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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Hmm both Target and Toys R Us had leaders for 40 bucks last week, but I dunno if that was a sale or not. The paint on the combined photo looks really good though, but I'm sure it's just Hasbro sprucing up the demo shots again. Still I'd consider buying this if I didn't already own half of it.
  2. Yeah Jordan Weisman's new company holds the rights to Mechwarrior, at least that's what the IGN article said. Those other teasers make me think that it is certainly something in that universe. Doubt it's a film though. IGN apparently will have some kind of reveal about what this is on Thursday. Fingers crossed for MW5.
  3. Yup they are. Not to keen on the Gundam feet though...little too obvious, still the rest looks great.
  4. I'd like to see the blades come on a peg of some kind so you could opt to take them off and gain the full range of motion in the elbows, or just simply to hide them. Doubt it will happen, but it'd be a nice option. Edit: Seibertron is reporting that the mouth guard will be able to open indicating that you can choose how you'd like to display him.
  5. Well it'll be a buy for me then (if it's metallic'd up)...dunno about the face though. I like the face fine in the movies, but I prefer the face plate displayed on actual figures. Oh and Miriya, Bigbadtoystore has the Prime re-issue up for pre-order.
  6. Bah, lazy people. Oh well, my HD-DVD version doesn't play right at all (and it's now obsolete anyways) so I guess I'll have to replace it.
  7. Damn that is good sized. Saw a post on Seibertron.com about them re-releasing MP-04 which is the Prime w/Trailer set. Might be a good chance to snag one for those who missed him. The article says it should hit about mid October and run approx. $200
  8. Breakaway is pretty awesome actually, his colors are a little weird, but I really like the toy overall. Sideways...I'd wait, he's very unimpressive imo.
  9. 1. yes 2. The Devastator from the first movie was supposed to be renamed, but they never bothered to change it as of the HD-DVD release (dunno about Blu-Ray). They are not one and the same though.
  10. Jesus...I'd buy it if he looked like that.
  11. Leader looks a lot better in person than he does in the pictures, but he's still a little underwhelming. I haven't seen a Voyager one in stores yet.
  12. Yeah I can understand the action isn't for everyone in this one. I just made a point of paying attention to that particular sequence to see if I could pick up on it.
  13. Well I saw it again and some of the plot holes that have been discussed (like the cube fragment) have a totally simple and obvious explanation in the movie. Granted it wont change anyone's opinion I don't think, but it is not nearly as bad plot hole wise as some on the interwebs have said. Eugimon, I watched that forest scene with hawk eyes and I could not for the life of me see the frame drops you were referring too. That doesn't mean that they aren't there, but I really looked for em and didn't see it...maybe I didn't know exactly what to look for though. Still, I enjoy this movie more every time I see it and I hope it continues to do well at least till Potter comes out and takes over again.
  14. I've been debating doing this to my new Prime...or buying a second and trying it. I'm kinda concerned seeing it torn up like that though. I'm pretty savvy about building things and taking them apart and stuff but I'd be worried I'd screw up putting him back together...or damage him when taking it apart. I was thinking more about a true MP Movie Prime and I kind of wonder if we'd ever see it. All the MPs are more a Takara endeavor (at least I think) and I just wonder if the movie/design is even popular enough (over there) to warrant its manufacture.
  15. Some pictures of the Takara version are floating around and they don't look repainted at all. So I wonder if we'll even get a premium version. I'd definitely buy one even though I have the standard. Oh and here we have some images of stuff I haven't seen on shelves including Voyager Long Haul.
  16. Picked up Deluxe Rampage and Breakaway this afternoon and was pleasantly surprised with both. Rampage could use some paint here and there to make him look more like the photos Hasbro used, but the sculpt/transformation is actually pretty good/fun. Breakaway is a solid little Jet with decently hidden robot elements and a pretty neat transformation. His legs are a little plain, but otherwise he's a decent buy. Had to go to a couple different stores, but I found a Leader Prime and I'm just as thrilled as can be. He is an immensely solid representation of the movie Prime and is just fun to look at. Haven't transformed him yet though. Couple of paint gripes here and there, since the production photos have certain things painted up copper and such, but again nothing I quick hand-brushing cant fix. Still none of those little nit picks really detracts from this figure and I doubt we'll see anything better unless they decide to MP him. At any rate, he is just about perfect right out of the box.
  17. I'm really hoping to pick up a leader Prime this week. Trying to decide if I should paint him up a bit though. Still I've heard nothing but great things about this new Prime and with the sales going on at both Toys R Us and Target it seems like a good time to snag one.
  18. I would really love to see a nice (Leader class perhaps) version of Long Haul from ROTF. Concept art of him can be seen here
  19. That article is definitely a good read since so many details on this film have been well...non existent practically.
  20. I actually did see that, and you may be in the minority with liking the robot designs, but I like them too, quite a bit actually.
  21. I dunno about the writers, I mean they are perfectly capable of writing a solid well liked script. They did do the new Trek after all. I guess I'd say more triple changers, maybe we'd see Springer that way. I doubt the Robot designs will change. Unicron would be pretty sweet, but I really don't know how that would work. The Dinobots too for that matter Love them or hate them, I think the human elements is necessary. Megan Fox content...meh, I don't mind her character, but i don't sit there and drool over her either. I like Michael Bay... Mudflap and Skids weren't that bad. I'm not too savvy on Omega Supreme or Gestalts besides Devastator, so no comment I suppose.
  22. I'm not really surprised, I seem to recall a discussion in one of the TF threads here where we discussed TF by and large being bigger outside Japan. At least that's how I think the line of conversation went.
  23. Chewie I agree with you 100%, you just articulated better than I. As for the human element, I really believe it's necessary, especially in the first film. It gives the audience (especially those who aren't lifelong TF fans) something to relate to. It just makes it more accessible imo. I think these movies would probably be a lot worse off if they just had robots. Love the Bay films or not, hopefully those who hate them can at least appreciate the success they bring the franchise and the interest they generate in the property as whole.
  24. Or it could be that just maybe...just maybe that in these trying times a nice escapist movie is just what people want to see. Just because it isn't thought provoking or deeper like say Beast Wars was (in terms of TF) doesn't equate it to bad. I really don't think that if you enjoy this movie it reflects on your intelligence level of all things. Furthermore it's a Michael Bay movie, the guy has been making the same types of movies pretty much since he started with a style that is very much his own, if everyone hates it so much why do you keep paying to see his movies? Some interesting tid bits from the exit polls "Paramount's national exit polling revealed several notable facts. While the first "Transformers" film, released in 2007, skewed 60-40 toward men over women, the split in the new film was more even at 54% male, 46% female. More than 90% of those surveyed said the new movie was as good as or better than the first film. About 67% of moviegoers polled said the film was "excellent," an even better score than that generated by Paramount's "Star Trek," one of the year's best-reviewed movies." Obviously people enjoy it, and you don't even need exit polls to tell you that.
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