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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Despite this being one of my favorite Valks of all time, it has taken me this long to get my hands on one. That being said, this piece does not disappoint. It's easily my favorite Valk toy and probably one of my favorite transforming toys ever. Transformation was very close to the original 1/72 and so it was a breeze to get from fighter to Battroid. I was expecting more fiddling with the heat shield, but I got it after an attempt or two. QC on it is flawless, there wasn't even a funky mark on the plastic. Everything was smooth and pristine. I've never had any issues with Yamato QC before, but I was pretty floored by this Valk. All in all a fantastic piece and I'm stoked to finally have it as part of my collection.
  2. 3D is probably my most disliked tech in recent memory. Most of the other stuff on this list I don't mind as long as it isn't all consuming. For example, I love my smart phone, but it has a time and a place to be used (like when I'm not driving). But back to 3D, I really dislike the concept as it is now. First off the overall quality of the picture is lacking. Even Avatar, the film that got Hollywood on 3Ds nuts, looked very washed out compared to its 2D version. Furthermore it costs more to see said 3D films and the glasses really don't seem to take into account people like me, who wear glasses already to you know....see normally. Give me better picture in movie theaters (Roger Ebert wrote about a film format that is essentially double the resolution or w/e of current film tech) bring stuff like that into the movies and leave the 3D stuff back in the 80s...with Captain Eo.
  3. Exactly, they already strayed a bit too much away from the RPG thing in ME2. I liked it, but it was just missing certain things that I really enjoyed in 1. In any case, if they move more more away from the RPG elements, that will just kill it for me. Though I could probably be suckered into 3 to finish Shep's story. I have faith they'll keep ME3 at least in the RPG category.
  4. What would a prequel even entail with Human characters? About all you could do is the first contact war with the Turians, and as I recall there wasn't much conflict past the initial ass whooping the Turians gave. As for the multiplayer theory...I can honestly say that, at least right now, if it isn't about Shep and it isn't ME2 dlc or ME3 then I just dont care.
  5. I'm not sure the planets had enough going on to make them worth adding special gravity effects to each one (even if there were only say 4-5 different settings). To really make the gravity thing pay off, the planets would have needed to be much more varied both in terms of layout, and what you could actually do on them. I liked being able to actually explore all the planets in ME1 so those features would have been great, but from a practical standpoint I can understand why Bioware didn't go that route.
  6. I really didn't hate the Mako too much, but now that I've used the Hammerhead in the DLCs I dont think you could pay me enough to use the Mako.
  7. Was out running errands today and stopped by a Target to see what they might have. It was mostly what you'd expect, pure shelfwarmers. They did have 2 Staxus/Darkmounts and 1 of each of Terradive and Tomahawk. Needless to say, I procured both of them for my collection. Haven't had a chance to mess with Tomahawk yet, but Terradive is a great figure and is wonderfully complex for being a deluxe. He was still fairly easy to transform, but they managed to cram a lot of neat transformation steps to get him from plane to robot. Edit: Gave Tomahawk a transform, and he's really impressive too. Not quite as crazy as Terradive, but a very solid figure none the less. That being said, I think both these figures will become victims of the floppy hip syndrome as time goes on. The ball joints on mine weren't insanely tight to begin with, and we all know they don't get tighter on their own.
  8. Yup, this is the second time they've had to close it down for the 2011 tickets. Kinda nuts considering how much experience they have with online sales and all.
  9. Yeah, Animated Ratchet is basically all I have at my TRU, the only luck I have had recently was with Mindwipe who isn't even the same class of figure. Target is basically War For Cybertron Bee and Prime, that white Jet/harrier thing (cant recall the name), Ironhide and now about a million Thrust and Drift figures. While that seems like a lot of "shelfwarmers" they basically have at least one peg dedicated to each of those figures. Last week I saw a single Darkmount (which I mentioned before)and this week I saw a single Sideswipe with the guns. Overall it's been really slim pickings. That being said, now that I've had some time from last post to handle Mindwipe, he is easily in my top 3 TFs of the year (I think he came out in Jan or Feb).
  10. It isn't just you, I'm tired of Strike variants and stuff from Seed. The only exception is the Red Astray which I really like. I'd still like Wing to get some more love, but the original suits or their mid series upgrades (though I'd take and MG Talgeese III). Endless Waltz was nice, but I'm tired of them only using those designs or offshoots of them. Give me a PG Deathscythe. Hell go back and revisit G-Gundam again for kits.
