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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I was hoping the Henkei version of Cyclonus would look better, and from the image, I'm not gonna be disappointed.
  2. I actually liked that movie, is it just DVD or is it Blu-Ray?
  3. Seriously, I've been waiting for this since the Mac+ line got updated. I don't know what major toys shows are coming up that they might be able to show it off at, but I just want some tidbits to come out.
  4. So I've toyed with the old Fallout games before, but I am curious about this one. Has Bathesda made it so you can basically go out and do w/e you'd like like you could in Oblivion? Or is the story substantially more in your face? How is the character creation vs Oblivion? Better, worse, the same?
  5. I've never had an issue with any of my Yamato products. Granted I've avoided some purchases based on the horror stories (Vf-0a I'm looking at you). Still my FP VF-11, 1/60 YF-21, YF-19, 1/72 19, 1/48 1S and SV-51 Nora have been flawless. I also had an old 1/60 1S that was problem free in terms of QC.
  6. I'd buy it with just the change you made to the head. It really helps the look just by itself.
  7. The movies are about as off the wall as you can get. But the are a fun 90ish minutes at the movies, so I'll probably go see this one.
  8. That guy is sporting some Zone of the Enders crotch right there. It looks really bad with that hip placement.
  9. I gotta agree with the above comment. The heads look to be way too low. Though it wouldn't be the first time something mistransformed has been on display.
  10. I have a hard time harping on prequels that look flashier than the movies they are supposed to precede. The basic technology used to create the affects is so vastly improved from when TOS first aired, that it's gonna look more advanced anyways. That's not to say they should just go nuts. But if a slightly advanced looking bridge is the only thing wrong with the movie when all is said and done, I'll be quite pleased.
  11. That time line doesn't surprise me too much. There is news floating around about part 1 of S4 being on DVD about a week before that. While it wasn't said, it just seemed logical they'd give us the DVD set right before the show kicked into high gear again.
  12. As a first timer I'd try and stay away from the 19. Even as someone who has transformed dozens of toys, the neck hinge still scares the hell out of me. The Nora is just a wonderful valk, but is a little complex. The new V2 Valks are probably the most simple on the list.
  13. There are some images floating around of the updated USS Enterprise, and I kinda like it. I've gotten back into a serious Trek mode over the last month, and I'm really looking forward to this flick. Personally I think the best take on the trek uniform is the ones featured in First Contact and beyond (Grey shoulders and an undershirt type deal that was the traditional coloring). The TOS movie series were good ones too. So, I too, am not sure why they'd keep the super retro ones.
  14. The DX is to the 21st century what the Chunky was to the 80s or w/e. Obviously toy technology has come a long way. The DX would be a marvel of engineering if it was from 1980. The opinion is still valid however. The DX is a big bloated fugly toy imo. It barely passes for accurate...gasp much like the old chunky did to the subject matter.
  15. I haven't bought any of the MP line since Prime, but Grimlock certainly has my interest. I'm looking forward to seeing some prototypes.
  16. Those were posted a few pages back and are what most of the conversation has been about since. Personally I'm still not impressed, but will wait to pass judgement until I see a review of some kind with definite production images. Still heavily leaning towards pass though.
  17. I didn't realize HD had custom soundtracks too. Time to break out the XL soundtrack and throw it on the PS3
  18. WipeOut has been known to be somewhat of an ass kicker for a long long time. Both in time trial and the standard race circtuits vs some brutally nasty computer controlled racers. The difficulty in games as recent as Pure got very brutal very quick, and Pulse was no picnic either. I have yet to get HD though I've been looking forward to it for some time. I also was looking to pick up the Ratchet and Clank expansion, but I have sorta blanked on it until now.
  19. I've been waiting for this sucker for sometime. I'll probably snag it when I turn the ps3 on later. The reviews have been glowing for it so far.
  20. That seems like a really big spoiler. Most major plot points have been kept pretty well under wraps over the years. I'm not disputing what our buddy Tyrol is saying, I'm just taking it with a grain of salt. Though it does make a certain degree of sense.
  21. Personally, and I know I'm probably in the minority here, I'd rather have smaller fins than have the entire leg open up. The truth of the matter is that I could see them going this route though. If memory serves the only way to get the fins out on the old one was to deploy the landing gears to push them out enough to get your fingers on em. Truthfully though, the fins are in no way a deal breaker for me, this is easily my favorite valk (regardless of fin size) and unless it looks terrible (which I doubt based on Yammies most current releases) I'll be scooping it up.
  22. I'm not sure durability is a justifiable excuse for why the DX looks so much worse than its model counterpart. Bandai almost always throws metal into their more expensive toys. Stuff some metal joints in this beast and call it a day (I realize joints aren't the only factor, but they are a big one). I really liked the design of this sucker in the show, but this is something I wont be adding to my collection if it stays looking like this. The big difference I see between a Yamato compromise and this thing is that I still like at least 1 mode of a design Yamato had to compromise on, and I don't like this at all.
  23. Personally I'd like to see springer get his own treatment other than just a repaint. I'm not sure I'd mind if the didn't give him his car mode, but something more accurate to how he is supposed to look would be much more preferable.
  24. It wound up being way more simple then I have envisioned when I started this thread. It took longer to get the water hot than it did to fix the part.
  25. Ever since I saw the Transformers movie when I was like...five, I have wanted a decent look Cyclonus (and Springer too). I can't wait for that one to come out, it looks great.
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