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OK people, the new Macross Hub is up and running
Get Free replied to Get Free's topic in Movies and TV Series
I'm online in this very moment... oDC 5.31 imacross4.myftp.org There are 3 other users online too. -
OK people, the new Macross Hub is up and running
Get Free replied to Get Free's topic in Movies and TV Series
I know a couple of programs that let you limit your incomming and outgoing bandwidth for a specific program.they are called Bandwidth managers: DU Meter: http://www.dumeter.com/ DUSuperControler: http://www.freedownloads.be/downloaddetail/384 yes, people can download from you if you are sharing something of course.that's the idea of a Hub, users can download from everyone else, not only from one single server. And about download and upload speed, those speed have the same behavior of any other P2P software, they are erratic sometimes (eMule, Kazaa, WinMX, etc..) because Direct Connect is a P2P software too. DLs and ULs speed depends on the bandwidth of both the users that is sending the file and the users that is receiving the file. -
I have a suggestion/proposition for all the iMacross server guys. Now that boinger is running a Direct Connect Hub we can see the advantages of it. - no login problems (thousands of user online simultaneously) - sharing with multiple users at a time (downloads and uploads) - public chat and private messaging functions (like messenger) As I said on the other topic, I think this community have enough potential to create a big and active Hub. I mean, there is 5 different FTP servers each one offering files alone, and there is a IRC server alone too. One single Hub can join all those servers into one single network for a massive sharing and chatting with everyone at the same time. boinger is already running the Hub. Now iMacross server guys just have to get in the hub to have all iMacross servers together in one single place. And a Hub have chatting capabilities so people on the IRC server can join too. Of course, if everything is concentrated in one server, that server should be online 24/7. That is hard to do for one single person, so the server that can stay online most of the time and more than the others could run the Hub. However, a Hub can join serveral servers into one. i.e. a multi-server Hub. yeeeesssss... serveral PCs running the same Hub so if one server goes down the Hub remains online on the other servers. That's it... the first step is done, a Hub is running. The rest is up to you guys. Where I live there is a very wise proverb that says "Querer es poder" ("if you want to, you can"). see you.
OK people, the new Macross Hub is up and running
Get Free replied to Get Free's topic in Movies and TV Series
basically you can do 3 things. 1) Chat with users just type in as any normal chat software 2) Download files from users two ways to do this: - open the search window and type in what you are looking for - right-click on a user an select "get file list" to look at his files and folders and select what you want to download (the file list could take some time to download depending on the amount of files of the user) 3) Let users download files from you go to the "Settings" dialog then to "sharing" and add one or more folders with the files you want to share, then set the "upload slot" field at least to "1" (that means that just one user can download from you at the same time). -
OK people, the new Macross Hub is up and running
Get Free replied to Get Free's topic in Movies and TV Series
try using another program. DC: http://www.neo-modus.com/ oDC: http://gempond.com/odc/ -
iMacross 4 is no more an FTP server. Now it is a Direct Connect Hub which is much better than an FTP server. Take a look at the Hub topics.
