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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I would say that getting the super glue you brush on is probably your best bet. That way you can control (to some degree) the thickness and amount of coats you apply to the piece.
  2. Many major choices probably wont play out till ME3, especially who (or what) you might have killed in the first. There is actually only minor references to some of the biggest ME1 choices in 2 regardless of what system you played it on.
  3. I got a shipping notice from BBTS today for my set of Wheeljack, Thundercracker, Kup and Scourge. I'm really looking forward to having these in hand, especially Kup and Scourge, finally my Cyclonus and Hot Rod will have proper company. I also ordered the United re-issued of Classics Megatron since I missed out on the mold originally, and as a result, Henkei Prime was ordered to. I figure I should have both leaders present. I still would really like to get a classics era Ramjet and Skywarp to fill out my conehead/seeker sets. Ramjet is doable, but people aren't exactly rushing to part out the 2 pack with Ultra Magnus and Skywarp, so I may just be SoL unless I can find a Henkei by itself.
  4. I honestly don't know. To be honest I was hoping so since it seemed indicative of using the same character over multiple playthroughs. Though it seems that may not be the case at all. Edit: I skimmed the net and read the achievement list, seems like lvl 20 is the highest lvl based on that list. Kind of a bummer.
  5. I gave the demo a second playthrough and enjoyed it more, I noticed some abilities requiring level 99 to get, so I got really excited about the potential to replay the game at harder difficulties with your same character. After snooping through the Bioware forums it looks like you cannot continue the game after the final boss or w/e and there is no carrying your character over through additional playthroughs. This pretty much killed my desire to buy it. As for Wanzer's post, Skyrim did get a major overhaul. The new engine looks really fantastic, there are a few screenshots and a new trailer with some gameplay that shows it off pretty well. Bulletstorm is pretty darn fun, but the game starts off pretty slow. There is a heavy amount of cutscenes and you start with only the assault rifle. So you are a bit limited to with what kind of cool stuff you can pull off until you start encountering additional weapons.
  6. My Target and Tru has some pretty lame selections still, but the Target by my Girlfriend's house had multiple Jazz, Tracks, Perceptor, G2 Prime as well as the standard shelfwarmers. Needless to say I was a bit floored, but at least I've actually seen most/all of the current releases at retail at this point.
  7. Bulletstorm has been a lot of fun so far. I thought it got off to a slow start, but once you start picking up some more varied weapons it really becomes a treat. I still think that so far Echoes mode is my favorite, but I haven't messed with multiplayer yet. Messed with the DA:2 demo a bit as well (on xbox) and while I liked it better than the first one in terms of combat (again I played the first on xbox) I felt it was lacking a bit. Granted it's just a demo, but it felt like you just mindlessly smashed A until a cooldown was up then you hit mobs like a freight train before mindless mashing A again. So I found it to be little...joyless, but you only have a small handfull of abilities to play with. Does anyone know if multiple playthroughs with the same character are possible like in Mass Effect? The lack of this in the first Dragon Age really damped the experience for me (though I actually took issue with a lot of things in that game, especially on console).
  8. Wing didn't really but technically Deathscythe Hell did they just stuck the "custom" bit on the end of its name. Still as much as I like the EW designs (though I've had more than enough of Wing Zero) I'd really like to see the show designs get made. Bandai really needs to make an MG Tallgeese as well and got he same route the did with the T III from Endless Waltz and just package all the variant pieces so you can build w/e version you want. MG Epyon gives me hope though that we'll eventually see these suits get the MG treatment.
  9. Had Tracks and Jazz show up this past week and I'm pretty pleased. Jazz is probably my favorite of the line thus far. I'm not sure a better rendition of the character has ever existed. Tracks is pretty fun as well and both have some nice transformations. One thing I have noticed as I've bought so much of this line is the varying levels of QC. Some of the paint apps on my G2 Prime are a touch iffy and I've noticed a lot of flash on some of the figures as well. For all the good things I can say about Jazz I had to disassemble his left leg to make sure I didn't break it the first time transforming him. Seems he was assembled a touch harshly in the factory and part of his leg was pushed beyond where it was supposed to be. QC aside though, this line has really brought back my collectors spirit for these toys. I missed out on several of the classics, and now I feel compelled to hunt them down to round out my collection more.
  10. Oh I definitely want to see that aspect of him as well. But since we know he is gonna get into fights, lets hope he dominates them
  11. Agreed, he needs to A) Not die and B) Kick serious ass in the fights he's involved in. RotF handled A kinda and B somewhat well. But I'd like to see his fighting prowess be equal or greater than the glimpse we saw in the super bowl trailer for all the fights he's in. I have very high hopes for this movie, it already appears to have the potential to be the best of the 3 (which I know from some people's view, isn't saying much).
