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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. That's an interesting idea, you could have much more shallow bays which could free up more room inside the leg. Hadn't even thought of that.
  2. Leave it to someone who simply wiki'd some random info and wrote an article about to present something like this. Gurren Lagann doesn't even belong in this article.
  3. A link posted just a few posts up http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q222/cd...ineart-0001.jpg shows the side view. Doesn't really seem like it could fold into it at that size, especially considering the thing has landing gears that occupy the same (or some of the same) space.
  4. Perfect, thanks guys.
  5. I was the same way. I never enjoyed the original BSG, it always just kinda seemed to be capitalizing on the Star Wars look and feel with the ships. It was admittedly was before my time a bit, but sci-fi used to play it a lot. The re-imagined series needs to start back up again asap.
  6. I cannot wait for images of this thing. This design was kind of my gateway drug into the Macross universe and the 1/72 was my first valk purchase. With all the great stuff yammie has put out lately, this is what I've been most looking forward to.
  7. Well guys the title pretty much says it all, but I have a couple questions regarding fixing deformed parts. I've heard of using boiling water or a hairdryer, is there an optimal way to heat the plastic for reshaping? Does type of plastic impact the method? Do you need to cool the part quickly once you have the shape fixed to get the changes to hold?
  8. Well since most video game movies are doomed before they hit theaters why not? You at least cant ruin Daikatana's reputation.
  9. I really think Hollywood should stay far far away from VG franchises especially good ones. Things like Half-Life or Mass Effect don't need a movie version. The format they are in has become a perfectly viable method to tell the specific stories. Also for some massive game like Mass Effect or to cover the entire Half-Life story, you'd need to do multiple movies and quite frankly do you really need to see actors in something you've already experienced? Books are a little different since one is a visual media where the other isn't. Hollywood needs to leave games alone. Just my two cents.
  10. I didn't have any skipping issues on my player. Maybe I'll toss it in a different one and see if it does it.
  11. Volume 3 came out yesterday, as always, killer stuff.
  12. I'd be disappointed but not surprised if SciFi pushed back the "premier" of the last half of season 4. In my opinion BSG is the only thing that network has going for it. They probably know that crap like "Ice Spiders" wont keep people interested
  13. Ohhh tidbits of real info. Many thanks G man. Now if only they'd release a CAD or rapid prototype images or something.
  14. I would agree, we've seen basically 1 area and a brief jaunt through a jungle/forest type area. To condemn the games art direction based on that seems a little silly. Furthermore Blizzard has years of experience creating these worlds and all their game sport some of the best art direction in their respective genres (even if it may not be your absolute favorite look). Blizzard hasn't released a bad game...well pretty much ever. Have a little faith in the company to continue their tradition of greatness.
  15. Well the subbed version is only 3 cases with 2 DVD's per case. Perhaps they are breaking it up more for the dubbed version. Also Amazon has Gurren Lagann set 3 (the final sub set) as coming out on September 2. So if that's right, not much of a wait at all for those who want the subbed version.
  16. Man had I seen those at Comic-con I woulda grabbed em. I know of a Kino like..20 minutes away, maybe I'll go see if they have any in stock.
  17. Does anyone know of a currently existing or upcoming art book for this series? My snooping has yielded little.
  18. GL is one of the better deals price wise for anime. I remember shelling out like 30 usd for 4 episodes of Evangelion. Now I pay 20 and get 9. Those revoltechs are awesome. Have Lazengann and the normal GL myself. Both really nice figures, though GL is slightly nicer.
  19. Picked it up a few hours ago, will have to sit down and watch some of it later. For those Yoko fans, there is some pretty nice art of her on the cover.
  20. There really isn't much on the Bandai release in terms of extras. I haven't done too much fiddling with mine, but it looks like sub only, Japanese audio. As for extras, basically just clean (textless) opening and closing credits. It's pretty cut and dry. Personally I think the effort for the Dub was anything but decent. The Japanese actors all had passion and enthusiasm behind their lines. The US voice actors really sounded like they were reading off the paper.
  21. I have the Bandai DVD but I thought I'd flip over to the Dub that was on tonight just for kicks. I have never, ever seen a dub as horrible as this. I only could stand it for like...15 seconds. Thank god the DVDs are just subbed.
  22. Yoko is pretty much always referred to as a grown woman in the show and/or treated as such. She strikes me as in being in her early 20s, same with Kamina, where as Simon seems like he might be 11-13. On another note, snagged Gurren Lagann at comic con. I am really impressed with the figure and its accessories. A big step up from the Evas of the series (which I thought were really lame).
  23. That was actually a really cool trailer. Looking forward to seeing a legit version.
  24. Was at Comic Con this morning and swung by the TF display. Animated Ultra Magnus' cab looks a whole lot less blue then it did in those images a few pages back. I'm really looking forward to Cylconus, now if they'd just do a really nice Springer.
  25. God I love Lotus. On another note, saw one of the new Challengers this past weekend. Really really slick looking
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