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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. Cancelling preorders really hurts the distributor as they order preorders plus x and are often stuck with extra stock. Hence why most of them cancel accounts who do that often.
  2. Blast from the past. Got a Taarna resin kit. Pity Heavy Metal 2000 was ..... Something anime related, video by Gibhli. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE_yOYv92C4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  3. Not sure how to post a video. My GF today requested the song below, got her hooked on 'Absolute 80's/Radio' an UK radio station. She is 21, 25yrs younger than moi and Japanese. I got a 13yr old son by my j-wife of 15yrs who passed away from breast-cancer 4yrs ago. A fav of hers. Might be TMI for some.
  4. They might have switched to a Korean studio for the remainder off the season. Not uncommon for a long running anime or at mid-season(13 episodes). Would need to see the following episode.
  5. Part 1 of this months haul, still missing 2 Evangelion kits. Next month will include some macross kits.
  6. Got mine pre-ordered. Will start on my RG Strike and Fenice later on, pics in a few hours.
  7. Really enjoyed him in Excalibur, but will give this movie a skip.
  8. Will have an update later today. Finally got my digi camera back and also getting a pull from my private warehouse delivered. Unfortunately the EVA-01 & EVA-05 kits didn't make it back into storage on time, had some stuff that hit the 60 day deadline.
  9. No date set as yet.
  10. Not going to discuss further. Gundam also had mass-produced robots, accepted real robot is Gundam->Votoms(same staff) and onwards.
  11. Hero Robot, is one of the problems. Gundam introduced the Real Robot concept and did away with the Super/Hero Robot concept. Granted newer series brought it back into the Gundam Universe.
  12. Would you say the same if a Macross version was made? Some like me still remember watching original Gundam real time.
  13. Hikuro. I didn't miss anything, the show is just a Gundam version of Danball Senki. The kits are getting more and more modular in order to get more mix/match designs. Rather than using new designs done by pro's they do it on the cheap. Only Gundam in name truly. Said that some of the 'Thunderbolt' designs look good.
  14. That will work just fine, just don't apply too thick a layer. Not sure how much building experience you got, myself over 4 decades.
  15. I would try to get it back into fighter or gerwalk mode(making sure all parts are correctly placed and aligned) than start again. Sounded like last one step the head got rotated.
  16. Hasegawa model also shows 607 on it. Being a Trainer it won't be assigned to a wing but to a base, hence no wing number. Hth.
  17. Forgot, if you get stuck or gotva question feel free to drop me a pm. I should start my RG Strike Freedom next weekend, reckon assembled by Sunday lunchtime.
  18. Scyla. Brave person using a RG kit to train for a MG build. RG are a mix of MG and PG in detail and parts count and all of that in 1/144 scale. Add in microinjection molded parts. Never use stickers myself. Decals I put on after painting but before weathering, this way the decals also get weathered. HTH.
  19. Getting less and less interested in designs from this series. Looks like they now let fans do the designs.
  20. I order through HLJ and am aware that it can take longer, gave up on hobbysearch as they often cancelled my pre or backorders when they got too little stock. Never shopped with Rainbow 10 and Mandarake is a 15 main train ride away. Been with HLJ for about 16yrs now when they still were in Tatebayashi, also met much of their office stuff on good terms with some.
  21. With all the talk about the YF-19 I decided to order 2 kits(currently backordered). Hasegawa Egg-plane YF-19 Hasegawa 1/72 YF-19 Plain vanilla plane, I did build the Hase 1/48 kit some time ago. I prefer models as I can give it the shade or colour I like.
  22. Very nice buildup. Hope mine will arrive soon. 2nd build.
  23. B2 was also a bit of a letdown for me, BI rocked.
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