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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Even if it is an ok movie, is it Blu-Ray ok? By that I mean, most Blu-Ray releases are 10-15 bucks more than their standard def counterpart. With the quality of that animation, is it worth spending the extra scratch to get the "high-def" version? edit: spelling
  2. Certainly looks that way. I suppose I've just come to love the lines on the 1/60 yammie version. Truth be told, I'll probably pass on the Macross releases all togetger. Revoltech is an excellent format, as we get some characters/mecha we don't see anywhere else (they still have the nicest Dante figure that you can actually pose) but if I'm gonna shell out 200 bucks for the big transforming versions of the 19/21 I might as well just stick with those.
  3. The fact that someone would shell out the standard Blu-Ray price for that crap is amazing. Not to mention, it's robotech, so I'm not sure why the hell you'd want it anyway.
  4. After seeing this pic http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/009713/01.html I can definitely pass on the 19. The 21 doesn't look too bad though.
  5. I think know what you're referring to and unless this show gets a whole lot more metaphysical or they introduce them like...next week, I think they'd have a hard time building a convincing story arch to reveal them.
  6. Tory says "there is always back up plan for victory." Gets on the horn to Tigh, says something to confirm the plan is a go. Tigh gives the nod to Dee who actually does the swap. I suppose it was just implied this was Tory's idea. She is the one who first suggests it to the President. Alpha, you're very welcome. That is tough to pass up. I'm still trolling ebay and a few other places to see if decently priced Mark VII Viper show up. Also alpha here's probably the best two examples I have on hand of the canon Galactica color scheme: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/kai...galactica-1.jpg and http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/kai...r_galactica.jpg
  7. I'm not sure the Raiders are capable of scheming much. 99.9% of the time they are referred to as pets or at least having the intelligence of your basic household dog. I'm not sure they could plan an uprising, the Centurions...possibly. We are already seeing the beginning of the Cylon civil war between the models. I'm not sure splintering it further into additional factions is needed. Also, the Centurions and lets say the raiders too, since you brought it up, would wipe the floor with the humanoid models. Cylons don't appear to have firearms aboard, and while Basestars are a force to be reckoned with, they don't seem particularly adept in destroying small vessels (such as Raiders).
  8. The stealth version is black....very black. Galactica itself is substantially lighter than the stealth titanium one. If you're looking for something closer to accurate, the normal version is the way to go. They are neat little ships, but the more accurate the better. On the flip side of that, you can buy the 3 pack from Hasbro directly online for like 20 bucks, comes with stealth Galactica, a Raptor and and a Viper MK II. The MK II is easily the best of the bunch. It has superior paint app and tampo printing compared to it's single packaged counterpart (which is a pain in the ass to find anyway). Here's a link to the store Alpha: http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBra...=20488&PG=1 20 bucks, 3 ships, comic con coloring for the Galactica and the better paint app on the MK II. It's one I just picked up and seems like the best deal. On ebay I see individual ships selling for $15+
  9. Tory was basically the architect of Roslin's plan to steal the election. She also was the one who brought the pictures of the human members of the NCP to Laura's attention. She's hardly worthless. Cally on the other hand, will not be missed. I don't think Tory's motivations are purely self preserving. Otherwise she would have just let Cally kill herself. I think Nick is a big factor here, not even because he's a hybrid (though this is just as important) but because of Chief. Galen doesn't do well with negative events that impact him on a personal level. If he had lost his son to boot, he may very well have killed himself. Tory could have been trying to preserve the 4/5, protect a hybrid child or even protect Chief to a degree. Cally would have killed herself regardless, she didn't alert anyone to her findings. If she had gone down to that Viper tube by herself, I serious doubt Tory would have bothered to intervene.
  10. Well another great one, as expected.
  11. No she wont, I imagine we'll lose a few more. The President seems like a given, but I think we'll see at least one more person go too. Maybe they'll airlock Dualla now that her and Lee aren't together.
  12. I wouldn't really count it as a spoiler. I so hope they off her though.
  13. Well seeing as how the old thread has been moved to the super topics board. I thought I'd start up the next part. Here we have the preview for tomorrow's episode "Ties That Bind". Let the discussion commence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-A35L843MQ
  14. If memory serves, it has to do with Joseph's dislike for his upbringing. He's much like Gaius, from a backwater colony, attempting to fit in with Caprican society. There is, apparently, a point in the pilot where he reveals the true family name and origins to a young Bill. I imagine from that point on, they use their true last name.
  15. Even more interesting, is Head Gaius was exclusive to Caprica 6, apparently that's not the case anymore. I'll be interested to see what this means exactly.
  16. From what I've heard from RDM and Jamie Bamber, Apollo does not don the suit again. But, like everything story related out of RDM's mouth, I take it with a grain of salt .
  17. The Baltar/Baltar scene was priceless. Though I gotta say, this episodes adds some more tidbits to my Baltar threory. Lets look at what we have:
  18. He actually thinks Postal is going to beat Indy? This guy is great. IF Postal even makes it to theaters, it'll be there for probably all of 3 days.
  19. yeah they stream it "live" once at 12 pm EST. Then you can see it on Sci-fi channel later that night. They also are putting em up on sci-fi rewind on the website on Saturday in case you cant see it on TV.
  20. Honestly Skull, I'd rate this episode as being at least twice as good as our the premiere last week. The premiere had a lot to cover, now we can get into the meat of the questions and story lines. I think it's only going to get better from here. Here's a trailer for episode 3: http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=UMyhMeLjEnU for those who watched the ep this morning. It is a smidge spoilery, at least in terms of potentially providing clues about tonights episode. Still for those who wish to watch it, enjoy.
  21. Yup they sure are. Now on to my spoiler free review: Holy crap, now that was an episode.
  22. This fig is hideous, but I think that about just about everything G-System's released lately. They really seem to have trouble with heads, mechanical or otherwise.
  23. Not even the Cylons are that bad man.
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