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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. We actually used to move a lot of games that came back used 3-4 days after they came out. Personally I always buy new, especially after having spent some time there as employee. People just see that 5 dollars less and jump on it, it's kinda nuts. Even more nuts when you think that GS only gives you like 20-25 bucks on a used game if you traded it in the day after it came out. That's a real shame Eug, especially since we used to just defect games out (send them back to the warehouse) if they were shipped to us resurfaced. It was always a half assed job. Nice to see they care...
  2. I worked there a long time ago, and it was kinda up to who was taking the trades in. Typically I turned away games that were beat up. That being said, we had tons of games that probably weren't even playable that were used. Since it's just pure profit for GS when they sell used, and the used game sales are typically high, they'd like to take pretty much anything they can get.
  3. Seems to me like they are viewable over the saucer, thought it is a little tough to tell. The more I look at it, the more I'd like to see the Saucer inch up closer to the deflector. From this angle it makes the secondary hull/engineering section look a little stumpy. Still I don't hate it.
  4. I didn't really like the old FPs for the 1/72, but seeing this one makes me rethink how I'll be displaying mine. I think I've said it before, but this could easily be my first time owning multiples of the same Valk.
  5. Well the image certainly does look like it's strait from the movie. It has shuttles going towards/docking with it and everything. Might even be from the sequence where we actually get the first look at our rebooted Ent in the movie.
  6. This is one of the images I've seen most often or other shots with the same design http://www.inobambino.com/gallery/albums/u..._orbit_1080.jpg Now that's not to say it's official, but it does fall more in line with the TOS Enterprise and even sports the radar dish style deflector.
  7. The images I've seen look similar to that but not exactly. The pylons look almost forward swept which doesn't match up to what I've seen. Still I actually like it, and I'm pretty big fan of Trek. I just don't believe that TOS is doctrine, especially when trying to give an ailing series new life. I'm sure we'll see a shot of it in the new trailer that comes out with Bond on Friday.
  8. Oh I remember the Sv-51 very well. Concerns about the nose, the "broken" back look, all kinds of things. Though that sucker is amazing looking in person. I'm not too concerned about the 11, I think it'll look great once we see some better images and, of course, once it's on my shelf.
  9. Or maybe de-photoshopped based on what Graham said about the larger un FP'd image of fighter mode.
  10. You know, the nose doesn't look nearly as squashed in the image of the fighter with the FPs on.
  11. To me Gears 2 was like getting on a bike after not riding one for a while. It felt very natural to just hop right back into it. There was some tuning done, especially the "from the hip" firing with the shot gun. Other than that though I didn't really notice too many drastic changes in the way things felt. The Lancer was on me the whole time in Gears 1 and that was doubly true in 2. My second slot was usually taken up by the Longshot or the Torquebow. Also the Lancer was given to you on your first actual mission from command in 1. You were really only forced to use the Hammerburst when escaping from the prison in the opening sequence. The Lancer was the weapon of choice for most everyone I knew that played 1. Seeing as how many of the old maps are brought back for multiplayer, plus the addition of new ones and that the campaign/co-op experience has been refined, I'd say there isn't much pull to go back to Gears 1. Everything from 1 has been improved upon in my view, and while 1 was great 2 pretty much is top dog now in my book.
  12. Well after having spent the last 48 hours playing Gears 2 (on normal then insane) I can honestly say it is one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a long time. My love for the first game almost knows no limit and this one is just bigger and better in every way while still holding true to what made the first so fun. The new vehicle sequences are top notch and some of the most epic moments I've witnessed in a game. I was also really floored and how the framerate didn't stutter at all even when in sequences when there could easily be over 100+ troops, plus vehicles and larger Locust on the screen all fighting it out.
  13. I heard talks were already underway to replace Star Trek: The Experience, just not having it in the Hilton. I never went on the ride part myself, but I really liked how the area it was in was "Trek'd" up.
  14. The changes to the "nose" give it some character. I really dig the new look.
  15. I think Battlefield Earth was probably about the worst thing I have seen by a large margin.
  16. Well looks like Universe is getting Wheelie of all characters. Maybe Springer isn't too much to hope for after all. http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/new...pictures/14407/
  17. While I haven't watched it in sometime, I was recently reminded of Sokyu No Fafner: Dead Aggressor or Fafner in the Azure. I highly recommend this one if you haven't seen it. That brings up the question though, does anyone know a decent place (preferably online) to buy Anime DVDs? I can snag single volumes of Fafner of ebay or a bootleg. But places like Amazon have the complete set discontinued. I imagine there are some more specialty type places that still carry it though. So if anyone has a place like this I'd love to know about it.
