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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I think the new Prime toy is worth the pick up, though I've only seen pictures of him so far, Human alliance Bumblebee is supposed to be a great buy as well. Voyager megs looks pretty decent too, better than his leader version and I've heard only good things about Sideswipe. Interesting point about the Jewish deli, I hadn't really even thought of that, maybe trying to appeal to all walks of life? I think if they kept it semi apart and prepared it on it's own cutting boards and so forth it'd be ok. Or, it's an unorthodox Jewish deli and so they don't care about keeping Kosher.
  2. It's a valid question, I think the conversation between Prime and that President appointed guy explains why it is where it is. I'll keep my ears open when I see it again.
  3. That's one thing I loved was Prime fighting. He's my favorite Transformer..maybe my favorite character ever and seeing him fight this time was a real treat.
  4. They are more zoomed out for sure and overall easier to tell what's going on. That being said, some especially with more than two bots in melee can get a little busy, but overall I'd say it's easier to see whats going on.
  5. Except no one else I've talked to about the movie sees it as racist but you... But..was it the twins or whats his face talking about having bagels to shmeer?
  6. This movie was fantastic, but if you didn't like the first one...well you wont like this one I don't think. I think people take some of lighter aspects a bit too seriously be it (ill spoiler it just in case) I mean really, chill the hell out. Now for some more semi-spoilery review stuff so I'll just tag the next block.
  7. I heard him in an interview a few months ago and he tried to do Megatron again...sounded awful. Few more hours and I get to go stand in line.
  8. That is fantastic, I'll be keeping my eyes out for that one.
  9. I always seem to be speedy when I do Gundam kits, for better or worse. On the flip side I can spend 6+ hours easily on a 1 inch tall Warhammer mini. Anyways, enjoy the kit when you do get it. If nothing else it's a PG and they are fun to build regardless.
  10. I did painting and some panel lining and it was like....a weekend I want to say. So a strait build could just be a day depending on how fast/how much you want to work on it.
  11. To make it perfect they need the kid that played John there too, voice cracking and all.
  12. Oh yeah it definitely can, the wings are so large you just usually see them touch the ground. He is definitely stable though and once you get him into a pose you like he's pretty much a rock, especially if you tighten the screws in the leg joints. The wings are big, but not very heavy so no need to worry.
  13. Well the legs contain a fair amount of metal, both in the knees and hips/waist if I remember right and it just makes the thing feel too weighty imo. It isn't a terrible model, I was just disappointed with what I got for the cost. My biggest beef with the whole thing really was its proportions, the design has always looked best (to me) as sleek and elegant and I really felt like the PG lost some of that. I dunno if this is a common problem or not, but the shoulders on mine got seriously floppy after a while for no real reason. As a result they'd sag a lot when on display. Ultimately I started seeing it as a big chubby eyesore and removed it from my display case. Another note about the wings, they are big and weighty as you mentioned, but they are also one giant piece of plastic with flexible feathers screwed into place. The MG wings are more segmented and allow for nicer poses imo. Here's the sort of classic zero pose and you can see what I mean. PG: http://www.dalong.net/review/pg/p05/p/p05_31.jpg MG: http://www.dalong.net/review/mg/m75/p/m75_12big.jpg
  14. I built the PG Wing 0 several years ago and was...disappointed with it. The thing is insanely heavy and kind of a bitch to pose and not just the wings. Overall I just felt it wasn't a good buy and have subsequently boxed it instead of displaying it. I also though the proportions were a little off, it always felt..stumpy to me. Honestly I think you'd be better off with the newer, nicer MG Wing 0. Unless you are just dying for it in 1/60.
  15. Since there was so much talk about that Human Alliance Bumblebee I thought I'd post this: http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php...e=0&start=0 It's a fairly huge gallery of shots of the figure in both modes as well as comparison shots between this and other bee figures.
  16. That right there is enough for me to be satisfied in my midnight showing ticket. I thought TS was the biggest pile of sci-fi crap to come out of Hollywood in a while. Unfortunately it seems like a lot of people will have seen it by the time it lands stateside on the 24th. Still, I'll probably jot my thoughts down when I get home.
  17. http://movies.ign.com/articles/996/996050p1.html Bay says he's had enough of TF, somehow I doubt it. They always say this until the studio offers up some insane paycheck. I have a hard time believing he wouldn't finish out the trilogy. Also he says, "I need to do something without explosions" has he EVER done anything without explosions? I mean really. Edit: According to Bay's blog he says he more just wants a vacation and isn't done with the franchise. I for one am pleased.
  18. Full series box set is supposed to be released next month from what I hear.
  19. New Bioware Blog answering many a question about the new Mass Effect http://blogs.ign.com/BW_MassEffect/2009/06/17/123208/ It's pretty non spoilerly, but there are some in there (which have already been mentioned in this thread). Good read though, and it answers some of the things we were wondering in the last page or so.
  20. http://movies.ign.com/articles/994/994427p2.html IGN has a review of the flick up, be warned it has some borderline spoilers in it. For those that wish to skip the article I'll some up: basically it's amazing to start but gets too long. That seems to be there biggest gripe is that it's about 2 1/2 hours. They also said that there are more bots, more screen time for said bots, more fights and that they shot in a more coherent fashion for the fights. Frankly their bitch and subsequent rating of the movie seems completely contradictory. They essentially say it is too long and too epic with robot destruction. Last time I checked, that's kinda the whole point. Personally, I think the length (which apparently is extended a bit in IMAX) will be a good thing. I can't wait for this movie, only 10 days to go.
  21. I had one of their first EVA SOCs and that things hips and knees turned into flop town. Still it's been quite a few years since that was released and in terms of Big-O, there is really no other option.
  22. Very tempted by the Big O release, it looks great. Though I'm a little concerned about the arms. If the thing is mostly metal, I wonder what the means for the shoulder joints especially.
  23. Well they've spoken of this as a trilogy for some time now, so that isn't really surprising.
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