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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Haha no they didn't. They had his suits, coat, glasses and a few other odds and ends, but no dead cats
  2. Some of the Fire arms, Cane's knife. I was thinking about getting some Leoben stuff, but it was mostly his costumes and those started in the low thousands and that's a bit pricey for some clothes. On average the guns started at around 400ish depending on which version but most easily went for close to or over 1000. My mom also loves Starbuck's little goddess statues but those went up passed my price range really fast. As a fan I had kinda mixed reactions from the event it was a lot of fun, but kind of sad that things like patches were going for 500+ dollars. I would have loved the BSG emblem that hung in CIC but that was one of the hotter items on the block. I went there with a fair amount of money in mind to spend, but I was only going to spend it on something I really wanted that was at least relevant to the show. I didn't really want to buy something just because it was on the show. Still, overall I enjoyed myself.
  3. I actually went, but was outbid on the few items in my price range. That being said, if I were rich I'd be owning the full size Vipe MK VII. Oh well, even though I didn't win anything it was still fun to see some of that stuff in the flesh..so to speak.
  4. Seems weird to switch it up since he was missing from the final battle in the first one, so he was assumed alive. Still I suppose if Bumblebee can swap his form on the fly anyone could. I like the car, so as long as it and its bot mode get some decent screen time I wont mind.
  5. That actually looks really damn good. A world apart from the original movie figs. Also the first teaser poster for the movie is out and floating around. Glad to see things gearing up for this.
  6. http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=14883 A few henkei shots as well as MP Grimlock painted up.
  7. Sounds like she finished recording her lines for the movie. All the more fitting that they be used now. Her guest spots on the shows were always fun, she will be missed. Sadly the originals are becoming harder to come by these days.
  8. Cyclonus would be an awesome MP to have. I'd be willing to spend a healthy amount on an MP Springer, it'd be nice if they gave that character it's own mold instead of repaints.' Still the MP Grimlock looks nice, I haven't bought any MP's since Prime so I may bend here soon enough.
  9. It was constructed in San Francisco Fleet Yards, here's the short page about it on the ST wiki: http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/San_Francisco_Fleet_Yards
  10. Some things just don't need to be taken out of their classic mediums, this would be one of them. That trailer is only helping this thing look more god awful.
  11. I find it really amazing that some people can cause a giant sh*t storm in the VF-11 thread about something not being anime accurate and then come here and be like "well it's cool cause it might be based on some sketches".
  12. I actually haven't and that may have been why I enjoyed it. I had really no preconceived notions about what the movie should be other than an "end of the world" flick. I personally thought it had a good message without getting too preachy. I also am a fan of Keanu Reeves and I thought the way he typically acts fit this role well.
  13. I actually kind of enjoyed it. Though I went in not really knowing what I'd get.
  14. Personally I think her doing the role of computer voice again is perfect. With fans sharpening pitch forks and readying torches over the changes (though I like em so far), I'm glad they got her to come back.
  15. I think you need to chill a little bit dude. Stating fact about how an imaginary ship might be constructed while managing to be come off as rude is pretty impressive, but still. Anyways, on to my thoughts. I still don't think where they built the ship, or how the bridge looks, or if Ohura's hair isn't right can be defined as "raping" of childhood memories. The movie is either Trek, or it isn't, and you wont really know until you see it. Also, as I've said before, much of what makes Trek well...Trek is ideas and philosophies, not the font Enterprise is scrawled in across the saucer.
  16. I saw it a few hours ago and I think I liked it. It sorta seemed like it was the beginning piece of a 6 hour movie. They hinted at some larger plot points that could tie 1+2 to a 3rd or 4th.
  17. That game was so epic, I really hope we see a 3. They set up some nice plot threads that could develop into some good stuff. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
  18. Thats actually the same version I posted (different image though). You can tell by the deflector. Still the design in w/e form we get is growing on me.
  19. I've always loved the Ships of Trek and always looked forward to what new stuff they'd bring to the table with each new series, race, story arc or w/e. This movie is no different, I'm just glad to see some new starship designs.
  20. I don't think the ripping off concepts or plot lines from another series really hurts Trek too much. There are very few 100% unique ideas anyways, and one could argue that there hasn't been one in a long long time. Almost everything is based off something else.
  21. I think that the movie will do well as long as it sticks to the ideals Roddenberry pretty much set up as doctrine for the ST mythos. The look of the bridge, the Enterprise and all other visual nit picks are really secondary if the writers were able to keep that intact.
  22. That testing games thing is a crock lol. We never tested games in the store I was in. Also the Gameplay guarantee is kinda pointless too as you have like a week to play it, see if it works and decide if it needs to be returned or swapped out.
  23. I grew up on the movies and TNG onward and I do overall like the look of the new Ent. Gives me something new to build when the kit comes out .
  24. They'd need to tweak engineering or move the pylons with the Saucer moved up like that. Also If I remember right, Neither TOS Ent or Ent A had the Saucer pylon if you will, sitting flush with the deflector, the deflector still stuck out a bit. Still I do like the new look, it's just different.
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