  18. Agreed. Lionhead easily has one of the best concepts in RPGs and they tend to water it down. I like your idea though, more personal relationships that are impacted by your choices. Really Fable would just benefit from a story that takes over 20 hours to complete on a strait play through. They could take time to flesh out minor characters but still make them have an impact. This could also lead to some dynamic quest lines. I will give Lionhead this though, they did make you feel like some of your choices actually meant something. The Old Town corner of Bowerstone or how Oakfield turns out based on if you opt to defend the Temple. Those are steps in the right direction. The end of the game was a huge let down, but it did have its moments.
  19. Exactly, even in Fable one, I felt bad when the hero lost his family in the raid. I also felt the moral weight of the choice to either keep the sword and kill your sister, or spare her and lose the weapon. I actually had some emotional investment in the characters. Fable 2 doesn't do a solid job fleshing any of the characters out well enough. I really love the Fable games, I just wish that Lionhead could deliver the full experience in a single title. The boss fights in general were pretty sad, unless the game zoomed in on a named creature you really didn't feel like you were fighting a boss at all. In Fable you had Twinblade, the Arena, Jack of Blades and Maze to name a few. The fights were at least memorable, even if they weren't particularly difficult. Aside from maybe Lucien, I doubt many people will remember any "boss" characters in Fable 2. I was also disappointed in the arena 2.0 even if it was playable through as many times as you'd like.
  20. They always have that same shot when we first see the valks. Gives it that "broken back" look that was really evident on the first shots of the SV-51. Personally I think they should take some different photos. I suppose we'll see other angles soon enough. I'm not sure that it looking like similar to the old 1/72 is a bad thing. My biggest gripe with that one was the insanely wide shoulders with those super stylish metal pins. I imagine it'll be very familiar when you get it out of the packaging. It seems like they improved on the shortcomings of the original across the bored though (even if they aren't as improved as some people might like). I got the impression from Graham that it's sleeker in person, so I'm looking forward to some more pictures. Though I imagine this will be a must buy for me, even it's the only must buy I can snag for a while.
  21. Personally I thought Fable 2 made some serious improvements in lasting play with more stuff off the beaten path, unlimited quests (like bounty hunting) and a few other odds and ends. That being said, the story suffers greatly in my opinion. It's too short and too shallow, especially with regards to Lucien and Theresa. I felt a far larger connection to the characters of Fable over Fable 2. The story seemed forced to me. Now Lionhead has said that they have concepts for games up to Fable 5, but I doubt you'll continue on with your same hero through any of them. I think if you meshed Fable: The Lost Chapters, with the all the improved stuff from Fable 2, you'd actually get a complete experience. I've said it many times when talking about the series, give me something with the scope of Oblivion within the realm of Albion and continue to expand on the Good vs Evil choices and I'll be happy. Also for the almost certain Fable 3 give the 'Good" transformations something other than just a lame halo. On another note I am stoked for Gears 2, that franchise is (to me at least) reason enough to own an Xbox 360. Epic really can craft a masterpiece and I have no doubt this one will follow in the footsteps of the first game.
  22. Thanks for the info TransFan. I like my RPGs lengthy and full of extras. Perhaps a trip down to Best Buy is in order after all.
  23. I really don't mind the feet. I imagine it might have been done to help improve the surface area touching the ground. I really don't think it detracts from the look.
  24. The more I see it, the more I like it, especially Bat mode. The smaller tail fins are certainly not a deal breaker for me, I really don't see them as a defining characteristic of the Valk anyways. If Graham is right (and I have no doubt that he is) this thing will have a very special spot in my collection. It may actually be the first valk I buy multiples of, especially if they do all kinds of repaints.
  25. I really like it so far, I'd like to see a front version in Bat mode to see how wide it is. Those tailfins are a lot bigger actually, deployed on the old 1/72 they barely stuck out above the wings when viewed from the front. I really like the sculpt on the head too. I'm slightly concerned with the hips though, it looks like the range of motion may be a little restricted, though I suppose there are several valks that suffer that in some form. Looks like we have a 2 piece heatshield too. I'm curious exactly how it moves into place.
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