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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. As many know I like SD or Super Deformed kits/designs. Picked this item up as Fujimi came out with a new range, ordered another kit which features the below and an SD P-38(1943 game). I just assembled it OOB no paint, decals. Eyeing the aircraft carrier next.
  2. Thxc, checked the Macross kits, yes they are thicker stickers. I reckon burnish down the edges and hit therm with the hairdryer on medium setting, this will soften and snuggle up to the SD surface. Idolmaster kits are waterslide transfers, so no problems there.
  3. I am heavy into 'New Age' music which includes Vangelis, Mike Oldfield, Enigma, Vanessa Mae and more. Enigma's 1st AlbuAlbum(Michael Cretu/French and Wife Sandra/German Arabesque & Sandra) first featured Gregorian chants by real monks. Later Gregorian/Masters of chant hired the same monks. From the 2nd album it is a troupe of international singer and the songs been rearranged for the choir by ameylia bright man,both her and her younger sister Sarah(Phantom of the Opera with Antonio Banderas)provide vocals.
  4. Phew had just a great shock. Was listening to the Gregorian concert at Burg Kreuzenstein(love both). Drifted off and woke up to Takarazuka(Muted telly) and Gregorian music. Be still my beating heart.
  5. Need to give some explanation. Add 17 I was certified/trained in IT, after that was national service(no choice). My 10yrs living in South Africa were great and bad. Great job, great Salary and met a great Japanese wife. Bad constant danger of muggings, breaking, forced to take lives, etc and seeing stuff that shall we say are upsetting to any ex-soldier. Japan has treated me well but my body couldn't keep up with J-business practice's add in wife diagnosed with near terminal breast-cancer ..? I am now a single dad(13yr old son) and due to circumstances both health and finances we are living apart but meet often. My sickness gives me good and bad times, hence spurts in modelling. Right now I get social welfare as I got a Doctors Stop for working, so finances are low? Nekko Basara No problem and no worries mate.
  6. Yeah, looks they are thicker stickers, might be time for the heat gun. Will tackle that problem at that time.
  7. I reckon I will need to buy extra bottles of Mark Setter & Mark Softer. Not new to wallpaper decals, take it slow position the decals well before hitting with the setter solution. Give about 2-3 days for trying bcefore going on, thin coats of clear also help protect the earlier layer. Take it easy and slow and you should be ok?.
  8. I love my Mecha College Yamato, waiting for the Yukikaze to arrive and the announced kits. Dunkin Donuts get some ones at Hara Donuts.
  9. It is May and time to dress some birds, 1st batch for this month. 2 25F's and a 29, 2nd 29 is still enroute. Ignore the Egg-Plane Hughes 300. Also working on 3 IdolMaster kits A-10, F4-EJ & AV-8B. Next month I get an Egg-Plane Hughes 500, IdolMaster Saab Draken, Yf-29(egg-plane too. Tinkering with a free other kits on the side.
  10. Showing the Macross part of yesterdays Shipment. Also got some SD Items, Gundam, 1/48 X-Wing, 1/72 Dougram, 1/72 Idol Masters planes, paints, etc
  11. But fan of Captain Fantastic aka Elton John. Seen him twice in concert, last was as Sun City in Lesotho. Not too long after a Jean Michel Jarre concert, seen him 3 times life.
  12. Finished the Mecha Colle 2199 YamatoYamato, pics after weathering tomorrow. Back to the WWII Chibi Mark Yamato and the Egg-Plane Hughes 300. There are 2 things I love Diorama and Super Deformed.
  13. Yeah, it is intense we don't hold back as much as in the US. Either way a great story. Said that Craig Daniel was great.
  14. Get some PE scissors or a sharp X-Acto cutting on top of a glass pane, either way a bit sanding might be required.
  15. Godzilla always had thunder thighs, like the look of the new one but still think it got a small head. This one also got the plasma breath back. Recall one Jafcon where they had an actor in a suit got a pic off him taking a rest sitting on the disconnected tail.
  16. Some Madness. MADNESS - It must be love (Wixxer): Song for my departed family(parents, wife), ex-gf/fiancee, MCC Members, fellow service members, etc. The Living Years (1988) - Mike + the Mechanics - : http://youtu.be/APXwdkdhC2c
  17. Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers: Real Life - Send Me An Angel '89: Fiction Factory - Feels like heaven (HD): http://youtu.be/lYXZQ19KNkc
  18. Waiting for my HLJ delivery to arrive in a few hours. Will include some 1/100 Macross F kits with wallpaper decals. 1/72 Idol Master kits. 1/48 X-Wing 1/72 Dougram(2nd kit) SD kits 1/72 Lazyner kit Mecha Colle Yamato Modeling Supplies. Love the next day deliveries here when ordering online (any shop) and a fixed shipping rate regardless of No. Of Items and COD or convenience store payment. Convenient store payment is AFTER delivery as payment slip is included in Delivery. No need for a CC here.
  19. Try to help WHO out? People in Europe, Middle East, Asia, Americas, etc? Sad to say but the USA Anime market is rather small when compared to France, Italy, Middle East and Asia Pacific Markets.
  20. HLJ works on JST due to their location and they got customers worldwide so there will always be some for whom the timing is inconvenient.
  21. I read the Trilogy and I hear someone is writing now Book 4 in the series. Also watched all 3 movies as well as the US remake.
  22. Marillion - Kayleigh: http://youtu.be/dphpDdfZUGw
  23. My wallet is also being pinched, shipping would be from Japan. We can talk later when and if you are ready, sorry no PayPal this end.
  24. Destroids, had to say it.
  25. Holiday started today, sorry.
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