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Everything posted by Legioss

  1. I see what Harmony Gold is getting at. The next logical step after Robotech is to move on to anime, especially now that Robotech isn't Japanese animation anymore. Banky says this industry failed because he's offering that as evidence Harmony Gold created it. See, he's trying to get you to compare non-Harmony Gold productions to Robotech. He wants you to realize that by eternally dwelling on Robotech, there is only a dead end of repurposed dubs. But if you watch something else, it will spawn an industry that Harmony Gold will be very proud of. OMG it's true, Robotech introduces people to anime!
  2. I've seen hours of quality animation on Youtube, better than Shadow Chronicles or RLLA, made by people who give it away for free. Neither the state of the economy nor the anime dub industry effects them. The truth is that Harmony Gold are lazy, IP squatting, copyright trolls. Banky's latest scam is making you rebuy Robotech for $90 if you want Mospeada Love Live Alive. Not Blu-Ray of course. That would make too much sense. It's on 20 DVDs. Harmony Gold's genius A/V experts claim that you'd have to blow up the video and make it look bad, so Blu-Ray isn't possible.
  3. But how can this exist without going to conventions and showing Powerpoint slides every month for 7 years talking about development? Why didn't their budget limit them to badly proportioned character designs? I was told that no one can make acceptable mature animation and if you tried you would go bankrupt. Yet, there it is and it's great.
  4. Yes, Books Nippan, Kimono My House, and Nikaku Animart were awesome. I still have the catalogs. The Books Nippan catalog was where I first found out about Macross II. nippanmacrossii.pdf
  5. Transformers, G.I. Joe, and My Little Pony have done better than Robotech because Hasbro makes new toys and new television shows. Harmony Gold on the other hand makes ridiculous lies, lame excuses, and argues with their customers, an inferior product.
  6. IIRC, they did fly away from Alaska Base. It's very unlikely they would have settled there.
  7. Sorry, I forgot all about this thread. Replied to your email. Basically it's annoying and that's why if the Zentradi come they can stop by. Get your job if it's a good one.
  8. I always hoped it was near Anchorage so this town would get blown up. In our world, the most likely places would be Kodiac Launch Complex (State of Alaska) or Poker Flat Research Range (University of Alaska Fairbanks) if it grew out of an existing facility. In Macross, they could build it from nothing anywhere they wanted.
  9. It's a total bait and switch. Most of the running time consists of Robotech The New Generation episodes you've seen a million times already instead of the music videos in Mospeada. The following things are promised and not delivered as promised in RLLA: Love Live Alive (they didn't even use all of its animation) new scenes of characters actually moving around and doing things for more than a few seconds professional animation that looks better than a fan video Dana (there are only still images of her face and her back with no dialogue) Rick voiced by Rick Hunter (do they mean the episode with the old guys?) The beginning before the clips start is actually pretty good. They might have actually had a movie if they kept going for another 15-20 minutes. I understand, as Tommy said last week, they couldn't get a deal with Michael Bradley to use his Lonely Soldier Boy album, but boring the audience with an hour of old episodes was such a bad idea, it's obvious they don't care if the viewer is actually entertained. Macek had nothing to do with this. He's dead. This was all Tommy. They seem to think the audience will be impressed simply by the fact that Tommy has Final Cut on his Mac.
  10. Wouldn't want to leave out the Harmony Gold masterpiece Robotech 7. trollface.jpg
  11. The UN Spacy symbol is included in the designs that BW/SN retain (Tougou Gun Emblem), as far as I know. HG thinks they were being clever by putting three of them together with a Mars Base symbol but in reality they're only making themselves feel better. You can put together 99999999999 of them and it's still that design.
  12. Robotech: Shadow Frontier with Sheryl Sterling and Alto Hunter. The movie is made up of stitched together episode scenes. Big West/Studio Nue licenses it to them as a joke (small print on the contract says the license expires a year after it comes out). Cut out all the singing (no budget for that). Put in like 5 minutes of DR Movie animation and shop the symbol of 3 UN Spacy emblems on the ships. Then lastly add the stretching credits. Anything else might be too much work and take up valuable convention time.
