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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Nintendo really had a killer showing at E3. The 3DS looks really awesome. MGS:3D Snake Eater looks amazing and is enough to sell me on the console. Not really a fan of Kinect or w/e Natal is called now, or the PS3 motion controls, OR console games in 3D. I wish some fads would hurry up and die already. That being said, Twisted Metal, and the 2 Warhammer 40k games look awesome, as does Portal 2. I just wish Valve would announce SOMETHING for the next chapter of Half Life 2.
  2. Pretty sure I was able to apply points to everyone's loyalty including Grunts.
  3. well we can have faith. While not every classic character has gotten their G1 voices, they have done some fan service and could easily do it again.
  4. I'm terrified of what this thing is gonna cost
  5. Jeri Ryan spills the beans on the MK short http://kotaku.com/5558850/that-mortal-kombat-trailer-jeri-ryan-explains
  6. Saw this on Kotaku earlier. Not sure what it will actually be for, probably a movie just looking at the people in the vid. That being said it does seem to have some spoilers in it. Could be a very high end live action preview of a new MK game as well.
  7. Fail on the Deathscythe, other versions of that Gundam would be worth the buy. Oh well, maybe they'll do at least its original variant one day.
  8. Yoshi's Island was freaking awesome. F-Zero and Megaman X are some of my all time favorites as well as R-type 3.
  9. Well as I recall, Deathscythe from EW is Deathscythe Hell Custom. One would think they would include that or Deathscythe Hell EW or something to indicate it wasn't just the standard one. That being said, I can't wait for non-EW Wing kits to be released. I've been waiting years for something better than the old kits.
  10. I'm dying to pick one up, I'll probably wind up caving soon
  11. Just finished my Insanity playthrough, not as bad as I was expecting. No deaths, now I have all the N7 missions to do and some sweet DLC on the way. Looking forward to it.
  12. He's really bizarre, that being said, most of the new characters look really fun. Akuma's new SSIV costume looks amazing though, so that combined with how much I enjoy playing him will mean I likely stay with the same character.
  13. Yeah I know we are, I hope in the time we have between now and ME3 they do some DLC that perhaps further deals with old squad mates and ties the group back together. Or more Legion stuff. Anti-husk would be good though....even though a quick machine gun burst and slam will KO them.
  14. Ill take w/e they give us, especially with the Hammerhead DLC coming later this month, though I dont think we need more team members. That being said...why another heavy? Give us more sniper rifle, pistol, etc weapons. I don't know about the rest of you, but 99.9999999% of the time, I only bother with the collector particle beam.
  15. Catering to the masses is essentially the core of all the issues I have with ME2. I seriously hope they don't opt for this route for 3. Fans deserve a proper, glorious ending to what will probably be one of the RPG series of all time.
  16. Strait from the devs, a list of stuff being tested, investigated and planned for STO. I'll post the full list so people dont have to sift through the wasteland that can be those forums. In Testing * Respec options * Ground anomalies are not consistently giving the correct level resources * PVP Queue updates * Fleet Actions will be level banded so that players in the map are within range of each other to make scoring fairer. * Renaming your account @name * AI pathing and mission fixes for Cage of Fire (Bajoran Fire Caves) * Unique items should not be allowed to be equipped multiple times on the same character. * Klingon stores selling items for the wrong currency * Leveling up and Promotion bugs * Klingon skill tree review to remove reference to Fed skills * Additional Federation and Klingon Bridges * Klingon Star Cluster missions * Additional Star Cluster mission types * Klingon ship customization for T0 and T5 ships * New Fleet Actions and Fleet Action updates for both Fed/Klingon (DS9 Invasion, Gorn Minefield, Breaking the Planet, Romulan Temple, Crystalline Entity) * Borg Special Task Forces (For Fed and Klingon players) * Klingon access to Borg Sector * Multi-faction Borg Deepspace encounters (Fed+Klg players vs Borg) * More emotes * More Fed ship variants * New Klingon Cruiser * Race specific transporter FX * Off Duty Outfits * Updates to the ship selection rooms * Removing the bug where missions would