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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. We'll see how I feel about it in hand, but from pictures this thing blows my mind. It also kind of blows my mind that Arcadia not only went and fixed the 0D so it didn't explode, they decided to re-release it with the best paint apps ever done on a Valkyrie. Of all the Valks to get a treatment like this, Shin's training Valkyrie would not have been the one I'd have bet on in a million years. Edit: Delivered and now the 6ish hour wait begins.
  2. Not to get us TOO off topic :P, but DHL updated my delivery date to today instead of Monday. This is gonna be a real good day. This will be my first premium finish Valk, so I'm really excited to see how the kind of that castle stacks up to some recent-ish Bandai releases. I also dread that it's going to make my standard Acradia 0S look real dull.
  3. I always thought part of the point of Roy's backstory in Zero was to get him jaded. Years of war, losing fellow pilots, having the woman he loves die in his arms, all of it drives him to seek refuge in (more) alcohol and women and adopt a more carefree attitude.
  4. Same! Looks like Monday is the day, so I have a bit of a wait, still exciting though.
  5. Oh, I did lol. Now I'm just patiently waiting for shipping notification.
  6. I was going to try and be all patient and maybe combine it with some other stuff I had on pre-order at HLJ. That totally didn't happen lol, I want to see this thing up close and personal.
  7. I was always bummed they never gave us the radar dish and companion parts in the CF colors. If I remember correctly, that's the first Valkyrie we see in Frontier.
  8. Enablers, lol. Which ones? Do you have a sale thread I missed?
  9. That looks like it's in really good shape, nice find! I never had a 1/55 but I kind of want to snap up one of the Bandai reissues from the early 2000s. There's so much charm in that design.
  10. An interesting idea, I can think of a couple things that I have that would work. I'll have to give it a try
  11. This is 100% what I was thinking of, appreciate the link! That said, the problem on my DX 19 isn't so egregious that I need to try and reverse engineer anything extra. If it was something simple that already existed that would have been spiffy, but I'm largely content with it as is.
  12. I just checked to see what options I had for shipping. DHL was like 65 bucks and I think FedEx was 10 dollars more. I really want to mess with this thing, so I may just bite the bullet. I've had really good experiences with DHL and being able to authorize a package to be left without me being there to sign for it is super nice.
  13. Did anyone every produce something to keep the wings in the right position? They're not terrible, just more fiddly than I'd like and makes this partivule Valk a little less swooshable. I seem to remember a mod, or 3D printed insert or something that helped, though I honestly can't remember which 19 it was for.
  14. I caved, lol. I had sold some Transformers over on another board and decided to just go for it. I was gonna pick up some other releases instead, but I love Zero and the designs in it and it just seemed dumb to pass on it while it was available at retail. I don't even want to think about the secondary on this one down the road. In some ways I'm glad I can't even get it shipped atm, saves my wallet the rest of the hit until a little later. Maybe things will even out enough where the 0D and the DX Roy can be shipped together.
  15. I had a feeling this was what you were going to do and I think it's a pretty great idea. Given how nice a job you did on the other one, I look forward to seeing the beautification...trashification(?) of this one.
  16. I was literally minutes away from convincing myself to do it, then it swapped to discontinued lol. Glad some folks here got to snag them though. I'll keep my eyes open and see if one drifts back into their stock.
  17. I do think they don't charge you until it's actually ready to ship or hit your PW. So if the timetable is accurate, you'll spend all that in 3-5 days? I'm pretty confident in HLJ coming though, I think it was completely delisted on their site for a while and now it's back. Surely they are able to get stock if they put it back up.
  18. I'm thinking you just spent $500 :P
  19. It's the kneecaps version of this.
  20. My impression from the way the 3-5 day thing works, is that they don't even charge you until it has entered your private warehouse or is ready to ship. Don't quote me on that as I haven't done it myself. Someone else can hopefully clarify. After securing a DX Roy I kind of went a little nuts with purchases I had missed out on. Even though I'm kicking myself for not having a 0D AND I was the one who posted the link, I still haven't pulled the trigger myself.
  21. For what it's worth, I think it swapped to in stock late on Monday or on Tuesday. I think odds are good you'll get one if you order it.
  22. I remember getting the 1J when it came out and thinking that it was really solid and a great piece, but also not one I absolutely needed to have. Joke is on me as now I wished I'd kept it since that I've sourced a Max 1A and have a Roy on pre-order. That would be a nice, clean TV display. Maybe throw in a couple of pilot figures depending on space. Maybe we'll luck out and they'll do a GBP or something that warrants a reissue of Hikaru's 1J.
  23. Yeah, they are quite challenging to track down, especially at an even remotely reasonable price. I only have Mazinger Z and Great in their alt colors and I was able to purchase Black Shin Getter and the original Getter Dragon when they released, though I actually prefer the repaint of the latter. I had Grendizer pre-ordered at one point but didn't ultimately pull the trigger. I wish I had more of them, especially the regular colors for Great Mazinger and Reideen. I would love to see more of the line in general, even though I'm not sure Fewture is doing them anymore. I feel like Dragon, Black Shin, Grendizer, Reideen and a few other Getter items all released in relatively close proximity, but I know I haven't seen even a tease about what might come next. Something like a mosnterized version of Mazinkaiser almost seems like a no brainer. That said, maybe no one has really been able to pick up on the work Taku Sato was doing and the line just isn't the same without his influence.
  24. Love the EX Gokin collection, mine is not nearly as impressive. You even have the Reideen in normal colors, I feel like I only ever saw the all gold version.
  25. It's funny, I was thinking about the VF-0 on my way to work this morning and how it's pretty much a perfect iteration, or...reverse iteration on the VF-1. It's a great design in its own right and looks and feels like a natural stepping stone between conventional aircraft and the more advanced VF-1. Sure, the animation for Macross Zero is wayyyyy more advanced, and so it does crazier stuff we had never seen a VF-1 really do, but the vehicle itself didn't feel that way. I don't think I realized that the VF-0 had a premium version though, that could be dangerous for the wallet.
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