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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. Wave has 2 1/100 VF-1S models out Fighter and Battroid, if you have both kits you can combine them for a Gerwalk model. Wave kits are more like non-transforming scale models, they use polycaps but you still need glue, paints, waterslide decals and standard model kit building techniques and stuff. They are not considered very difficult due the high level of engineering. Hth. pi
  2. Took an artistic break today, should make enough progress tomorrow to take a few more pics. Need to get more wooden photo frames from the 100yen or 300yen stores to use as bases. Easy and quick, use paperclay to form terrain.
  3. Just had an earthquake to round up this weeks collection, moderate length but not very strong maybe a 3.5. Add in a Tsunami warning along the north eastern border of mainland japan, might hit Fukushima.
  4. Was at the doc today, as always I pop in at J.C.Staff next door and say Hi to friends. The Studio is again extending and taking up more floors in the building. Catch the elevator and mostly likely you will ride with some of the staff. Decided to have lunch tomorrow along with an Illustrator(Vanguard, etc) and another friend from Production IG, called friend at Tatsunoko but he is busy. Of course talk will turn to their current projects.
  5. OK, back to strength on the bench, is got a few kits going. Had a bad week health wise. Surprised this kit hasn't been talked about much, should have arm or on it later. Superbly detailed and mostly metallics(yeah) love the hover-cycle mode(double yeah) and even bought an action base 2 for it. Painting will be done before end of month, ignore the decals and other stuff in pics. This is how far I am taking this build today. Eyes need a break.
  6. Yeah, our temp here is 35Celsius today and humid, more like august as you say.
  7. Looks we got past this one OK. Noticed many typhoons weaken greatly before hitting the Kanto plains. Chyll2. Don't worry we all feel the same. Having been in 2 major earthquakes(Greek and 3/11) and a few typhoons it is not much fun. Glad to say that Japan is well prepared for those.
  8. I never liked their idea if pure or bright white on any military equipment, off-white you do see often.
  9. You mean the SF3D Fireball?
  10. I tried to watch it. Very twisted.
  11. I know the humidity and heat zaps me every year, annoying. No rain here right now too.
  12. So far still hovering around Kyushu, reports from Okinawa sound bad. Should hit me in about 2 days. Bit off-topic any of j-customers if HLJ noticed the new shipping charges within Japan? People that use a proxy-service should also be aware of it.
  13. Still not feeling much better. Will try to work on the Grosser Hund 'Kyklop' kit. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG64106/Sci
  14. Hey to all in Japan. Hope you are snugly tucked in at home with a good supply of models/toys and your preferred snack and drink. Hasn't hit me yet but the temp and humidity is through their roof, won't even attempt any painting till this blows over.
  15. Thanks, I expected as much.
  16. Not sure if the unit will work with the SPM as I never had one in had. Next kit will be the Ingram 2 from Patlabor, again lights/electronics are supplied onand can be put in all similar units. Patlabor like Knight Rider kits used to be sold separate to upgrade existing kits.
  17. Some pictures for KITT Unit installed From below Unlit Lit
  18. No problems here and I use a nexus 7/2012 with software up to date. Said that I don't have the jailbroken or root enabled.
  19. If it gets made or not see simply we will have on impact on me. Might catch if it is on TV and got nothing better to but watch it.
  20. OK, after a bit or rest, made a bit or progress on the knight rider kit. Still working on the Ferrari 348TS. Need to go and buy paints for the bodywork will also be used on 3 motorbike models. At the moment it the kits I want either in my PW or ordered, part reducing my kit buying in the future. Camera battery is charging so photos later on.
  21. Car is 1/24, rest is in scale, road base and figure are separate as is the front scanner (KITT or CARR).
  22. How will that sequel sit with harmony gold since former staff seems to involved. I am sure HG has no probs funding a newe RT ptoject.
  23. Never was into Robotech Neither would I support a kickstarter project that has little to none chance of getting past harmoney good. IME maybe 3-5 out off 100 are worth supporting,IMO.
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