I don't know you, but I officially hate you!
I have one out f the box, but it's waist joint is broken, still somehow transforms and holds together in 2 pieces though! But yeah be careful of that joint
That's exactly how I saw both skullmilitia, couldn't have said it better myself. Then again I do like deep shows as well. And no I don't count gundam as deep... I count it as spewing BS trying to pretend to be intelligent. Kawamori doesn't go out of the way to explain it, he lets the viewer apply their own interpretation and each person see a different part of the depth that matters most to them.
yeah I totally want that new Jetfire haha. He looks pretty cool. I don't like many of the modern retail transformers, but he has far more of the old school charm
Yeah watched the series with my wife and she's a fan now. Got her own valks and everything. Though the downside is that I just got some Ichiban Kuji frontier figures (pics soon) and as soon as I opened them she shot-gunned the Grace Vf-27... should have got a pre-nup...
Yep! we did the same. After the honeymoon in Japan, we came back with far too many macross toys. They have been boxed and waiting till me move into our new house which is almost built. Then when we have money to buy some cabinets so we can put it all up! So basically I'll have display pics in maybe 10 years...