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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I don't know if it's been talked about much in this thread, but several reviews as well as an interview on like....access hollywood or entertainment tonight stated that basically everything Wikus spoke dialogue wise was ad lib. They gave him essentially a general rundown of the scene, the characters beliefs/motivations at the time and kinda let the guy run with it.
  2. From what I read it sounds like Sith/Jedi may be split into Warrior and some name for more force based/mage type Sith/Jedi. Granted I just skimmed the new stuff coming from GC.
  3. Most people I know, myself included, thought the ending to Moore's BSG was fantastic.
  4. The PS2 DID have that exact same issue. It wasn't quite as finicky as the 360 seems to be, but I've personally seen more discs be scratched by a moved PS2 than a 360. You can move the 360 when it's off and avoid disc gouging, but if I do I usually open the disc try as soon as it's powered on just to be safe. For my 360 it isn't really an issue, it's tucked away in an entertainment unit, off the ground and I only have wireless controllers.
  5. I really do like my launch ps3, I just wish it had a larger library of unique titles. Things like Devil May Cry and GTA I buy on the PS just because that's where I've always played them. Heavy Rain looks interesting, and I'll probably pick it up just because it's so different. The Last Guardian, GT5 and the new Ratchet are the main things I'm looking forward to on the PS3. FFXIII is probably a buy, since I've played all the others. I'd like to see more about it though.
  6. That can actually happen regardless, though its less likely to of course. My aunt destroyed my cousins new copy of madden on christmas when she scooched the 360 over, right after I said don't move it while it's on.
  7. Except the Wachowski brothers had a vision that expanded beyond the single movie, so your point is sort of moot. Yes the success of the first ultimately lead to the second to being green lit, everything I've seen/read indicates they had some form plans to expand the universe from the get go. I don't really see that as being a motivating factor here. Edit: the sequels to the matrix were quite good. yeah, i said it.
  8. I couldn't disagree more. I really believe they wont do a sequel. It's a fantastic piece of film, that at the very least should make audiences think about other things beside the cool guns and mechs. I think it would lose a lot of its impact if they just went and did a sequel. I know Hollywood loves milking poo, but I think D9 is best served left alone now.
  9. I didn't mean to imply you personally were upset about it. I just think fans can be a bit silly sometimes.
  10. While I agree about the Napster thing taks, I really don't see how the second one should have any impact. I don't see how because they are a metal band they must all always enjoy music equal to or more heavy than theirs. But on the flip side, it was Lars, and Lars is (for like of a better term) the bitch of the group. Their older stuff is still really good, but I'm still on the fence about their newest album.
  11. Metallica was the best band to survive the 80s metal scene imo. Sadly Maiden, Metallica, Motorhead and others all sound watered down compared to what I listen to now. Still...I'm still going to a Metallica show in December, they are still bad ass live.
  12. I think the Helghan look took some serious inspiration from the Protect Gear, which I know was inspired by actual gear used in various wars.
  13. I think the ending was very fitting.
  14. except Moore's ending was fantastic so yes it could be way worse
  15. Fantastic movie, but unsettling as well. I think a lot of what is truly wrong with human beings was put on display, and none of it was very far fetched, if at all. There was definitely some fun to be had, but the wrongness of our attitudes towards these...people/beings/aliens was really sad. I don't think any movie I have seen, at least in recent memory, has made me want to cheer when humans get turned into red mist. This and the new Trek were really the fantastic surprises of the year, and it was nice to see some good quality sci-fi.
  16. I had heard about this around the time the new BSG series ended. I like the RDM universe a lot, so I'll probably pass on something more akin to the original.
  17. Yeah he does appear to have a different head sculpt.
  18. The slim was actually a decent buy when my brick crapped out on me. Though with no official confirmation on the backwards compatibility returning (though it has been stated that a simple software patch could enable it across all systems) and my release model working fine, I certainly see no reason to get a smaller one.
  19. Oh man this is gonna be awesome. I heard he was doing Thanksgiving too, that one was my personal favorite.
  20. It's a little old but http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31491027/ns/us_news-life/
  21. The thing for me is, both shows demonstrate survival techniques and both are fairly effective. Bear, imo, is just a more interesting and fun to watch host.
  22. Weird, every FF I've played including 3/6 it's been Biggs and Wedge, well every FF that had them.
  23. Lately I've become enamored with this sort of pagan/folk metal coming out of Scandinavian countries. Falkenbach especially, others too, but they are so weird an obscure I wont bother mentioning them lol.
  24. I'd say that's my biggest problem with the whole idea/premise of the show. The Japanese whalers are willing to take much more drastic steps to protect themselves, yet all the Sea Shepard crew can manage to do is try and huck stink bombs up on deck. I think their cause is noble and the right thing to do, I just don't think they are particularly effective, which sorta kills the premise.
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