sometimes get stuck in partial complete progress * Rereleasing iPVP maps * Players getting trapped in geometry in the mission TRAPPED Under Investigation * Loading screens freezing the client * Players will sometimes encounter mobs much higher than expected in Deepspace encounters * Skill descriptions that are confusing or incorrect (on a per case basis) * Latency when moving around inventory * Long load times when entering Sol System or Earth Space Dock * /Stuck command not working in all cases * Objective griefing on the Borg Hunt PVP maps * Klingon stores not selling expected items * Weapon beam FX do not stop and attach to the player as they move around the map * Admiral Zelle issues on the Divide et Impera mission * Temple Offerings mission is not completing properly * Updating the timers on Klingon repeatable missions * Faction settings are not being applied properly and powers like “Seduce” can be misused * Stealth powers allow interactions that bypass content * Problems when applying pips to costumes In Development * Death Penalty Options * Memory Alpha/Crafting * Cross level teaming * Multi-Faction “Neutral” social area * Improvements to Repeatable Mission UI * Updating player status windows to show the proper ship silhouettes * Better notification when players are at the skillcap and skillpoints are converted to BOFF points * More non-combat mission varieties * Options to make missions more difficult * More replayable mission types * Ability to trade bridge officers * Revamp of commodity missions
  17. Yeah I noticed that after the fact, I read that they were releasing them, went to find pictures and posted, shoulda read more carefully.
  18. Seriously, my Klingon should be pushing admiral by the time live hits ...what can I say, it's been a super relaxed weekend.
  19. Not really STO related, but Trek in general. Looks like Enterprise B and Excelsior are getting the Art Asylum treatment this year. http://trekmovie.com/2009/02/16/toyfair-ds...toys-announced/
  20. Do the defense missions, even if only once, they give 300 exp each turn in. Same with the exploration mission that is closest to your applicable level. I milk repeatable quests for all there worth. My Fed-Klingon is Lt. Commander 9.5 and is just hitting Romulan space. I'll probably do 2 defense missions there and hit Lt. Commander 10 before I even start the story missions up there. You aren't missing any, the quest givers basically appear in your little hail Starfleet thing when applicable. Skipping defense or exploration missions can stretch things a little thin in certain sections.
  21. It definitely helps, and you are getting into the areas with some of the best quests and story imo. I really love commander and ups experience.
  22. Can't wait for this, should have my insanity playthrough done story wise and I'll just be able to soak in all the stuff I intentionally saved for post endgame and this new content.
  23. Respec is on the way. I'm not sure if it'll be included with the first raidisode patch or not, but it's one of the things they are fast tracking. Adjusting ship models and connections is also high up there, the Saber may be bad but the Galaxy is just awful. Additionally, they said in a recent developer posting that Rear Admiral 10 is the intended max level, whether indefinitely or not who knows. That being said, I imagine you will see that open up when there is enough content done to support it. I think a lot of the games faults are a result of it being pushed out the door quickly. They can and seem to want to fix and polish this game to be the complete Trek experience, lets just hope fans can hold out to see it happen. http://www.startrekonline.com/node/1182 A "State of the Game" article talking about short term and long terms plans for STO. If they can deliver on even part of what's listed I will likely not need another multiplayer game for years.
  24. I really dig the advanced escort too, especially in terms of Cryptic designs which I haven't really liked. It looks like we are getting our first bit of end game on at least test servers tomorrow. Hopefully I can power my Klingon up high enough to be within reach when it's supposed to hit live next week.
  25. I'm jealous of you guys and your NX registries. I like my TV TNG uniforms but the NX would be sweet. Hopefully they implement respecs relatively soon, both my characters are tactical and were taking the cruiser route. That being said, I really enjoy my escort in groups on my admiral, so there is a strong chance I could swap come the "raidisodes"
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