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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. I got the Yamato 1/60 Fan-Racer kit sitting on the Shelf, looks like I got their last a stock. Very nice little kit that I can recommend, $30 sounds about right for it.
  2. Watched Space Dandy is filed in the unwatchable category along Gurren Langaan, Code Gears, Border Break,Gundam Build Fighter, etc.
  3. Strange NOTHING about this in any Japanese or International media, I can read 7 languages.
  4. Yeah, western Tokyo.
  5. Kill la Kill special.
  6. Noticed one thing on the prototype Valkyrie, the wingtip lights are red on both sides, one should be blue/green. Otherwise well done.
  7. Don't care much for the mecha designs, bandai(sunrise) must really come up with something new already.
  8. Considering that the shipping prices are set by the receiving PO or Carrier you won't see much price differences unless the shop swallows the shipping cost.
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