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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. how about some info on that 19?
  2. yeah i just got mine. while i like it, i do find its sculpt lacking. fighter mode needs to loose some wait, to me the Battroid looks old, its posture after transformation, to me, makes it seem elderly (if that makes sense). So by itself its not bad, but its innacuracy to the original is glaring. still glad i got it. as for a FP version that isn't high on my list i would either like to see re-sculpts on at least the 19 and the 21 or 1/48 of all 3 valks. but still the 11B is the best from that line in my book.
  3. the transforming sound was always cool. i always thought prime was more iconic but perhaps its cause i grew up and transformers and became a macross fan later in life.
  4. very true, while i still think transformers are just as valid a transforming mecha as a valk. stickin them in a morpher category seems a bit harsh. but in reality who can deny a jet that has 3 forms?
  5. the VF-1 is truely a great design, and while it definately is most recognizable transforming mecha, i think Optimus Prime is at least if not more iconic. not to say that macross is one of the best and its designs aren't great, i just see way more shirts and stickers for cars with optimus then a valk.
  6. yeah i thought it was a decent price for one here in the states, so i thought i'd put it up for anyone whos lookin.
  7. i found a site with some yammie 1/60's there pretty picked over but they have i think 4 different types left at about 40 bucks. www.gundamstoreandmore.com they have good service and decent shipping. So Radd you might wanna hop over there and see if they have anything you want.
  8. christ those are pricey. especially the 19. i picked up my 11B FB for a 100 shipped but this, good god. i feel sorry for whoever buys them, especially since the 11 and the 21 are about 65 each that i've seen. i hope they dont sell, cause whoever buys them is getting stiffed.
  9. yeah i pmed him earlier, hopefully he has one left.
  10. thanks everyone for their input. as for the one on evilbay, yeah thats the one, and its still there. If its the only one i can find i might get it.
  11. So anyways, i was kinda thinking about picking up a YF-19a, i've always liked the design, at least in the series. however i've heard a huge amount of complaints regarding yamatos redition of this valk. I heard the 19a was better, is it worth it or should i just skip this valk all together?
  12. yeah thats the ebay price. and i also saw both max and miria vf-1j with fbs for 150 each which seems like a good deal, thats on a site someone here gave the link to. as for getting all of them, thats a great idea but one thing at a time, haha.
  13. personally my favs are the 1J and any color scheme or the 1S, i just wanted to see if any specific ones were of a lesser quality because they were out first. so i'll probably do one of those. also is $160 good for a 1/48 vf-1s (its 3rd edition if that matters) cause it seems kinda pricey compared with the others.
  14. in the next week or so i will be purchasing my first 1/48 scake yamato. anyways since i did use the search, but am too lazy to poke around the entire site. does anyone have any recomendations on which one to get? basicly i'm reffering to the newest/best version to try and avoid any problems older ones had. I dont particulary have a preference as to which Vf-1 it is.
  15. my fav designs are from plus, so the alphas dont really do it for me, i wish they'd do 1/48th plus valks, that would be so nice.
  16. well all the better i stuck with yamato right from the start. just gotta decide who to buy next.
  17. i'll just stick with yamato, it seemed like they were nicer anyway, just from the pics. besides no one else makes/made my beloved vf-11b fb. well maybe not beloved but fav.
  18. Ok, i've been collecting valks now for about 6 months and have currently only bought Yamato pieces assuming that they are better, and that the overall look seems better to me. So for those who know, which company actually makes a better valk? Also i saw some shots of the vf-0 being produced by yamato, anyone have any news on this?
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