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Everything posted by Legioss

  1. Za unbereavable Frash Crapper! Kakkoi Jannu-shoui!
  2. That actually eliminates the popcorn popper gunpod effects?
  3. Maybe everybody already knew about this, but http://www.macross.com/ now redirects to a cybersquatter. Wow, Harmony Gold is doing a great job with Macross! It must be that Macross has become so popular here due to the marketing genius of bankofkev. The cybersquatter shows how much macross.com is thriving. Even the domain name is selling gangbusters for somebody.
  4. Harmony Gold puts it down to deny their failure, just like they do to their other failures the Movie, Sentinels, the books, and Robotech fandom.
  5. My Robotech toys, comics, games, trading cards, and videos haven't been selling at all, even for little more than the price of shipping, all this year because Robotech is so in demand it's making the prices low from all the Robotech stuff selling so well (and the recession and Macross are conspiring against Robotech). The prices are so low from Robotech's success that in some cases the price is $0 making rock bottom prices too high. I wouldn't want to viciously smear Kevin's company by suggesting very few people want Robotech products because of Harmony Gold's neglect of the show. That would be denying reality. Wow, Robotech is really really popular right now. Have some of this protoculture Kool-Aid and you'll see it too. I got it from Kevin.
  6. Anime got popular because in the 80s, there wasn't an anime section in rental stores or a World Wide Web. In the 90s, people had greater access to home video, cable TV, and information. I think mostly it was the increase in popularity of the VCR. The entire home video market got bigger, not just anime.
  7. The Three Stooges must be the documentary for the LAM Chimpanzee.
  8. Taking out the Macross footage was pointless because the original animation still infringes on the copyrighted names + similarity to copyrighted characters at the same time (Max, Minmei, Miriya, Exedore, Lisa Hayes, Zentraedi). The right way to do it would have been to construct the original first 2 or 3 episodes and even get off their asses enough to make a little more animation and voice acting to smooth it out but as always they never do it the right way. I can't unsee Rick and Lisa are Scientologists getting married in front of the symbol at their wedding. Is Rick "Clear" yet?
  9. This has been my theory for at least the last few years:
  10. I read that in Microsoft Sam's voice. See, I don't even have to listen to the next podcast. I can just imagine it. Then he'll say something about going by the wrong numbers or getting them wrong and then he'll call you a maternal copulator.
  11. Harmony Gold are like old ladies trying to shop for a kid, clumsily throwing together their guess as to what cool might be like.
  12. Robotech wasn't galaxy spanning. It takes place mostly on Earth and has a galaxy spanning backstory that was never fleshed out in a truly entertaining way. What Robotech could have been is not a real series. He's getting the story wrong. The "problem" with the Japanese writers was that they were reluctant to work with the characters from the other shows. They wanted to make a new show concentrating on the new characters. Macek suspected they wanted to make a Japanese show with it but never verified if that was the case because communication was broken off when the production ended. Harmony Gold thought they knew more than Tatsunoko about how make an animated series despite their total lack of experience. Writing was moved to Los Angeles where they made scripts putting emphasis back onto the Macross characters. Robotech Art 3, page 22 has the details. mecha2241, Herlock is how the Japanese romanize it. For example, I have an artbook that says "Captain Herlock" on it.
  13. No, you'll have to wait quite a bit longer for thick necked Zor and his 10-pack abs. Jasonc, that's something they might say but as feasible as when they said they were going to sell Shadow Chronicles in Japan.
  14. The fall of Harmony Gold would be good for Robotech fans but not so much for Macross fans if Robotech and Macross get transferred to another company(s). The problem Macross fans have is Tatsunoko. Tatsunoko doesn't work together with the creators of Macross.
  15. Not any future time you could wait for and they could still change the story or put it out in some other form than a movie. Hoping that sequels will come out from Harmony Gold is a waste of time. They missed the bus. You just can't do what they're doing even blaming it on the economy.
  16. Oh boy. Macross is finally "stateside". More recycled announcements. DYRL valks again. I'm so excited. Who cares why we should buy them? Toynami's superior quality speaks for itself! I wonder why I can't get rid of my alpha morphers.
  17. Singers are in every part of Robotech. They always have been and they are part of the story. It's from Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada, not just Macross. Not having (professionally made) songs in Shadow Chronicles out of fear of emulating Macross is one of the things Harmony Gold does wrong. It's one of things that is going to be wrong with Love Live Alive. They could not have won the first war without Minmei, the second without Bowie and Musica, and the third without Lancer. In all three cases there was a subplot where the love of music indirectly led to the winning of the war. Not that I would expect Tommy Yune to understand that.
