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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    This is Macross World, it's how we do things.
  2. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    For all the clamoring I did to try and secure a pre-order I had to let it go. There is just too much other stuff coming out and this is the first potential pre-order to fall to budgetary issues.
  3. Eh, when you characters face doesn't import right AND several decisions didn't carry over either. Wrex being dead for example despite my saving him and talking to him on Tunchanka in 2 and also having crew members dead when I had dedicated so much time to save them all. It was just a sloppy effort for a keystone feature. And while I waited for the importer fixes, the endings basically got spoiled despite my attempts to avoid any. Finding out everything boiled down to A.B or C regardless just put me off the whole experience. ME3 wasn't myonly reason for not buying Bioware anymore, it was just the final reason. I realize my importer issue is fairly uncommon, but it left an extremely sour taste in my mouth from the moment I put the disc in.
  4. Finished the comic, thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the end. With as bleak as everything was up until that point, I was expecting the worst, but I was pleasantly surprised. When I first saw Miller's design for Batman years ago, I hated it so so much. Now it's one of my favorites. I use that design when I play Arkham city. I just really wish this animated movie had kept the..."fat bat" emblem on his chest. Bruce was friggin monstrous and I liked that the bat logo followed the same idea.
  5. Bitter comment incoming: My Shepard died the moment I put the game in. The importer totally borked him and the "fix" did nothing. I held out hope for Bioware's fix and by then it was too late to return it. For I series I enjoyed so much, I didn't even get past character import on 3. I've basically washed my hands of Bioware and EA at this point.
  6. For real. But w/e one it is it looks great. This whole 1/6 collecting thing has become a dangerous "problem". I went from one Hot Toys figure (the new Classic Predator) and the Sideshow Boba Fett to having pre-order on Bane, DX-12 and the Camo Tumbler. I thought I was content with smaller pieces overall. But I find myself eyeballing many of larger collectibles as I get older.
  7. Which release is that? I have the new DX-12 on Pre-order and I cannot wait. This reminds me a lot of him, but I'm not a HT (or Medicom) expert so it could be the TDK one from either company. Either way, it looks great and I can't wait for the TDKR version to actually release. It'll be my first Batman purchase in years.
  8. Really debating seeing this a 4th time. My local theaters run 5 dollar days a couple times a week.
  9. Couldn't agree more with this one. I enjoy the story, but some of the art is...bleh.
  10. Been looking at the Bane figure a bit more closely, and while I'm excited to have it, I see potentially some disappointing things about him. His elbows don't appear to be double jointed, so it will likely be impossible for him to do one of his signature poses. The one where he grips his vest. I realize that HT probably sacrifices some poseability for the sake of a clean look and I'm not sure you could get proper elbow articulation without some unsightly joints. Still kind of a let down though. I may be wrong on this next point since I only have a HT Predator, but the body for Bane seems generic. It matches Hardy close enough I suppose but there doesn't seem to be any of the scarification he had in the movie. I'm sure it's extremely cost prohibitive to come up with new body molds for every figure, but I would have liked to see it on Bane. Still excited for the figure, still have him on pre-order. I'll just have to re-evaluate how I display him when the time comes.
  11. I'm reading the graphic novel now and am enjoying quite a bit. Looking forward to this though. Still wish they'd have just gotten Kevin Conroy to do the voice of Bruce/Batman. But they didn't get him for Year one or Under the Red Hood, so I guess I'm not too surprised.
  12. Saw it for the third time last Sunday. I love it all the more each time I go. It has really cemented itself as my favorite of the 3.
  13. I was reallybon the fence about the 1/6th scale stuff. But TDKR Batmam, Bane and the eventual Arkham releases are too coop to ignore. The desire to collect these larger pieces has really snuck up on me. If Hot Toys opts to produce the Batmobile from the Arkham games, my resolve against large vehicles may break as well.
  14. Omega pretty much hit it on the head as far as I'm concerned. And personally, I felt like this movie had the most fleshed out version of Bruce Wayne we've seen. At least in the movies. I thought this was by far Bale's best outing as Bruce and I loved the movie all the more for it.
  15. Bit the bullet and pre-ordered the new Hot Toys Batman and Bane. I really loved both characters in the new movie and I figure if I'm gonna own some form of them, it might as well be the Hot Toys versions. I guess Sideshow Fett didn't swing me as clear of the format as I'd have thought.
  16. Finally saw it yesterday and loved it. I've been anxious to see Hardy's Bane and it didn't disappoint. There were only one or two words I didn't understand. He was easily my favorite villain of these Nolan films. Overall I think this was my favorite of the series.
  17. Seibertron posted that the Springer repaint might make its way stateside (with the others in that group). It's yet another Springer repaint, but I like him, and the mold they are using is pretty cool. I may try to snag him. MP Thundercracker seems nice. I'm not really a huge fan of the character or anything, I just like the blue deco, so I'll probably try to get him. The fact he's the new seeker mold really helps, if it had been the older one I'd have passed on it.
  18. I don't have much love for the 29, I think it's kind of over the top. That being said, this scheme looks great on it. If the stars and planets aligned so I was able to secure one, I probably would.
  19. So I got the Sideshow Boba Fett in today (pretty sure he qualifies as 6th scale) and I'm really impressed. The only other actual Sideshow product I have is a maquette, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. Fett is insanely detailed, perhaps even too much. His rocket pack, belts and certain pieces of armor are all connect like they were functioning real world items. So the detail is great, but it makes him a little finicky. For a figure with actual cloth his range of motion is impressive, especially the elbows which are double jointed and feature human like range of motion even with all the armor and whatnot. Overall I like it a lot, and I feel like it was a good purchase, especially with the 70ish dollars off I got with my Sideshow points. All that being said, I don't think I'll be building up my collection of large scale human figures. I think I prefer statues or just robots/mecha for the 12 inch + size range.
  20. I wonder if they'll do a 17D release sans Super Packs. I dig the B&W scheme, accurate or not. My love for the 17 design in general has grown quite a bit recently. I'd like to have one in my collection.
  21. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    According to their Facebook page, the 504 error is just due to extremely heavy site traffic. Maintenance is supposed to be done.
  22. If they had already sold out of pre-orders, you'd think they would just say so when asked about them via email. Who knows though.
  23. I've been messing with my single 1/48 a lot lately, it is a fantastic toy. That being said, everything else I own Macross wise is 1/60. I love that all major releases, even across companies, is the same scale and I've never been one to care much for scale. I still need to hop on the 1/60 v2 VF-1 train and I want this release. I know nothing about it other than I think it looks damn cool.
  24. They've been kicking around the Ender's Game movie for so damn long. I'll be really curious to see what it's like when it finally shows up in theaters.
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