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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Lack of hip ratchets is a huge bummer for me. I don't have a 31 but I remember watching reviews and thinking that it was about damn time. Not having one in hand I can't say for sure, but it sure seems like it could have been done. Bandai puts ratchet joints in tiny Super Robot Chogokin which may not even have metal in the limbs that feature said ratchets. But on a complex, 200ish dollar Valk they can't carry that feature through the line. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but it has a big ass gun and big ass legs and ratchets at the hips and shoulders seem like a no brainier.
  2. It's tough for me to tell what joints are ratcheted from that video. Knees look like a definite, shoulders...maybe a soft ratchet and the hips/legs look like the might just be friction. For as leggy as this thing is I hope I'm wrong. But since I can't read what's in the video and the sound is missing I'm just guessing.
  3. Soooooo, HLJ shipped is saving me nearly 40 dollars in comparison to my amiami preorder. Ami might nuke my account for not going through with it butttttt I've never done business with them before and HLJ saves me money.
  4. O
  5. Glad to see the video up. Time to give it a watch before bed.
  6. That Kylo figure is the only Mafex product I've ever seriously considered buying. Most of their stuff looks way too spindly and oddly proportioned. Not sure if their products have just gotten better, or Kylo's design (with robes and all that) just lends itself better to the way they do things. For such a simple design, I've been really put off by most figures of him.
  7. If this winds up being a new 51 I would lose my mind, there's something about that design that I just love. Even though my Nora has held up fine over the years I would probably buy several variants of a new one.
  8. Recently put my 1/48 Roy out and messed with it a bunch. Really, really love the 1/48 and mine has held up really well over the years. The little red lense by the landing gear fell out last time I handled it, easy fix though. I just wish I had some better hands for it. Those chicken hands are so bad and no one seems to have thrown up some fixed posed stuff for 1/48s on shapeways.
  9. I would buy the crap out of some new 51s. My Nora version is still one of my favorite Valks and it's held up reasonably well over the years. But the newer VF-0 toys are pretty nice...at least the Roy version was so i definitely wouldn't sneeze at updated 51s. That said, keep churning out Zero stuff and I'll keep buying it.
  10. I have a lot of 1S stuff when measured against my relatively modest collection. Also most of it's Roy related when applicable. Would rather have a 1J of some sort....But I might bite on the Hikaru 1S.
  11. That's basically what I'd like. I think Frontier actually had a pretty solid balance and I enjoyed it a lot. Frontier did a good job putting the music up front but still making the story really enjoyable. Most elements just felt much more fleshed out.
  12. I didn't mean to imply I don't like the pop music or don't want it in Macross at all...I guess I just like a better...or different balance between the typical Macross ingredients. That said, I didn't enjoy Walkure's music as much as anything Minmay, Firebomber or Sherly sang.
  13. So I know I'm really late to the party on this one, but I finally got around to watching Delta and I just finished the last episode. Just kinda want to post my musings here about the series as a whole and this episode. First I'll just say that dear god Delta was a bummer. I don't mean it just sucked either, there was some really interesting things that they didn't expand on that were way way more interesting than magical girl pop group. Some of the things I really liked were the focus on Protoculture and how it's mark is still left on the galaxy at large. I think all that stuff is super interesting and I like when Macross really looks at that stuff. Also because of my love of Zero, I can get behind the callbacks and ties to that. By extension I liked a lot of the Windermere stuff too. The characters struck me as more complex and interesting than the main cast. That said...The main Chaos cast, holy crap, what a boring group that was. Everyone save for Hayate and Frejya were complete throwaways. Mirage wasn't quite that bad I guess, but she was basically shoehorned into being the tag along for H&F so we could the ol' Macross love triangle again. I also really disliked the focus on Walkure basically at the expense of everything and everyone else. I get that music is part of the deal with Macross, but I couldn't get behind this at all. If we go with pop music, classic Minmay works best for me. Sheryl wasn't too bad either. I can dig the song of the wind and song of the stars though. The type of stuff sounds neat, works well with the Protoculture and ties back to Zero, I'd really like more music like that. But yeah, we lost a lot of character building and nearly all of the action to develop two characters who weren't very interesting and to turn every episode into an anime music video. Other points of contention are not expanding on things like Lady M (Minmay?) Or any of the other mysteries presented. We also had a world with basically no consequences. Aside from the predictable mid show death, every "good" guy survives, the world is peachy and any bad guy of real consequence is dead. They also lumped in a ton of crap in the final two episodes out of nowhere and resolved it so fast it was basically pointless. When the Windermereans took Ragna and we had all that crazy mid season stuff, I thought we were in for a crazy back half of the show. Oh was I wrong, they really squandered that turning point and did almost nothing interesting with it. So yeah...Really disappointed with the focus and what was seemingly tossed aside as a result. I'll be curious to see where Macross goes from here. Hopefully the next show shifts off the music heavy focus and gives us something more interesting.