  18. It confirms that the appearance of the SDF-3 and "Rick Hunter" in Shadow Chronicles is just a Rickroll. Robotech is braindead. It continues as a franchise when the story is already over.
  19. Among the changes in Love Live Alive, the Midnight Rider changed his sleep schedule, he will ride at noon from now on to make him more family friendly, and love costs money. There's no more clapping to get through the night. They'll say horray to get though the day. Fire is dangerous, so instead the children will be encouraged to keep faith in Shadow Rising.
  20. I bought the box for $60.99. It feels like I wasted my money, and I did. I flushed $60.99 to satisfy my curiousity, I have no time to sit through remastered Robotech on Youtube or DVD, but I figure there won't be any downloads of the extras and I wanted to see what they came up with this time. Unfortunately, it's not much. I think I know what you want to know about it and I'll answer those questions. Carl Macek's Robotech Universe is exactly like the Birth of a Sequel featurette with no new information. They don't tell you anything new about how Robotech was made or even go into detail. All it is, is voice actors praising Robotech and Carl. There is nothing interesting in it for Robotech fans. Okay, there is the news of Love Live Alive, but you don't need the box to know that. The videos they show at the conventions with Sera and/or the fighter pilot is not on there. It shows some of Love Live Alive and then a second of Dana's face as drawn by Tommy Yune. The music videos are made by some fan in China. They're not that bad, but the videos have very bad image and sound quality. They look like low resolution video or VHS. The original broadcast versions of the episodes are to me the most nostalgic thing about the A&E set even with their VHS quality. Why would you want a Robotech without that iconic glittering logo and the scanlines revealing green titles? Doesn't it remind you of when you first watched the show? No? Oh. Never mind then. Anyway, the changes are boring, such as Minmei singing (a different song?) at Max and Miriya's wedding. I didn't watch Sentinels and The Movie in their entirety and just skipped around to save myself the pain. Let me know if I missed anything great. Sentinels doesn't look brighter or cleaned up. The new opening and closing is worse. The opening is Remastered-ized with the stretching Star Trek movie titles. Just like Robotech Masters and "The Masters Saga", it's been pointlessly retitled "Robotech: The Sentinels" instead of "Robotech II: The Sentinels" as if it weren't too late to change the title. There's no major additions to scenes in Sentinels as far as I can tell. There's a few seconds of new footage here and there, but nothing interesting. It's obvious and unnatural where they cut out the Macross footage. You can tell something was cut out. The cut version of Robotech The Movie also still looks like a VHS tape. The most interesting thing in the whole box is in end credits of the movie where The Future Is Now plays longer than the soundtrack version. Maybe it's just me because I like the soundtrack, and the original shows, far more than the Robotech series itself nowadays.
  21. You don't ever see a Robotech fan talking about Robert Barron, the director of Robotech, or any of the writers. Most of them don't like anime either. They think anime is for purists and snobs. Obviously Carl didn't introduce them to it beyond knowledge of it's existence and he did by distributing movies like Akira at Streamline Pictures (with Jerry Beck), not Robotech. I didn't find out anything about anime in Robotech. The "cartoon", that a friend told me was Japanese, advertised a comic. At the comic shop, I bought the comics. In the comics was an ad for Protoculture Addicts. Protoculture Addicts reviewed anime. For about year, all I know about anime was from Protoculture Addicts which is how I found out about Dirty Pair, Urusei Yatsura, Outlanders, Harlock, etc. I'd never even heard Japanese until I saw Outlanders.
  22. Next they could add on Bubblegum Crisis. No, too many girls. I got it. How about Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01? It could be the MODAT-6, a Veritech Cyclone created by Dr. Lang and powered by Opteran marijuana.
  23. I'd watch only if it had the cool stretching titles and sound effects from a popcorn popper because then I know Carl Macek's spirit, bless his sacred name, is working through Tommy. Get rid of the band though. Rock music is too much like Macross, that show only purists, elitists, and snobs like.
  24. WTH?! Is it actually confirmed that Mospeada LLA is their "new" animation? I did not believe it was possible. How? It doesn't fit in with Shadow Chronicles in the slightest. edit: What. It's true. Wow. I stand corrected. I underestimated HG.
  25. I know HG doesn't own the Macross designs, but possibly there might not be a legal problem if they remade Robotech: 1. It's not intended to be Macross. 2. It's not a sequel. 3. It's not a new show. 4. Tatsunoko/HG would be remaking their own animation. 5. It's outside Japan. Would Studio Nue need to be compensated for their work? Doesn't the AnimEigo set contain an altered version of Macross?
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