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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Well they didn't list any on the press release, but I did see him at Comic Con so that helps a bit. He's roughly 2 ft tall, no lights, I dont think any Cullen signature on the box. Just a fairly large, insanely accurate statue of movie Prime. This is probably the biggest rendition of Prime in any form I'll ever have a chance at getting, and I've been planning for him since comic con 09. So even without the gimmicks he's still a bit of a grail piece for me.
  2. I've been waiting for this thing for over a year now. Thankfully the pre-order starts between 6-7 pm PST. I'll be home and smacking the refresh button to get this thing. I really didn't like how they only listed the production size of the sideshow edition, and not the standard. However, both being the same price, I'll go for w/e I can get. Edit: Unless, 100 is the total run for the entire thing, Sideshow version and normal...in which case tomorrow night will be a touch stressful.
  3. Borderlands got a new expansion announced and detailed. Looking forward to that hitting, it's been a system link favorite of my group of friends for a while now.
  4. I freaking hate Mega Bloks, they should just include a tube of super glue/modeling cement in the box since they dont stay together normally anyways.
  5. Yeah the Colossus armor was my favorite in ME1, I think by the time I put ME1 down, every character had Colossus armor (that it was made for) and I had Spectre X weapon sets for everyone that would live through the story. Needless to say I spent ages with ME1. Part of what I love in ME2 is the ability to at least replicate the Colossus look within 10-15 minutes of starting the game.
  6. I was able to snag this at Comic con from the Square booth (along with Dante from DMC4) and he is a fantastic figure. I'd recommend him to any fan of MGS and/or Snake/Big Boss
  7. Yeah, I wish I had seen some kinda of version of that mold in stores. I'm not dedicated to Sideswipe (I mean he only said a few words in the flick) but he looked really cool and the deluxe mold seemed really slick.
  8. Well he has like half the car strapped to his back, his blades are tiny and made of soft plastic (like Drift's swords) and imo his shoulders are seriously borked in design and dont look right at all. I never saw his deluxe version in retail stores, maybe I'll see if I can find him cheap online. Edit: Though maybe if he gets a decent amount of time on screen on TF3 he'll get a new mold of some kind.
  9. I heard he fits better in BB though, if that matters. I for one will probably toss the human figure when Jazz gets here on Monday. The HA line seems good just for the (mostly) nice sculpts, though I wish Sideswipe would have gotten better treatment.
  10. The MP Grimlock will be in TRU stores, there have been some sitings of him already posted on sites like seibertron. As for the knock off Prime, the story is that he is fairly good quality for being KO but beyond that I personally know very little about him other than what was posted here.
  11. Oh god I hated Armada. I wish they'd do away with the gimmicks and even the sound effects, think of all the space they could work with if they didn't have to design places for batteries and other electronic components. Use the money saved to give us awesome paint apps that looks closer to the promo shots. I'm sure you're right though, they'll find a way to cash in as much as possible when TF3 comes out, if they find a way to make a leader Prime that's even better than the newest one I'll get it. Hell...I'd get it if they just didnt retool him and use the money saved to give him nicer paint.
  12. Well they did kinda need to redo it since the first movie Prime sucked pretty bad....actually most of the original movie figs were just awful.
  13. Got my WFC Prime in the mail today (ironically NOW TRU has some in stock) and he is a really awesome figure. He wasn't totally transformed into bot mode in the package and he kept falling over, but a quick peak at his feet fixed that. I really did not like WFC Prime when I first saw him, but the design has grown on me tons since the initial reveal. Now I just kinda wish they had given this guy the Voyager treatment. That being said I love the deluxe figures that are coming out right, probably the best since the BW Transmetals era.
  14. I love the 09 movie Prime mold and it would definitely be a buy over Grimlock for me. But I'm a huge Prime fan and I enjoy the movies designs, especially Prime's. I had totally forgot about the 2 pack with the faceplate...I may have to see if I can find that. Grimlock is cool, but he doesn't beat out Prime for me. On a purely mold to mold comparison I couldn't say as I don't have Grimlock. That being said he SEEMS fairly basic in design (though accurate) where Prime is pretty insanely engineered if that sort of thing matters. Edit: Just saw new pics of Terradive he is a must buy and so is that new helicopter mold whose name escapes me.
  15. Seeing Areaseven's post made me think about my leader Prime. Dusted him off and removed his armblades. I really like him better this way, especially since his elbows can move freely without having him look like he wants to kill someone.
  16. Target by my house looks like they are prepped to finally restock their toy section seeing as half of it was totally empty the other day. I'll probably hit it and TRU next week and see if anything good is there. I have WFC Prime and HA Jazz on their way from other sources. But Darkmount, Grimlock and the new Thrust would be at least potential buys if I could find them.
  17. I've been waiting on picking it up, but that's too good a deal to pass up. Thanks Keith
  18. Right now the only thing on my list is the Sideshow Collectibles Optimus Prime statue. Given it's estimated price point...that's probably all I'll be able to swing for a while.
  19. I would say 90% of the transformers at my TRU are the same. I got really lucky with Drift. That being said they did have HA Barricade and Bumblebee as well as 1 leader SS. But their selection of smaller TFs leaves a bit to be desired.
  20. Hot Rod/Rodimus is likely going to be the first MP I'll have bought since Prime. If he does in fact have Hot Rods car mode in there too, it might warrant a second one of him to display in robot and car. Regardless though, I'll likely get him just for the really nice bot mode.
  21. I do something very similar, maybe not quite as far, but close. Still, I really like his shoulders, I think they balance his bot mode well, especially with the size of his legs. Though I could understand if they are a bit too kibbley for some.
  22. The shoulders are one of my favorite parts actually. Just to be sure though, you are rotating the fender/hood of the car back so the front bumper is facing the rear of the figure, and the autobot logos on his shoulders are visible? Cause they don't seem to stick out far to me when done like that. Another little tidbit for Drift owners (which I'm sure many have discovered) but you can store his large sword between the window and the door is his robot mode, giving him sort of a double sheath. I personally prefer this over his back storage and kinda falls in line with the Samurai theme he has.
  23. I'm curious as to how they'll work the Wreckers. Will they be akin to the pre-existing team (in which case my bet is the green one being Springer) or are we just using the same name for something entirely different. Still, I like all the news pouring out about this one. Seems like the last two were kept really under wraps (at least as I recall).
  24. For those who were fans, the remake/sequel to Hydro Thunder hit XBL today for 1200 points. It's a lot of fun so far, though it may not be quite as awesome as the original. Still I'd recommend it to fans of the old game, especially if you didn't own a copy or your old consoles are packed up somewhere.
  25. Peg is like the MW name for Drift. I dont remember exactly how it came about, but I believe it was in one of the former transformers super threads.
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