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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Rumor mill buzzing with a Bumblebee leader class ROTF figure: http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/new...-mold-is/17617/
  2. I think that's half the reason they gave us Advent Children (Which CG wise is miles ahead of Spirits). On topic; Avatar looked amazing, the technology used to do the CG effects is cutting edge, there's really no two ways about it. Does that mean Cameron deserves full credit for it, no, but give the movie some credit for what it brings to the table.
  3. Square has always been a front runner in CG, at least from a gaming standpoint. Spirits Within looked amazing for it's time, and still holds up well, but it was the foundation for the CG we see today. In terms of realistic characters and environments Avatar really does step it up, even if by only a bit. The movie practically never looked blatantly CG (which even the best from a few years ago can). This movie certainly has changed the course of future movies, if only for proving to a wider audience that 3D can be legitimate and not just for animated kids flicks or really lousy horror movies.
  4. This, I thought it was great. Was it the most thought provoking and original piece of cinema ever? No. But it didn't have to be for it to be enjoyable.
  5. BBTS has also started taking pre-order for Spring..."Defender"
  6. It's not even an original lame ass made up element. They used it to build the machine in The Core lol.
  7. They easily have one of the best stages acts of any band I've ever seen. They really play to the crowd and get them involved in songs. James even had a 2 minute conversation with an 11 year old kid front row. At the end of the show James personally handed him a guitar pick and one of Lars' drumsticks as a momento.
  8. Heard they kinda shafted people on that and only showed about 30 seconds, the full one apparently is on XBL on the 21st or something.
  9. Same, I've been dying for a modern Springer that isn't just a repaint. I've never bought anything from FP before, but I've only heard good things. Might try and get "Defender" once more details emerge.
  10. That's pretty brutal on the Bay Prime my god. G1 and Bay Prime are top of my list, everything else is just ehh, especially from Armada/Energon. I hated those designs.
  11. Maybe it's just the fact I've never seen it in person, but PG Zeta always seemed chunky to me. It seems like the MGs (of which some I have built) seem leaner. That would be my biggest personal gripe with it.
  12. Fansproject has some very interesting new shots up. The character is called Defender...which I've never heard of, but it reminds me of Springer (at least in two modes). http://www.fansproject.com/
  13. It looks like they took that Robot from Fox's NFL show, painted it red and stuck Prime's head on it. He's a bit too bulky for my liking.
  14. I think they're interesting, with the exception of Prime who looks awful.
  15. Saw Metallica in concert last night, despite having not listened to them in a while, it's still amazing to see them play.
  16. Fox is debuting the cinematic trailer for ME2 on Saturday. Here on the west coast (PST) there is some special at 7:30 that contains it.
  17. I'd really like Megaman X to get the retro treatment. Give me some snes graphics X and Zero again and I'll be a happy camper. Or continue the Maverick Hunter X PSP remakes.
  18. I think my initial/main Shepard has gotten 5 or 6 playthroughs mainly because I kept forgetting to switch the difficulty and didn't notice until I didn't unlock the next one >.<. I've been really tempted to play through it again as a primer for ME2, but I'd want to make it another "perfect" play and that takes a long time.
  19. It's always interesting to me how people play this game. I have my main Shepard, soldier class, who has basically been really really good the whole way through. I finished with the game basically completing everything on insanity and now he patiently awaits ME2. Then I have random fem Shep who wound up being bitchy and only there to score achievements lol.
  20. According to Seibertron we will be getting a teaser trailer for that new TF game either late Thursday night or Friday morning.
  21. Good god that is one of the worst renditions of Prime I have ever seen
  22. Believe me David I know, she was fantastic in MGS. Male Shepard is awesome. I dunno if it's like this for anyone else, but is it weird to see Shepard's voice coming out of a character that isn't yours? Still Kinda weirds me out.
  23. I cant stand female Shepard, she always sounds mean no matter how you respond to people. The voice actress has a lot of talent, but dear god she comes of as such a bitch. So I only use female Shep for achievements lol.
  24. Blu-ray is really nice, and the PS3 is pretty damn good. If you play games, even a little it's worth the extra 100 bucks over a standard blu-ray player for sure. Upscaling is really nice on it too, probably the best I've seen personally.
  25. I just hope Shep translates well into the improved engine. I think my version is spot on and wouldn't change anything, but I have a few friends who are looking to at least give him (or her) a haircut.
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