a) I signed up on this forum to be a crusader of truth and justice to car prejudice everywhere
b) WTF is macross
That being said, Yellowlightman is right on except I think the joke is that drifting, because of its subjective nature, is 'the FIGURE SKATING' of motorsports. And I figure its probably closer to the 'Barney on Ice' end of ice skating. In the Olympic stuff, at least people get emotional and stuff. Anyways--
I would like to preface this with saying I have no problem with organized drifting. I think D1 is an excellent addition to the motorsports scene since anything that helps motorsports grow is probably a positive thing, and tail-out driving is a whole lot of fun. If I was to go on and say "drifting sucks, you suck," I'd be no better then all the pencil-dick mouth breathers that make fun of 'parking lot racing.'
What is it that bores you about autocross? Is it the fact that autocrossers are forced to deal with turns at a density SEVEN TIMES GREATER then formula one racers? Or maybe the fact that its timed, and therefor it exposes your inadaquacies as a driver? Either one works for me.
I've driven on 'real tracks' too. Sears Point, actually--one of the most technical (club racer's words, not mine) in the United States. I had about two years (bout 45 events ) of autocross experience under my belt before I hit that gorgeous slithering pavement and it took me about 6.4 seconds to exceed this mythical 60mph barrier you speak of. I went on to hit 110mph in the 'esses,' and passed all cars in the beginner groups and all cars in the intermediate groups. One was a Porsche Turbo. Does that prove anything? Nope. Do I enjoy saying I passed a Porsche Turbo in a stock-motored Street-Touring X prepared '95 325is? Oh hell yeah! Not only did I pass the Porsche Turbo, I PASSED MY G'DDAM INSTRUCTOR on our last session out. She was in a Miata. Did it give me a big head? Nope. She was having allignment issues, and I know deep down she is a far superior driver then myself. In fact, shes driven ITS FC's for a couple years, done a few endurance races (ITB Mk2 GTi in the 25 hour Thunderhill is her most recent long-hour race), and currently has entered a sponsorship to drive a Grand-Am BMW Z3 Coupe. Serious stuff. And you know what she has said about autocrossers?
I got my 'drift' on that track day, as well. The first few sessions were on a soaking wet track. Water plus tire build up equals an extremely slippery surface, and more then once I found my car 20-40 degrees sideways, giving more then one full turn of opposite lock to having to catch it. Where did I learn the car-control skills to allow me to keep the car going in the direction I wanted to? You guessed it, autocross.
So... I don't know which Initial-D-thumping friends you are talking to when you guys make jokes about autocrossers being the grannies of the track world, because its a stereotype I have *never* heard before.
Anyways, just think about what you are writing and who might be reading it. I doubt you are as ignorant as you sound, and you just figured nobody would call you on it. I come from the San Francisco Region of the SCCA, a region notorious for creating more national champions then *any region in the United States.* We take this very serious, and the thought of some drifting punk thinking he is better then me because he is good at losing control of his car makes my blood boil.