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Everything posted by Legioss

  1. I'm worried I'll have to move because there's no room on my desk for Macross Δ figures. Let's see. I could clear off some stuff and gather some around Lum. There's some room to fit one more behind Klan...
  2. I want you guys to give me $500,000 on Kickstarter for making a sketch of a standing person every few days for the next month and describing a fanfic. I won't be able to give you any more information than that until I have your money, but stay tuned!
  3. Just saying because it's in there, the post above his was an attempt to explain to a Robotech fan asking for "Sentinels" that Harmony Gold does not own the rights to animate Hikaru Ichijo. He's one of the people led on with their "we own the derivatives" ****. He didn't answer. I can only assume they really do want to see the continuing adventures of Rick In Name Only, and his friends who are totally not from Macross, and refuse to comprehend that Robotech Academy was Sentinels. It was HG's legal Sentinels.
  4. The "Children of Zor" picture is not a Sentinels design, despite it appearing like one on the DVD. They showed some preproduction material to a children's book illustrator and that fantasy type artwork was her understanding of it.
  5. said Kevin on page 23 of the Robotech Academy thread (the latest post). What if this kills Shadow Rising and even the LAM? That might be a nice side effect.
  6. Harmony Gold doesn't like Japan very much. They call non-Japanese designs and animation "anime" including Korea and Argentina. Tommy doesn't bother to pronounce Mospeada right. They call Robotech Masters "Southern Cross". They see anime as failed raw material to be localized with superior Western culture. They claim they're major players in an anime industry where everybody's failing except for them. And they associate Japan with haters trying to ruin their enjoyment.
  7. One of the books has many beautiful full page and smaller color pictures. It's mostly the characters but with some mecha. The other book has linart, douga (cel lineart), and a section with color picture of character models and backgrounds.
  8. The enemy spy thing is obviously a joke ($2). A better example is Kevin calling somebody "sleazy" for misquoting him.
  9. Duke, I wasn't talking about everyone else, just a few people who are going around the Internet trying to get others to care about Macross with trolling and insults, which doesn't help us. Seto, spewing nerd rage to the public and people working at a company is not going to influence anyone to do anything. People only want to know what's in it for them. They don't care about your bad Alto cosplay, to use an example from the Kickstarter comments page this morning, and they don't respond to threats ("I was going to pledge $5000 but now I hate you"). So that's actually a gun sticking out the front of it? I agree with them about the "???" because I don't know what the purpose of this picture is. It looks like a pile of random stuff.
  10. In Sayonara no Tsubasa, there's what I assume is a layer change when they attack the Vajra nest and Ranka is singing. It freezes there in MacGo Blu-ray Player unless I skip ahead of it. http://www.woookao.cn http://www.dvdfab.cn/download.htm edit: Ripping didn't help, but woookao made it so I could play it in VLC with no freeze. PNG snapshots! Can this forum display PNG files? It shows up as a black rectangle but opens fine on my computer. http://imgur.com/a/TMtat/
  11. It's ugly because it's cluttered. Please stop making Macross fans look bad with these troll theories. You are not helping. Palladium forums: How can anyone still be unclear about the licenses after hundreds of pages of debate pinned to the top of this forum? Robotech.com: Can't we get even one person to debate with Kevin McKeever who's not a socially inept dork? Kickstarter: More influencing people by threatening and insulting them. Macrossworld: This design infringes on anything that's pointy in the front or has guns. MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!
  12. You forgot to mention in your example that Mountain Dew PLUS, Frontier, II, and 7 contain freshly made original Mountain Dew formula, while your Pepsi sells old stale cans left over from when the original creator sold it to them, copies of those cans, and very rarely they make some cheap merchandise for sale with the Mountain Dew logo on it like dorky hats and wallets. They only have second hand knowledge of Mountain Dew just like any other fan. Harmony Gold has licensed SDF Macross from Tatsunoko until 2021 unless extended further. http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/07/23/Transformers.pdf
  13. The best one on there is Captain. "Farty McButtlips, stop ****ing around and get back to your veritech, now!"
  14. Every time I watch these movies it completely blows my mind how much detail there is and how cool they are. If they make movies for the new series, it may even surpass this. And there's so much in them, 3 hours not counting the extras. The people who made them obviously love working on Macross very much with all the detail in San Francisco and in the space battles and the loveable characters. Big West, Satelight, and Bandai deliver in every single way. I actually don't even feel like it was expensive at all for what's in the box. (sorry, Mac Blu-ray player only does jpg snapshots)
  15. The subtitles are great for when I just want to relax and watch it without concentrating on understanding. They're my break from AJATT I shouldn't be doing. CDJapan says mine is on the way through "Air Mail" without tracking.
  16. Okay on second thought, maybe everyone does believe the same things about Macross. Maybe you will get your Megaroad.
  17. I preordered from CDJapan yesterday, but I don't have a PS3 yet to look at the extras. Any US PS3 will work, right? They did put a hold on my credit card/bank account for the amount.
  18. Does it have transforming electric wheelchairs?
  19. Grand Mal has leeched the majority of the extras money because people thought it was the Japanese manga and/or they just really like their Blu-Rays with comic book PDFs. At least we got nice packaging. I voted for packaging first, Amaray and chipboard, and then kanji subtitles with premium as first priority.
  20. It take it back. I meant they're made by emotionally immature slimy scumbag douches for creepy nostalgic losers. I can understand why someone has kept up with Robotech since the 80s and/or if they're a Macross fan, especially if they're aware that the original Japanese animation is most of what made it good, Harmony Gold has ruined the brand, and Harmony Gold is damaging the reputation of Macross internationally. I cannot understand nostalgia not kicking in for 28 years. They had over 2 decades to satisfy their nostalgia. Everything's gotten a comeback and a remake. I cannot understand why someone who knows nothing about Robotech would be attracted to Shadow Chronicles and Love Live Alive for their own sake. What would attract them to it? The packaging? I've got to admit the packaging is technically good while it tries to make Robotech look like something it's not.
  21. I don't see the comparison to Mospeada Love Live Alive or FB7. Those are professional productions that make you feel something and think. Shadow Chronicles and Robotech Love Live Alive are bland emotionally immature videos for eight year olds.
  22. I'm too logical for this picture. Somebody get that punk in a garbage bag out of the junkyard and why are the tidal forces not ripping him apart while the ships in formation circle around him?
  23. No problem. You have until November 23rd to catch up. There was just a movie, Equestria Girls, and season 4 starts this fall. For the last two years, Friendship is Magic has been one of the most productive fandoms that ever existed. http://youtu.be/6fsxY5MgEmg I bought a SDCC DJ Pon-3. No, I'm never going to try to take her out of the plastic. She just stands on the table behind Mitsune and her chair, beer mug, and speaker.
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