saying is true, and I don't doubt it, this wouldn't be something that seems to be welcoming to any sort of convention. I know a lot of people have their opinions on it, but it still doesn't seem like she's made any peace with doing the songs or the voice. Sometimes just accepting it (even if you didn't like it at the time) opens the door to so many other things. 

    I would still invite Mari to the conventions. We want to see her. Let her have her say. She is also kind with the fans. I brought ten items for her to sign there. She signed them all for free. She is just upset at them according to her. Paid her in pennies for season one and two of Macross. To other merchandise as well. She said she would do a return to Lyn Minmay and a new Macross series. If they PAID her good.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Swann said:

    You should have seen her. At her last appearance at Genghis Cohen. She was PIST at the creators behind Macross. At how they gave her pennies for her work with Macross. She spoke about it there.

    I would like to see SDC around DTLA or closer.

  3. 6 hours ago, Jasonc said:

    There was literally only 2 fans that I saw that asked about Mari this past year, and one of them just wanted to complain because he's "worked with her" before". We wouldn't mind having her, but as I probably will not be heading this year (although I hold all the funds, so I guess I kinda still do), I can say a bit more on the subject. After fixing up the issues with her before the last time she showed up, and having to literally deal with her broadcasting business talks to people that should not be privy to that info, even though we had repaired everything, I didn't want to risk having this same type of thing come up again. Not only that, but her pricing is more than double what she was getting from 2016 on (from what I remember). For a con that is built around 1 day and 1 franchise (even though we have been slowly expanding outward into other related type of series), it is a small event where we can't pay that price only to maybe have an extra 10-20 people register. At her last attendance fee, we need 50 extra people just to cover her, and she doesn't bring that type of draw. The last time she brought in enough to cover her fee was years ago. I'm talking 8-10 years ago. In 2022, we "got in trouble" because we had our convention in September, and she happened to be in Japan at the time, but we were supposed to know her schedule and plan accordingly. It makes it difficult when we try to plan the convention to not be in competition with other larger events, and the center we rented has what we wanted open for the date. Sometimes, we were just stuck with two options (especially that year), and the others were near holidays or in competition with Wonder con and the sort. I could name a list of other things, but it's in the past, and it is things that other conventions have had to deal with as well. We aren't the only ones.

    If we're going to pay that kind of money, I'd honestly rather go all out, and invest in flying someone from Japan in that can bring a draw. Even if it was a loss, I'd be OK with that, as having new guests brings an excitement and a new chance to make connections. If we do it this year, which is still up in the air, we may try looking at other guests, be it musicians, singers, voice actors, artists, or Mecha Designers. I also do like reaching out to local music artists as well, which is why we were able (and lucky) to get Eririn. I made sure to watch her performance, and not just the Macross songs, but her original songs were quite good.

    Next year is the 40th anniversary of Macross: Do You Remember Love?, and we aren't sure what lies in store yet for next year, but once we know for certain, and who ever takes the Director position is hand picked, we'll know what we're going to do. If it is done this year, if there's any special 40th anniversary stuff, it might be a draw to a few extra people, but I'm sure that really depends on getting new guests. I'd love to get Mikimoto over, or any of the other originals, but that's something we'd need to really look at. I know they'd definitely give the con a boost. To what extent needs to be seen.

    You should have seen her. At her last appearance at Genghis Cohen. She was PIST at the creators behind Macross. At how they gave her pennies for her work with Macross. She spoke about it there.

  4. On 11/27/2023 at 7:29 PM, jvmacross said:

    Probably not...I stopped collecting after M7...at least this kind of stuff...whatever I have probably came in a lot purchase...

    Lot purchases can be good or bad. Bad because six out of those three items you already have. In mint condition too.

  5. On 10/9/2018 at 8:05 AM, jvmacross said:

    I guess it is true that poster collecting has pretty much fallen out of favor....guessing that display space has a lot to do with it.  I myself have more or less stopped acquiring most of them.

    Currently, I just try to go for promo prosters, like that of the Bandai DX -1J, but only for items I actually collect.

    I will still pick up any vintage Macross posters I do not have, which at this point only happen to be vintage promotional posters as well!


    For example, here is another vintage Shogakukan poster I found recently....promoting the upcoming release of their DYRL books!



    The poster is very similar in design to the one used to promo the film itself.....note that the Shogakukan promo poster finally gets around to adding DYRL-style character pics even though the SDF-1 is still depicted as the TV-style version on both....



    ...this DYRL promo flyer still keeps the TV SDF-1, but manages to toss in Hikaru and Minmay in DYRL-style outfits...



    A few more Shogakukan promo posters.....




    This one promoting the legendary DYRL "Gold Book"...



    I would love to hear about the story. Behind the topless poster. Was it recalled?

  6. 10 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Ever hear of Google Translate?

    It is a PO form you fill out, detach and return to the bookstore for the purchase of the Macross "Gold Book", starting November 10th, at the special price of 8,000 JPY available through December...



    Not many people know that too. About that postcard too.

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