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Everything posted by Legioss

  1. Robotech Shadow Schwartz
  2. Rick's voice: Use the Shadow Force, Scott.
  3. It's either down or not there anymore. ADV? edit: Now it's working again. When I went there before it redirected to a page at landing.domainsponsor.com with a popup window. If it doesn't go to the torrent page try adding on /1.php to the end of the URL.
  4. If seeing the light of Macross cleanses you of McKinneyism, then it can't be all that bad.
  5. I want a Nabeshin outfit for my Rick doll. BTW, there are real Macross dolls that were made later in the 90s. If you really gotta have the dolls, I would suggest those instead.
  6. I remember seeing this same thread/topic before, maybe a year or more ago. Was it the old board?
  7. If ADV doesn't include the omake, the Robotech movie footage to Megazone music, I could try to capture it off LD.
  8. ADV looks better to me. The black lines are sketchy in ADV and solid in HK, but it looks like it's blurred, not restored. In the HK, Yui's mouth is pixelated, but the lines on her mouth are continuous in ADVs.
  9. Really. Unless that Invid is a humanoid like Corg, for the most part the Invid believe what they're doing is on the side of good or "light". They don't see humans as people that you would "spare the life" of. It's like squashing a bug to them. edit: Oh.. you were talking about that picture. Yeah, he's humanoid. The pilot is probably just being sarcastic. They usually don't spare anything.
  10. I've been running the same installation of Windows 98 since fall 2001. I use it several hours a day. I've run setup over it to help recovery, but never formatted and reinstalled for 2 1/2 years. It's actually fun when the OS does stop working cause I get an excuse to run Lindows Live.
  11. That's so stupid. I thought it was going to be back on Cartoon Network. If it's on Anime Network, then the new series will probably also be on Anime Network, and this Robotech revival won't go on for much longer after that because nobody's watching Anime Network. No need to pay for extra cable channels to get your nostalgia fix. I'm sure there will be torrents for the new Robotech.
  12. Do you happen to have a link to the article? I read a similar story in my local newspaper and I thought it said that they got some genetic material out of a male and then used it to modify one of the eggs.
  13. Latitude: 61° 10' 56.823056234" Longitude: -149° 47' 7.95503177156" Anchorage, Alaska
  14. Torch and Reed have loopy expressions, but Ben and Sue look okay. It's like half manga style. This person works for Marvel? That's what I assume from a Google search.
  15. No, they don't. A lot of us want the LLA songs badly.
  16. What's up with the stretcho lady on the left (in the first pic)? I didn't know there was a Mrs. Fantastic in Evangelion.
  17. The picture at the beginning of this thread was also on the Robotech Macross Saga vol. 1 laserdisc. I got it in 1994, so it's at least that old. At the bottom, below the hand, there's a square with 2 triangles facing each other inside of it (pointing inside from 2 corners of the square) and beside that is "Artmic". Nice shot, VF-1A. You completely missed hitting a regult at point blank range and now you're going to crash into him.
  18. That was on the front of Robotech.com before it opened, but it was the only one I didn't save. Archive.org didn't archive the picture either.
  19. When you're rolling into AX this year, remember: Harmony Gold must be stopped...no matter the cost.
  20. I Robotrolled on alt.fan.macross for about 2 years. Then I joined Macrossworld on 9/01. I Robotrolled this board for about a year like I did on alt.fan.macross, lost interest in that, and changed my name for the new board.
  21. Exedore...... . The Wedding Singer "Give me tiiiiiiiiime..."
  22. I've noticed most fans of a given franchise don't like what the show is really about. They like whatever it is they wanted it to be or what they thought it was before, and the nostalgia.
  23. It's not my responsibility to understand Harmony Gold's problems. They give me what I want when I want, or they don't get the money. Harmony Gold always has some excuse for everything. They make big promises, then fall short of the promises, and then they make excuses. They're always like that.
  24. As far as I know, Big West is responsible for the cancellation of the US release of Macross 7 Trash. I asked one of the Harmony Gold people in Robotech.com chat and, I don't remember the response exactly because it was a while back, but it sounded like they blamed Big West. edit: Never mind. HG's word doesn't prove anything.
  25. I just think this is funny. They're actually tracing Macross Plus for the comics. Like I'd pay money for these turds when I have real anime and manga. Daidalus has been asking me if I've bought Robotech Invasion yet. I can see now that I don't have to. What's in it that I have to pay for? Nothing that matters. Have you seen the sales numbers for the Robotech comics? Robotech is swirling the bowl and they're about to make another one!
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