OK people, the new Macross Hub is up and running
Get Free replied to Get Free's topic in Movies and TV Series
About Macross... virtually anything you want. However, boinger has tons upon tons of anime stuff. 200 GB of files to be exact. -
OK people, the new Macross Hub is up and running
Get Free replied to Get Free's topic in Movies and TV Series
try using passive mode. If you are behind a router you should use passive mode. The problem about it is that 2 users in passive mode can not connect to each other. So, the best choise is to forward the port from your router directly to your DC client and then you can use active mode normally. look here: http://www.portforward.com/cportsnotes/dc++/dc++setup.htm -
Thanks to boinger now there is a Direct Connect Hub for this community. As the same way you guys connect to iMacross FTP servers using an FTP client you can connect to the new iMacross Hub server usind a DC client (direct connect client). This brings many advantages because there would be no more access problem to the server (until now very few people could connect to iMacross FTP servers at the same time and it was very difficult to actually connect to it). a DC Hub allow virtually unlimited (thousands) users connected at the same time. and the more users there are online the more you can download, since Direct Connect works the same way as any P2P software. The difference about this is that it is a Hub for this community so that only people that like macross will connect to it (hopefully). One single place to meet everyone on this community, chatting and sharing files. anyway, enough talking. using a DC client is as easy as use any other P2P software so there should be no problem to get online. the address of the Hub is imacross4.myftp.org (yeah, the same as the FTP server) The most popular DC client can be downloaded from here: http://www.dcplusplus.com/ The client I recommend can be downloaded from here: http://gempond.com/odc/ If you want some help to install the client, look here: http://www.b.ali.btinternet.co.uk/DCPlusPl...ingStarted.html http://e.1asphost.com/paulgeaf/ for people using a router also look here: http://www.portforward.com/cportsnotes/dc++/dc++setup.htm
Excellent, boinger. You've got pretty well the idea of a hub. Thanx man. As you said hashing files take a lot of time. That's why I dont recommend to use latest version of DC/DC++. oDC has many more features and doesn't hash files so it's more easy to add and delete new share folders. About registering users, a hub can be public or private. If it is public anyone can enter without any login process. If it is private then users need username and password to enter. May be as a start you could run it public so it is easier to enter. But if people start to get online as hell may be a private hub would be better. And I guess the address to get online will be this one imacross4.myftp.org, right? seeya, I hope it works.
Direct Connect networks works under the well know Client-Server model. So for people running FTP servers there isn't anything new about this. http://www.neo-modus.com/?page=Download The server: you can install one of these: Direct Connect Hub (v1.0): this one needs you to install the client too (an old version that aparently isn't available any more) and works since Win98 at least (I dont know about win95). I tried this one and is very simple to use. Direct Connect Hub (v2.0): this one works on Windows NT/2K/XP only and it doesn't need the client to work. look here for other hub software: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/6545 The client: I dont recommend tu use the official DC client since it have ads and some restrictions. Instead use a DC client clone such as DC++ or oDC. I dont recommend to use latest versions of DC++ either since it scan your hole share directory to hash the files. The good ones are DC++ v0.306 and earlier or oDC any version.
Well, copyrighted material is already been shared in iMacross servers. My main point is that the same people running iMacross Servers could run a DC Hub instead. There would be no difference about what is been shared and the server owner could save a lot of bandwidth since several people connecting to the hub share their files with each other. and the .NET framework is not a problem. Most people already have it installed on their PCs but they dont even know that. Windows XP include it by default. Besides there is several DC client clones (DC++, oDC, DCGUI) that doesnt need .NET so that is not a problem at all.
well, not a single reply in 4 days so I guess nobody is interested in sharing and chatting. I just thought that a Hub would make this community more active, seeing that FTP servers just to download files is too passive. I dont know if people here understand what I'm suggesting. May be that's why there is no replies. Anyway, you can ask anything if my post wasn't clear enough.
There is one single topic about macross hubs and no one have answered. I dont know of any Macross/Robotech Hub either and I think this community have enough potential to create one. This message goes to people that can run a server somewhere (possibly at their home), people like those that run iMacross Servers. FTP servers are not bad, but a Direct Connect Hub server is much better and it takes less bandwidth than a IRC server. A Hub have several advantages like you can share stuff with several (hundreds) users. An FTP server takes your whole bandwidth and you can have very few users connected at the same time. A hub is a P2P network with its own chat room where you can talk and share your files with any other member of the community. And once again, a Hub Server takes just about nothing from your bandwidth. So I'm wondering why people running iMacross servers dont run a Direct Connect hub instead. I would run the Hub myself to serve this big community but I'm on dial-up so I cant stay online 24/7. What do MW staff think about it?? the cost of running a MacrossWorld Hub would be minimal.