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Everything posted by Spider-X

  1. Hey guyz, I was surfin' the web about news on Ace Combat, and I came across some news for the PlayStation 3. The console will be having an Ace Combat exclusive Title, Ace Combat 7. Here's a scan of the magazine that confirms it: Don't know if this news has already been posted here...
  2. Hey Guyz, I did some photoshopping on the released pics of G.I.Joe... Here are Snake Eyes and Scarlett together in a lil wallpaper I put together... By the way, I gave Scarlett some of her original colors... Enjoy!
  3. My bad, but I still have a vague memory about a black and purple f-14 in Ring Raiders... Could it be flown by the evil chick from Skull Squadron?
  4. Hahah yeah! Well I remember a lot of cartoon shows from the 80s bro, like StarCom, Galaxy Rangers, Pole Position, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors... I kinda made shows from the 80ies my hobby I think I still have some of those ring Jets from Ring Raiders... I'll try to look in those dusty boxes and try to take some snaps of it. I remember I have the Leader of the goodguys... Think his name was Victor Vector...
  5. Hey Guyz, I was just surfin' the web... and I found this movie from the 80ies... It was a movie of a cartoon show that I watched when I was a little kid. I remembered that the main character was from WW2 and was teleported into the 80-90's... or into the distant future... The character was given an F-5 in a tiger paintsheme, and it really looked great. He was flying with a team agains an evil airforce... named Skull Squadron... Yes, I said Skull Squadron... And the leader of that Squadron flew an F-14... But it wasn't the Skull Squadron from Macross Another great feature of the show was that each pilot was given a special ring... that acted as a trigger mechanism to transform the planes into supersonic high-tech silverkinda lookin' planes... Anyway... to see what I mean, here's the intro movie of the show "Ring Raiders":
  6. Hey Guyz, As an admirer of the F-14A/B/D Tomcat, I found it appropiate to say goodbye to our most respected Fighter... By posting some pictures of the F-14 to keep the memories burned in our memory... So as one of the first, I'll be posting some of my fav images of the F-14:
  7. Well I was surfin' the net as usual for information on games from Japan on "The Magic Box, and I stumbled upon this newsflash: "Banpresto announced Another Century's Episode 2 for PS2, the sequel to the popular mech action game, the game will have playable characters from 11 anime series. More details will be revealed at the Tokyo Game Show 2005." And when I looked at the screens, I saw Roy's VF-1S Strike Valkyrie in the game . Maybe we get to see the missing VF's from Super Dimension Fortress: Macross PS2 in this game. I mean the VF-0, YF-19 and the YF-21. Well can't wait to see more news about this game. Here are the screens.
  8. I wonder... is there some "Ultimate PS2 Macross - Guide Book" or something, that's describes how to unlock those planes. Or did Bandai/ Sega AM2 included the shot's of the VF-0, YF-19 etc. to get more people to buy it?
  9. The design of the ARC Fighter is indeed awesome looking. And yes, it really doesn't looks like a fighter... especially for it's size compaired to an X-wing. It reminds me more of an Imperial Assault Gunboat from the Galactic Empire era. Republic ARC-170 Fighter & Imperial Assault Gunboat as seen in the X-wing PC games.
  10. Well, it never hurts to help spread the force of Snap together kits . These kits are excellent for people who don't have the time to really build model kits, but still want to build them very quickly and easily. Just checked the link for the NA to order these kits. They are pretty expensive for a snap together from revell. Even with the import costs... But still, who doesn't want to have this ARC fighter... Fun and Easy to build!!! Another tempting pic: (Making the Impulse Gundam look cool )
  11. I've put the ARC Fighter side by side with an X-wing from the Action Fleet series. It has the same scale, and the pilots are the same size like the action fleet figures. But the rest of the model kits have different scales... About the prices of these babies, there are 3 types of boxes. the first box type is about 10 Euro's, 2nd is 15 euro's and 3rd is 25 euro.
  12. S-Foils in attack position...
  13. And here's the result after a few min. The ARC Fighter without it's wings deployed.
  14. Pre-painted pieces of the ARC-170 fighter. All the 3 pilots are pre-painted. Makes model-kits even more fun to build without getting messy. Still had to glue the pilots onto their seats or they will be shifting up and down, left and right while building the kit.
  15. Now a shot with it's wings deployed:
  16. Well... after 1 and 1/2 min waiting I started to work on this easy-fun-stay clean kit. And after a few min it was finished... All the part's fit in easily, it was just like a gundam kit Well here's the result without the wings deployed.
  17. Well, to see how these babies are molded, here's a shot of the Jedi-star fighter. Even the pilot (Anakin) has been pre-painted. Makes model-kits even more fun to build without getting messy
  18. With Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith released in theaters all over the world, merchanidise of SW:RotS are popping up here and there... Two days ago, I was walking around in my town checking the local toy stores for fun stuff. Then I stumbled upon a very big carded box for some Star Wars stuff... As I looked at it,I saw it was a stand for new Star Wars model-kits of the latest movie. And to my surprise these kit's doesn't needed to be painted and glued... So I bought 2 kits to try them out. Well these are the ones I bought: - Anakin's Jedi Star Fighter - Arc-170 Fighter
  19. Okay... okay... let's also put up a zoomed shot of the Freedom Gundam. This guy was a little more work then the other 2 gundams. I had to airbrush the wings because they were molded totally in a blue color. But it was quite challanging to color the wings... And there you go... a colorfull FREEDOM Gundam hehehe (More pics of my collection coming soon... )
  20. And here we got shot of the Red Frame - Astray Gundam. This is my first 1/100 HG Gundam Seed kit. It has a bad-ass Katana sword. Also paint it a little... and panel lined it a little... Man I love typing dots!
  21. Well... here's another shot of the Aile Strike Gundam. Paint it a little... Panel lined it a little... Kinda a beginner to the Gundam Modelling stuff...
  22. Hey Guyz!!! Well here's my Gundam Seed collection. I don't have that many yet... but is a start. First we'll begin with the 1/100 HG Kits. From the left to the right you'll see the (Aile Strike Gundam, Freedom Gundam and the Red Frame - Astray Gundam).
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