  11. Stopped by Target and TRU today to see if they had anything new. Both were a pretty big let down in terms of having the newest stuff, however I was able to find something good at each store. Target had a single Darkmount nestled between about a million Thrust and Drift figures, so I bought him right away. Toys R Us was mostly animated Ratchet, though they did have a few Ironhide figures as well as Rodimus. The real find at TRY was a mindwind, which I have never seen before at a store, so he was snatched up instantly as well. Darkmount is a really awesome figure, and I love his headsculpt. I don't know much about his character, but his figure was well worth it. The transformation isn't very tough, but it was a lot of fun. He also has some nice articulation in his hands/arms/shoulders. Mindwipe so far seems fantastic, but I've only just been staring at his jet mode so far. While there are obvious inaccuracies compared to the F-117, I still love it. He's probably one of the best jets Hasbro has done yet.
  12. After finishing the Claymore anime I started skimming the last 5 or so mangas I imagine I'll wind up reading it in its entirety and following it now.
  13. Just got done watching Claymore and I gotta say I really liked it. One of the more intense animes I've watched. Kinda hoping they continue on with it as the Manga is ongoing and the end of the anime leaves plenty to go on. Still, I was very happy with it. Watched in on Netflix, liked it enough to maybe snag the Bluray set.
  14. I'm surprised it took Xplay, or this thread that long to get that info about the new Goldeneye, that tidbit was one of the first things revealed about the game. On an unrelated note, got the newest Borderlands DLC, haven't played it though as we are supposed to get a free patch that grants 8 (or 9) more levels. Doesn't make much sense to play all the new goodies without gaining the full exp benefits.
  15. The front ends really remind me more of Audi's designs. Regardless, I really like the new Elise though I'm surprised at how different it looks from it's previous versions (though I like those a lot too).
  16. Those are some gorgeous new cars. Really love Lotus designs.
  17. Dinobot was pretty damned awesome, now more awesome then Soundwave or some of the others that didn't make it...ehhh probably not. That being said, I still like Dinobot's story/character more than most. The whole code of honor thing combined with the lust for battle and what side he should be on was really unique in the TF verse. He was like...the Worf of Transformers.
  18. Stopped into a target randomly today and they had a single Highbrow as well as the blue Fallen and one of the new voyager Primes. Picked up Highbrow and am really impressed. The mold is fantastic, and the transformation is fun while not being too complicated. I was able to figure him out without the instructions.
  19. Sideshow posted a nice little video talking a bit about the Prime maquette. While there isn't much new info, they do have some nice glamor shots of the production statue and some close ups that they don't show on the product page. You can check it out here: http://www.sideshowtoy.com/videos.php?videoID=755 Q1 2011 cant come soon enough
  20. New DLC should be the best yet, so I'm really looking forward to that. I really hope they record additional character dialogue for all (or most) of the crew. I'd like to see them actually interact with the story in the new DLC as well as have some new things to say (especially if it's post final battle) on the ship.
  21. I've been waiting for a thread to pop up/be resurrected about this movie. As soon as I saw the trailer for it a few weeks ago I knew it was must see. It's gonna be so over the top and so glorious.
  22. Slam is still far and away my favorite bonus power, fast recharge time and even on insanity it 1 shots husks once they have their armor (or shield, cant remember) gone. There are some scary parts where you just get rushed by those damn things, especially at the end. I did like the Geth Shield ability a lot though.
  23. Ty sir, and there will be many pictures, I intend to toss in some comparisons with things like leader Prime as well just to give a sense of scale. And Hutch, the piece totally floored me when I saw it at comic con. I probably hovered around the display looking at it for a good 15 minutes while talking about it with one of the reps at the booth. He's by far the most expensive collectible I've ever bought, that being said, I've been saving my pennies since 09s comic con for him. All in all, I'm incredibly excited about having it, I imagine it will be the centerpiece of my collection (and not just my TF one) for many many years.
  24. I really wish Ford would integrate the damned antenna into the windshield, especially on the higher end Mustangs
  25. Well I was able to nail down a pre-order for the Sideshow edition of Prime. Now it's just a wait until they are actually shipping him out.
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