  13. They couldn't have watched it without translation. The Mospeada dub was done before Macek worked at HG and a Macross dub was the first thing Macek did. He was producing a dub of Macross before he ever heard of Revell's "Robotech". I'm pretty sure he would have researched what SDF Macross was about if at that point he wasn't trying to "Robotech" it. Maybe the other parts like Southern Cro... wait a second, Dana's rank is the same as Jeanne's. Look at the other characters' ranks. A lot of things correlate. Seems to me they knew some pretty geeky details about Southern Cross to have not looked at the translation. Macek said Tatsunoko didn't send them supporting material. Where'd they get the names for the characters and organizations from? Why not make up new ones? What is supporting Robotech? Do Tommy, Steve, and Kevin's pay really come from Robotech sales? They usually aren't that concerned about marketing and selling product. In fact they've said before they're afraid to go out of business so they don't do much. I don't see how supporting Robotech does anything when Harmony Gold acts like it's their hobby.
  14. I'm pretty sure Greg Snegoff retells stories Carl told him of his time in Japan making Sentinels and the Japanese staff who were impressed with Robotech were Kenji Yoshida and/or Ippei Kuri. I can't provide a source because I don't remember, but there it is. "The Japanese" are the people Carl told them about when he got back from Japan, Tatsunoko's owners. edit: I just remembered. It was in Los Angeles, not Japan. In Comics Interview #23 page 22 (1985): SHEL: Have any of the original Japanese writers or artists viewed your version and commented upon it? CARL: Recently, Kenji Yoshida, one of the principal owners of Tatsunoko Studios and one of the producers for the three series that turned into ROBOTECH, was in Los Angeles, viewed what we were doing, and was amazed. For one thing, the Japanese do not have synch. Which means that they never have their actors speak in synch with the mouth movements of the animation. SHEL: That doesn't bother them? CARL: They don't care. They are more interested in telling the story. Immediately, Kenji Yoshida realized that the thing was in synch - he flipped that it was in synch. We have enhanced their sound-effects nearly 2000% - we have 20 times the sound effects that they have done. I can make a scan later if you need it.
  15. Gubaba, will you release the Japanese version too? I study Japanese and it would help. I forget to post in the series forum because I've been busy with college and I'm just going into my senior year. Whenever I check there, a lot of the threads are things that I can't contribute to (too technical) or threads full of opinions I disagree with, usually about how they didn't like 7 or Zero. I don't hate any part of Macross, unlike some people on there, so there's nothing to complain about. I still like Sivil, still have my chunky monkeys, and the last Macross-related thing I did was buy the AnimEigo DVDs which is all I can do because I'm poor.
  16. They had a translation done. Some of the lines from it are left over in Robotech like the Zentraedi talking about the Protoculture from Macross or Dana's brother. They also knew the characters names and made changed versions based on them. Robotech is based on the original shows in animation and story. I can't believe the next EP is actually, seriously, not joking at all, It's You. What, is there a big extended version of it or something? Nobody cares about that song. What is the point? I hate when Tommy smokes crack.
  17. I was listening, skipping around in it, to the Space Station Liberty Macek interview the other day and found it sad how Tatsunoko created this environment where Harmony Gold USA would have to make deals with Macek and Revell to use the license they bought. Apparently, Tatsunoko didn't give them any art to sell the product so they had to go buy some cels from the Carl F Macek gallery where they met Macek. I know it's HGs responsibility to make art for packaging, but there is some extent to which a product line will tend to look similar across countries. Tatsunoko could not have cared less. HG probably didn't even know what was on those reels until they did their Mospeada and Macross dubs and even then I bet they didn't watch the whole show at first. Poor SDF Macross, sold off to the animation company who didn't want to put any effort into marketing it, who let the North American toy line become fragmented. Oh yeah, by the way, the main toy you need to sell this show has been sold to Hasbro.
  18. Part of his post was a joke, so I'm assuming the entire thing was a joke. I can't think of how there would be enough of "It's You" to release a single. It's probably going to be In My Heart/Underground. Of course the real question is: why don't they go ahead and release the whole set?
