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Everything posted by Legioss

  1. Possibly, if I have time. If I'm confused about something chances are it's in episode 2.
  2. That looks amazing. I like the underwater pics and the cel animated mecha.
  3. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VICL-573 I'll get Let's Fire!! (I don't want SM. The CDs and booklets are inferior.)
  4. Is this a different VF-1R than..that other one?
  5. That's the best VF-1J toy ever and I'm going to have it. The TV pilot, array of features, and perfect transformation just closes the deal. Oh man I hope I get that Most Pirated Collection sold soon. I'm so glad I've finally seen the light.
  6. I've just started getting both versions of the Macross 7 fansubs. Starting at episode 4, the AiA version was choppy, like it was missing frames. Then I watched the ASS episode 4 and it was just fine.
  7. Yes, I meant Robotech Art 1. It was a typo. TOS means terms of service, same difference. Matchbox molds suck. I have Perfect Collection and 3 copies of Robotech Perfect Soundtrack album, 2 of which I preordered at Carl Macek's dealers room table at Robocon 10. I have seen the recent thread on Robotech.com where Tom says he now wants to make a new soundtrack, and BTW talks trash about Macek. Like the reissued Matchbox molds it's still vaporware and he didn't say anything about Michael Bradley or Arlon Ober. You haven't seen anything I'm talking about because you haven't been around. Never mind. I'm done with this whole topic.
  8. If you get into a fight, dodge and sing Totsugeki Love Heart to them.
  9. I've found Macross 7 to be a lot better than I thought it would be. I cheated myself out of it all this time. It has a huge chunk of the Macross story, so we have to see it.
  10. Parents let their kids sleep over at Michael Jackson's house because he's got big bucks and they want to sue him. edit: Yes, they're pimping their kids out to Jacko.
  11. Which one? I want Totsugeki Love Heart, but Seventh Moon and Planet Dance would be nice too.
  12. <_< If it determined your sexual orientation I wouldn't be able to be a Marmalade Boy fan.
  13. Are iMacross 3 and 4 down or just busy? I have a few pictures scanned from Macross doujinshi, one inside page. As usual of hentai manga, they don't actually show it. edit: tmi
  14. BTW, the AiA (Anime in Action) fansubs of Macross 7 seem to be way better than the ASS (Anime Skyscraper) version. When I downloaded the ASS version at first it was choppy, missing most of the frames, in all players and the subtitles were out of sync with the dialogue. I can't wait to see all of Macross 7. I think I'm going to buy the Galaxy Network Chart CD. Mylene's voice sounded familiar. I thought maybe it was Megumi Hayashibara but I looked it up and it's Sakurai Tomo. I've heard other seiyuu similar to her. Sorry for rambling. I just watched episode 2. edit: When Mylene says "nani", she sounds like Lina Inverse.
  15. The culture may have something to do with it, but I think it's mostly the maturity of the parents.
  16. Those files are XviD. You might have the wrong build. http://www.divx-digest.com/software/xvid.html (for Windows) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-...oe=UTF-8&q=XviD
  17. I had put my heart into my love of Robotech. It took me so long to realize it wasn't back because I had to see all the evidence of this new Harmony Gold's evil with my own eyes. Please don't think I'm stupid for being so rabid about it and taking so long to realize this. My Harmony Gold and my Robotech are not this Robotech.com crap. Robotech sparked my imagination over the past 16 years since I first saw it. I was seeing a vast, exciting, universe in Robotech that was just like anime and didn't have to ripoff those 3 shows anymore. I thought Harmony Gold shared my passion for it. I'm so embarrased of the Robotech products in comparison to the quality of the Japanese products. The website is so unprofessional. Harmony Gold makes an effort to make Robotech look even more like a bootleg. They rely completely on second hand information about the shows. Tatsunoko sends them no official information or materials if they even have or if Harmony Gold even asked for it. Why is the Infopedia still uncomplete and copied out of Robotech Art 3? Why should we care about this Jack Archer assclown and his ugly animation mistake ripped straight out of Macross, when they haven't even released any enemy mecha yet? I want a new CD! The soundtrack CDs are the best thing about Robotech of all time. The artists have said they would like to make new music and Harmony Gold bastards say no. Why all the secrecy about the new products when they should be promoting them while they're still behind the scenes? Lucasfilm makes money off selling behind the scenes looks at the new Star Wars. The only thing Harmony Gold has learned from Lucasfilm is the special edition. They'll release important information about their products in the forum or in the chat, but not announce it on the front page, and then you have to go digging with their useless search. The TOS are totally unreasonable. They consider the creators of Macross to be their competitors and you can't even say "Yamato 1/48". Harmony Gold lures us in with low prices and munipulation of our nostalgia. They're also rude if they suspect you aren't kissing their asses. edit: A good alternative to Robotech.com is the board we all posted at, even the HG people, before Robotech.com: RDF-HQ Harmony Gold staff hasn't posted in years and they have never controlled the board. You can have intelligent conversations there because it belongs to the old fans.
  18. Sounds like you're talking about a Legioss with "never ending missiles" and RT. It's from the anime Genesis Climber Mospeada and it was designed by Shinji Aramaki. He didn't get the idea from Star Trek. Mospeada aired in 1983. You can get more information on Mospeada at: Genesis Climber Mospeada Universe and Ultimate Genesis Climber Mospeada edit: fixed the URL
  19. I think my THX non-special edition laserdiscs are fine representations of those movies. It can always be "better". When you're drawing, there's a point when you can draw too much and ruin your drawing, no matter how cool the additions may be. Films are like that too.
  20. Macross 7 rocks. I love the songs and the character designs. I blinded myself to it before, but now watching it again with a better knowledge of Macross I understand. The passion of Basara reminds me of Sakuragi Hanamichi from Slam Dunk or Kintaro Oe from Goldenboy. It's fun to watch.
  21. I know you Robotech fans (you too, BOK) are grieving for Robotech. If you can just move towards the stage of acceptance, that's all I ask. The old Robotech, made from 3 anime series, is over. You don't have to get rid of all your stuff or stop talking about it. All you have to do is don't buy Robotech DVDs, don't buy Macross Saga comic books, and don't buy Macross Saga toys. Even though it was paid for, the concepts are still ripped off of Studio Nue. Continued support of the old Robotech is not right. Supporting Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada is still okay. If you still want to be a Robotech fan, from now on the only Robotech you should be supporting with your cash is the new series because it's original. This was not an easy conclusion for me to arrive at. It's the culmination of all the crap I've taken from and for Harmony Gold over the years. I'm still going through the painful process of stepping back from Robotech. You don't want to be caring about Robotech when they destroy it.
  22. I've contacted the penguin armada in Antarctica about this toy blacklisting and they're on their way.
  23. I'm posting this here because it's a cool picture. How crude the other Wildstorm drawings are compared to the original artist. They're just doing mechanical reproductions of the Lancer character. In an Amano drawing, you can see Yellow's feelings. "You don't want to listen to my song?"
  24. People cannot overcome abuse and find alternatives to violence unless they learn to fight back. Isn't that the whole point of the Good vs Evil plots of these shows, that peace talks with the Decepticons failed?
  25. I just tried many times to get into the imacross servers. Does anyone know where else, web/ftp/irc/anywhere, I could get the song Totsugeki Love Heart?
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