  14. You know, weirdly enough I think this is how it is for me in general for Macross. Macross 7 is probably my least favorite (pre Delta) and I have...3 or 4 Valks from it. I basically have 1 from the original show, my old 1/48 Roy and the newer 1/60 Roy and that's it. Zero, which is my favorite I have 2 now just Roy (again) and Nora. I'm two episodes away from finishing Delta, I'm not a huge fan honestly and I have 2 Valks already on order. I ordered Keith's before I had seen a single episode because it was so different looking. Getting Messer's for the rival aspect and I'm toying with Mirage, Arad (if that's not-Roy..I'm bad with the names in this one) and a couple more Drakens. I don't know if any of the other Drakens sport unique paint but I'd like one for Cassim (? apple orchard guy) and maybe pink hair dude. So if I went my most crazy, I'd wind up with 3 Drakens and 3 31s and it's debatable if I even like half the characters that fly them.
  15. I think TFA voiding the EU was really the only smart way to do things. The EU was always kind of at risk if George wanted to tell stories post ROTJ anyways. He flushed plenty of interesting, good EU bits with the prequels after all. For me, the gutting of the EU really started at the prequels. A lot of stories just simply didn't work right with things like the Clone Wars, Republic and especially the Jedi set in stone the way they were. I think TFA needed to serve as a reset so to speak. You had to remind the general movie going audience why they should give a crap about Star Wars again and you had to bring them in in a way that wasn't complicated or required them to read a bunch of extra stuff. Use something familiar (the plot framework) to introduce some new characters and lay the ground work for more interesting, original stories. And really, the new approach to the canon seems like it's better for all. Everything is canon going forward, there is no grey area. And they've already taken steps to reintroduce some really popular EU stuff back into the fold. That seems like a better solution to me than, "it's basically canon unless George decides it isn't anymore."
  16. Well I just got my confirmation email from HLJ. Looks like I'll have my rival shelf after all. Depending on how much I like the mold...I might indulge in the insanity for Mirage and not-Roy.
  17. Edit: I lied...may have gotten an order on HLJ.
  18. AmiAmi page: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027032&page=top
  19. I really seemed to have lucked out on the 262 pre-order. I happened back to the boards, saw a link for AmiAmi and ordered one. I'll be curious to see if I can snag a 31 tonight. Thankfully I'm not married to having this particular version so I won't be crushed if I miss out. I feel like Nippon-Yasan generally has the longest windows but I don't think they really offer any discounts. AmiAmi seems like it's always the hardest. Never ordered from Hobby Search, but I have an account there now. So between this thread and the 4 sites I have accounts at, I'll be smacking refresh a lot this evening.
  20. So I saw this over Christmas and enjoyed it well enough. It had some of the best action Star Wars has seen in a long time and some of story was pretty cool. I thought the first...third or so felt really fragmented and I didn't particularly care for (or about) any of the characters. The acting felt really off or out of place for almost everyone on the rebels side. Rebel captain guy, Empire defector guy, Saw Garrera, blind...guy and his buddy all seemed really weird. For as serious as the movie tried to paint the universe and the situation these characters all seemed too jokey or at the very least not serious enough. I also felt like, because of the issues I had with the characters, it didn't even matter emotionally that they all ate it by the end. There wasn't enough going with them individually or as a group to care about their fate. Also, while not a fault of the writing or anything, we knew they would succeed in getting the plans to the rebels. So it kind of watered down the tension of the final space battle, awesome as it was. So yeah, I liked it, probably will see it again, but I think it was reasonably average.
  21. The more I think on it, the more I really want Messer's to be my 31. The rival display with Keith would be pretty awesome, especially with some nice stands. 11PM Pacific on Thursday isn't bad at all to try my luck at this madness. Between HLJ, NY and AmiAmi maybe I'll luck out. I'd been away from Macross collecting long enough that I nearly forgot what stressing out over a pre-order was like
  22. Been watching Delta over the last week and I thought Messer's valk might be a good candidate for a purchase. But then some stuff happens and now I'm sure it'll be a pain to get as well...still gonna try. I have a preorder for the 262 so the rival display would be cool. That said, not-Roy or fish guy might be the two easiest to snag. I like the design well enough to get one but I don't think I need the whole team or even a couple of them. I'd be in for the CF 262s first. Still, design is slick and this toy seems super cool. I'm stoked to finally see ratchets making their way into more of the joints, especially the hips.
  23. The 31 looks pretty great. Still haven't watched Delta yet but I think I'd like to snag at least one version. Wonder whose will be the least popular...
  24. I gotta say, I don't think the TV version gets enough love. I like the look of that newest image, at least in sculpt. The metallic is a bit of a bummer, but at least the general shape looks good.
  25. Been a long time since I've posted here and a long time since I've bought a Valk. But this guy looks pretty slick. Would someone refresh my memory on AmiAmi and when they charge for preorders?
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