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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. wow...just friggin wow, if a package EVER showed up at my place like that hoohoo i'd...well hell theres nothing i could do, but i'd sure be pissed lol. hopefully the holy contents of that box were not owned like the packaging.
  2. got my roy yesterday, and i'm happy to report perfection, no crooked skulls or plastic imperfections or anything else that may have been in other 1/48 releases. being my first 1/48 that first transformation was a bit nerve wracking but the process is fairly simple. now all i have to do is go out and buy some micron pens to get the pannel lines done.
  3. holy crap those pics make me want to shell the money out for that thing so badly.
  4. thanks for the info yeah more re-issues would be nice. i'm just really excited about this one since it will be my first 1/48 *mourns over wallets now imanent death*
  5. i know the re-issue is supposedly coming out this month. just wondering if there was anything more official than "september". thanks in advance.
  6. we could tape blowing it up and add it to the section with the transformation vids.
  7. http://www.toysnjoys.com/macross_figuresyamato.html this is a link to the only online store i trust that has any left. looks a bit steep in price. but its a start i suppose.
  8. well i pre-ordered one of the new vf-1s' and i was wondering what the best tools for pannel lining are? on my gundam kits all i use is a .5mm mechanical pencil, but i dunno how the finish on 1/48s will work with that. also is it worth pannel lining them or do they look better without, i would imagine with but i'll ask the opinion of those who know. thanks in advance. sorry this is probably in the wrong place
  9. i'd love 1/48 vf-11, its be far my fav macross mecha, of course a 19 would be nice too. but there is hope seeing as how yamato suprised us all with the 1/60 vf-0
  10. speaking of roy, i wonder what, if any improvements they will have not that he's being re-released again. hmmm
  11. well believe it or not i use good ol' mechanical pencil. as long as the paint isn't a super gloss finish you can create some very sweet looking affects with just some rubbing and smudging of the lead, spray with clear coat when your done and the stuff pretty much never goes away. theres much better techniques than this obviously but it works for me.
  12. luckily i dont have to pay anything till the item is actually out. so while evilbay definately has its downside, at least in this instance its working like a normal pre-order
  13. i dont feel like i'm getting ripped off per say, i just have a feeling someone will tell me they got theirs for like 100. as for who i ordered it from, its a guy or company called hobbygenertation, hes only had 2 nuetral feedbacks in the past 12 months (no negative at all) and it lists him as 100% with about 800 feedback scores. i've certainly bought things from seller with far worse scores
  14. well its official, i have dropped, or comitted to drop i should say, some fundage on my very first 1/48. perusing evilbay and saw basicly a pre-order for the re-release of the 1S for like 160 shipped. may be a little steep its been so long though, i figure if i got ripped off a little oh well. so my wallets already crying as i peruse which one i might get next.
  15. holy god thats awesome. if i can afford it when then times comes i'll have to try and scoop up one of the variants from ya.
  16. i've also heard, alond with everything else, that yellowing can also be attributed to a lousy mixture in the chemmicals that make the plastic. obviously its not super common, but it coulda just been a crappy batch of parts.
  17. theres a yf-19 liquid stone kit on ebay right now. and all 3 M+ figures for 150 i'll post the links incase any of you wanna go bid or anything. kit http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...mMakeTrack=true M+ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW
  18. ok i've always wondered this. on the 1/60 yammies the lower leg rotates. i never see anyone have it rotated on in pics on here. is there any purpose for it?
  19. yeah. ahhhh the power of ignorance, i'mg gonna watch it to see if someone snatches it up. there was a 19 2nd ed for 250 on the search too. ahh great prices lol.
  20. just saw this on ebay, thought i'd throw it on here. wonder if it'll sell...
  21. same here
  22. thats not bad, i woulda bought mine from there but i thought they were out. oh well i've already got mine.
  23. i'm down for one
  24. I have the VF-11B with the FBs and its so nice. my buddy had the original release and both its friggin legs were broken when he opened the box. i'd recomend the fast back one in an instant, save yourself the heartbreak of a busted valk.
  25. i'm definatley interested in that and in your other project. but you already knew that part.
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