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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I was so so content with my original 1/60 of this guy.... but damn, it looks fantastic. I may have to find room on the shelf for this.
  2. Got mine the other day and had a chance to fiddle with it. All in all I'm pretty indifferent to this thing. It looks fine when it's just sitting there but it is fiddly as hell and nothing feels like it really locks up nice and tight like....well any Yammy release recently. It's fine I guess, but I probably wont go chasing down any more Bandai Valks. For the 200ish shipped I paid for it I'm not super thrilled. But eh, it's here and in the case now.
  3. Stoked about Springer. I really haven't been satisfied with any version of him before, even Warbot. But I'm digging this. Also Beast Hunters Prime, both the Voyager and the new huge one look pretty cool.
  4. So Soundwave came in today and my feelings are.....more mixed than I expected. My first impressions out of the box are that he is super light. I normally hate metal in Transforming toys but my latest Yamato purchases have swayed me some. So compared to the Valks I've been opening the past few weeks he is featherweight. My other impression out of the box is that the plastic feels....cheap I guess or brittle (nothing is broken so no panic button). The sculpt is nice and the joints are good (though the hips seem....not designed well) but the figure just feels...not worth its normal price point. I mean I'm glad I have him. On the shelf he looks awesome but as a tactile experience he is off. Laserbeak on the other hand is awesome. Paint, plastic, engineering are top notch. So he's kind of a mixed bag for me. I really dig the look of him and the character in general but I'm not drawn to fiddle with him like I am my new Valks.
  5. I would love to see a MP Jazz as he is one of my all time favorites as well. I'd like to see them get a bit more ballsy though. Give us an MP Cyclonus or Springer or even Magnus that isn't just a white OP.
  6. I'm sure I could think of others, but one that really stands out to me is Lazengann. As cool as Gurren Lagann is, Lazengann was substantially more bad ass imo. I'd love to see some huge die-cast rendition, but I'd be happy with an SRC from Bandai. I have the Revoltech version, but it just doesn't cut it.
  7. Nippon Yasan is my solution to this mess. I'll take a minimal mark up (at least when they first go up) or a bit higher shipping to avoid tearing my hair out. All my orders with them thus far have been excellent, and they seem to be able to fill every pre-order they take
  8. I got mine from BBTS as well. Did you pre-order early enough that you locked in the better deal?
  9. You totally called it. Between your description and the picture in the booklet I figured it out. It was just really finicky to get it to slide on both my Kai and my 19F. Thanks for that, had I gone off videos alone I'd have probably kept missing it.
  10. I'd really like to see them revisit Macross Zero. I only ever bought a Nora SV-51 and I love it. But with all the great new stuff Yamato has been doing, Zero could stand to get updated. Hopefully then we'd see some of the things we missed the first go around. TV SDF-1 would be awesome too
  11. Sorry for the double post but I gotta ask. Is there some secret to getting the chest to lock down proper? I push the nose up until it clicks. But it seems like no matter how I try to angle the gullet, if it's pegged into the nose, there is a huge gap at the other end of the gullet. It seems like the sides of the chest are supposed to tab into the round holes under the LERX, but I'll be damned if i can find the right way to get everything snug. All I know is a I see most people with their valks all nice and flush and I can't get it here. Neither Veefs vids nor the Yamato one seemed to shed light on what I'm not doing.
  12. I thought JJ had so definitely not to Star Wars. He's also already committed to a 3rd Trek. He's a great director and I think he'd do them justice. This would just be a big turn around from his statements earlier.
  13. MP Soundwave shipped out today. The in hand pictures look pretty awesome so I'm hoping I like it when it arrives. I don't buy decepticons typically and I've pondered a Soundwave for years. I have the Macross bug bad right now though, so hopefully I don't regret buying him over another Valk.
  14. Alrighty, so I got to mess with my 19F when I got home and it is fantastic. Totally agree with Graham's feelings on this one. The color is gorgeous, the head sculpt is my favorite of any 19 and may be my favorite in all of Macross. All the joints on my F are nice and tight, even the ankles. Honestly it is probably the nicest Macross product I own and may be one of my favorite transforming toys ever. It is just a great great toy. Nippon Yassan came through on the packing for this one too. The box was in good shape, plenty of newspaper and bubble wrap around the box. There wasn't a ding or scratch to be seen.
  15. I've been strongly considering the stand alone ones for my new 17S. I suppose the alternate option is to buy a stand alone 17D and a combo 17D. Then I get packs for the S and a nice squadron for the shelf lol.
  16. My Soundwave should be on its way soonish. But my 19F arrived today, cant wait to get home and check it out. Everyone's pictures of the 19P are making me debate getting that one too. I'm just not sure how many 19 toys I "need"
  17. Well i bit the bullet and pre ordered the reissue from NY. Could of gotten it for less had I jumped on it but it is what it is. Better have one secured and change my mind then decide I want one after they are gone.
  18. My F from them cleared LA customs yesterday. Seeing as that's only about an hour from here, I'm hoping it'll be here when i get home tomorrow.
  19. Haha but the 25G looks so out of place with all my Yamato Valks. I need to pre order one more 171 CF at least so he has a posse.
  20. My 19F left Japan yesterday. I can't wait to get it. Hopefully it's as problem free as the Kai I just got.
  21. So I just thought I'd post some impressions now that I am home. Firstly, the shipping box it came in was almost totally undamaged and the actual box for the 25G was in perfect shape. It was wrapped in bubble wrap with newspaper around that. So contrary to some of the other member's experiences with NY, mine showed up in great condition. First thoughts when opening the box was that it was a little small. But I just got a 17S and a 19 Kai, and I think those are pretty huge as far as Macross Valks go. Also I guess Bandai is a touch smaller on average, but whatever. That being said, it looks amazing. The blue is great and my paint apps seem to be nice and crisp (haven't transformed it yet). The stand and other accessories look very nice and I've already swapped the head cannons. My biggest fear out of the box is paint scraping. I've heard members talk about this before and I can tell it may be a bit prone to that just by the way it feels. So I'll transform it now and see how the joints are and if he has a crotch and all that. Edit: Alrighty so I transformed him now and I am really, really impressed. Transformation was pretty easy, joints are all tight and he isn't missing any parts as far as I can see. I also managed to not ruin any paint during the process. I'm not sure I could have asked for a better first experience with a Frontier toy (or NY for that matter). I'm stoked to have this thing and stoked to pick up a few more Bandai releases in the future.
  22. Got delivery confirmation for my 25G. Took about 10 days to get here from when NY sent it. Really cant wait to get home and check out my first Frontier purchase.
  23. That may very well be the nicest SDF-1 I've ever seen.
  24. Snagged 18, huzzah!
  25. I think I remember reading that he bought 5, with the intent to sell 2 here at cost. So it isn't like he didn't get one (provided I'm recalling the correct person). The whole debate seems silly to me. The renewals are tough to get, this isn't new, and as consumers (especially those of us outside Japan) we pretty much just have to roll with it.
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