  12. One could only hope. I opted out of the original Buster Prime as I preferred the face mask shown and I didn't really want Jetfire to go with. I wonder if it'll be a standard re-release (with some possible tweaks) or if they'll do something like the Movie Masterpiece treatment for the mold. Either way, I'm quickly learning that, if funds allow, one should not pass up on good TF toys when they're new so I'll probably take advantage of a new Takara Prime.
  13. Now that is interesting. I've always liked Ironhide in the movies, but his figures have been pretty underwhelming in the past. I'm hopeful about this new one. I'd really like to see a Prime that rivals or is even better than RotF Leader Prime. Sadly I don't think I'm gonna get one. edit: Just saw some better Prime shots on Seibertron, have some hope. He looks much nicer than the "official" shots we saw a week or so back.
  14. Sentinel does look pretty slick. As long as he is just a new Prime and not Optimus' replacement (in the movie) I'll be a happy camper. Finally found (again) and snapped up a Dirge and Wreck-gar arrived today. Wreck-gar is a really great mold, transformation is pretty simple but it works and is a nice rendition of the character. My only gripe is that his head seems to sit a little low so he kinda looks like he is shrugging. So now that I have Dirge and Thrust, if anyone has a Ramjet loose or otherwise or knows a decent retailer that has one please let me know. Think the absolute cheapest evilbay buy it now price is about 60 bucks.
  15. Played the Bulletstorm demo tonight. Now that game is fun as hell (so far). Looks like it'll be just insane and over the top enough to hold me over till Duke.
  16. I totally forgot about Ramjet and that he was part of classics. Now I have no idea how the hell I'm gonna find him for a reasonable amount.
  17. I realize that the events in the teaser are a bit in the past, but in ROTF it seemed like Optimus was the only Prime left and had been for a long time. I haven't watched my copy of ROTF in a while, but it seems to me Jetfire was surprised that there was still a Prime left.
  18. I gotta agree on the distribution thing. The Target by my house seems to have restocked with Terradive and some form of movie Bumblebee. Literally half their deluxe figure stock is Skullgrin atm. The Tru (which is literally right next door) is still shelf warming animated Ratchet and RotF ravage. The selection is bad enough I just caved and ordered them through various online retailers.
  19. Pretty stoked about this new trailer. The footage of Prime looks especially awesome, hopefully they keep him alive through this entire flick. I really don't like how Prime always seems to die, he's like Zero dying in every other Megaman X game. So in short, keep Prime alive, nix the dog humping and I think we may have our best TF movie to date (animated excluded of course)
  20. I was kinda excited about MP Rodimus but I think I'll just pass now. There is a lot of deluxe level figures I want to get my hands on. I still have yet to find a Jazz or Tracks anywhere, but I did find a Perceptor this weekend as well as Laser Prime. Not a huge fan of the Prime design, but he's my favorite character so it was too hard to leave him on the shelf. Still hoping my local stores get Jazz and Tracks as well as the all the great ones coming out like Kup, Sweeps, Wreck-gar, Thundercracker etc.
  21. Just to add some additional info to this for those who still haven't gotten through with everyone alive. As Ghost said, Loyalty is a must, they are dead on either the push to the Collector Base or inside at various points. Tali or Legion are the only 2 that can do the tunnel/vent as Ghost said. Miranda, Garrus are (iirc) the only 2 people that are sure things to lead Team 2. Jack and Samara (or her daughter if you went that route) are the only 2 characters that can hold the biotic field. Mordin can be tough to keep alive, make sure he is either in your team or you send him with Chakwas and the Normandy survivors. Having him "hold the line" with team 2 can (and often does in my experience) lead to him dying before the games climax.
  22. Bioware really should release something to bridge the gap. I'd like to see a good 5ish hour chunk length wise that ties things together. Bioware may have flubbed big time on ME1s DLC but 2s has been much better and Shadow Broker is actually quite critical to the story (at least in its own way).
  23. Saw this movie last night and really loved it. My one and only gripe is that it didn't have some kind of post credits scene.
  24. We really shouldn't NEED to gather fleets, in ME2 you could essentially have entire races pledge their allegiance and resources to you. I mean, we might have to do a little traveling to call in all the favors and promises given, but we shouldn't need to do much for many of the games primary races. I do find it curious that they chose Earth for the end of the game seeing as how well...nothing has taken place on Earth (at least that the player participates in). Still I'm looking forward to this and I really cant wait to see how they wrap it all up. I would like to see less ME2 and more ME in this final installment. I want a few more traditional RPG elements put back, bring the level cap up higher and give us a happy medium between ME and ME2s inventories.
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