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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. Talk Talk. It's My Life: http://youtu.be/NXQYyKzyDaENXQYyKzyDaE Such A Shame: http://youtu.be/zbZ9uCQW1Hk
  2. FLCL(Fooly Cooly) is fun, got the Kaiyodo Vinyl/Resin kit of Canti still in its box unbuilt.
  3. Sunrise actually consists of a few studios so theoretically they could run multiple Gundam series. Wonder when we get Gundam Thunderbolt those kits are selling well, maybe as an OVA.
  4. Besides getting stuff from my PW on Wednesday I will also hit Yodobashi and Nakano Broadway as I am looking for certain items. Now do just get through the day tomorrow.
  5. Tip. Stick the tamiya tape to your shirt first to remove some of the Glue. For complex shapes I prefer parafilm. Liquid masking can be tedious.
  6. My orders at hlj usually are packed same day and than overnight delivery. Guessing is that are busy as many would want their orders shipped before the tax increase.
  7. Diorama 1/250 & Wave 1/12 Powered Suit Phase 1(also got the Phase 2 kit). The Z'Gok will be mounted in a wire(supplied) for a leaping attack. Lots of sanding to do on the Lot.
  8. Glad to hear, I use a lot of buffalo stuff reasonably priced and easy to setup.
  9. Back from China, decided to skip the Shaolin Trip and come back a day early. Found a few old Macross kits during trip. Thee old combining hangar kits and the 4 diorama kits(tile with 1 Valkyrie and a few ground vehicles), both those sets can be combined to make a larger display. In the afternoon I am back at the workbench, working on a 1/250 Gundam Dio kit.
  10. Tom Petty - Free Fallin':
  11. The M.lover is fairly rare. Recently bought an 1/40 ORgroid it went for 4200Yen. All the Orgroid kits are the same with different heads. Those kits do pop up from time to time, as well as the Ishkick and Ishform.
  12. Ganbare. Nice buy, I got the same incoming on wednesy. Usually not into toys but picked up a few cutting the recent Macross Sale.
  13. Personally it would enjoy if they do stuff like MS-08th Team but for Macross.
  14. Agree with others, wait till about age 8 or 9. Myself and others started our kit on building models from age 3-5, fun and can be done as a parent child project. Good starting points are the SD Gundam, SD Macross, LBX and D-Style kits. They are snap-together, by age 5 my son was building the Keroro Gunso Kits and cheap gunpla, weathering them with Pens. Those are fairly cheap and I noticed they are more careful with them since they build them themselves.
  15. Yes, you read right. On April 13th there will be a Parade/Event in Kichijoji & Inokashira Park. Parade(Cosplay incl.) starts at 12:30 till 14:00. On the northside(rotunda) will be a 8m Meter 1/1 Replica of a Patlabor, I think it will be the prop from the upcoming life-action movie. Details at http://www.kichijoji-event.com Worthwhile a visit methinks.
  16. Thanks.
  17. Hi all. I ordered a Box of Macross Variable Fighters Collection: https://secure.hlj.com/product/YMT00077/Gsh Question: What is the Secret Item in the set?
  18. Both are the 2199 Yamato, the older in is actually wrongly sized for 1/500 the new one is correct and a bigger model. Only build the old one twice, still a nice model.
  19. Colin Vearncombe aka Black, love his 'Wonderful Life' and 'Comedy' Albums. I can laugh about it n: Wonderful life:
  20. I found HLJ and Hobby Search(Aoshima) very dependable, good service and good pricing. In Japan a new item can't be sold above the price printed on it, selling 2nd-hand is differrent.
  21. Just placed a big order with HLJ, now if all those pesky YF-19 orders delay the shipping of mine I am going to be beefed. Ducks and hides.
  22. Don't have any expectations, Frontier gave me quiet a few things that I didn't appreciate. But a new story ark would be nice.
  23. Placed my order from the PW, actually 2 forgot to add 3 items on the 1st one. Bout $290 but that is still at current tax-rate. PW now dropped to 15 items from 48. First Builds will be D-Style Patlabor kits after that hopefully onto SDF-1 in Lake.
  24. Try Volks directly, the kits are OOP sometimes.
  25. Father And Son / 2007 - Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam):
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