  19. The true continuation of Robotech is Robotech III: Not Necessarily The Sentinels and Robotech IV: Khyron's Counterattack (which I still need to get around to putting on DVD one day. I apparently have an early leaked copy).
  20. Yes, technically the only material never released on any album is the guitar solo, incorporated into the "complete" version with technology they didn't have available to them in 1985, and clips of the guy talking between tracks. The Sentinels/Movie Main Title was on the Robotech The Movie LP soundtrack.
  21. Not that I'm pitching a tent pole for Robotech swirling down the toilet, which is what praising Robotech nowadays usually is, but the We Will Win EP got here this morning and it's pretty good. It's the best product that has come out for Robotech since the Robotech Perfect Soundtrack Album in 1996. This is because the source material was made at the same time as the show. I don't like the Tommy Yune art, but the music sounds the best it could possibly sound. I would not be praising it if it wasn't good. You may remember I didn't like the A&E box and have already sold it. It starts off with the version on the previous soundtracks. The sounds are clearer and positioned better, not the fake stereo or tracks taken from the show that it used to be. 2nd track is the third verse. Then they play the piano solo. Then the 4th track is the instrumental that sounds like it has another instrument in place of her voice but it's just louder. The fifth track is a guitar solo. Then they combine the song, the third verse, and the guitar solo together to make a better version that wasn't possible in the 80s. Then there's the Minmei version of The Way To Love. I remember people telling me it didn't exist when you can hear it in the background when Jack Baker takes his test and the instrumental (not on here) is in Hard Times when Rook sees Romy. The Sentinels/Movie Main Title is next and then the The Way To Love piano solo (the piano solos were on the previous release). There are "Robotech 25 years" logos all over it and it does say on the cover "25th Anniversary Edition" with a 2011 copyright. Close enough for me since I don't care about their missed anniversary. Basically, the Robotech music doesn't sound cheap anymore because it's in real stereo. The quality goes up because these songs have a lot of instruments. As for Rebecca Forstadt, she wasn't a professional singer so I won't comment on this forum about her. I personally wasn't bothered by her voice in this new recording though. The reason I wanted this was for the Sentinels Main Title and I got it but was surprised at We Will Win becoming listenable again. If you're boycotting Harmony Gold, of course you don't want to buy anything from them. I personally don't believe my purchases really matter and when they have something I won't want to get rid of later, like the AnimEigo Macross DVDs I got from them last year, then I buy it. Toynami shutting down wouldn't effect me at all because I have no room to store their floppy flimsy toys made of weird plastic anyway (I used to own an MPC Rick). I'm still trying to get rid of Robotech toys I already have. I also don't care about their comics or RPGs aside from things like a page with Annie or Dana. If they got somebody to write a novel it might be good, but then again Tommy would want to write it for them.
  22. Took me a while to make sense of Yui's Engrish and what that page is. I wouldn't expect them to like it. The story is in English, it's old, it's unoriginal, the OP and ED and sound effects have been ruined through "remastering", it can't compete against other animation, and if they bother to watch Sentinels and Shadow Chronicles on top of that the additional animation is very cheap and from Korea. 64. 米国版OPも思ったほど悪くないな。 ワクワクさせる感じ。 If I understand correctly, they like the main title? 9. ロボテックてタイトルがダサいな I probably wouldn't like the title Robotech either if it came out today instead of the 80s. Back then it sounded kind of cool in a less technological world. Just like here, there are also other companies and things in Japan called ロボテック. It's like the show is using a name that's already used for something else. Maybe that's what they're talking about.
  23. How are you not allowed to criticize Carl Macek when he's got a new documentary and movie? If he's off-limits because his messed up ideas about anime are history then his name shouldn't be on the products. That's like the policy at their website where if you hate the people who make Robotech then you're making personal attacks.
  24. It's キャプテン・ハーロック but says on the cover of my Japanese artbook in English "Captain Herlock". Herlock is just a spelling, not a romanization. Harlock is apparently also used in Japan when his name appears in romaji.
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