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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I believe there was a variant of the F-16 that had delta wings (though I'll bet David knows for sure). But by and large, no it doesn't. Most variants are just well...variants of this: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f16_3.jpg
  2. I seriously cannot find Prime anywhere. However, with tickets to comic-con this week I may luck out with one of the vendors there. They may also have the buster Prime I missed out on, so it could be a toss up as to which I pick.
  3. I actually removed the swords on mine to improve the poseability. The hands bug me though, especially seeing the articulated ones they are doing now. Anyone know if you could swap the fists if you have say the leader Sentinel? I don't know if the sizes are prohibitive there.
  4. Another thing I noticed the 2nd time around, was that the damage caused during the freeway chase had alot less autobot caused accidents than I thought. I dunno if there is a difference between imax and non imax cuts, but I had remembered more.
  5. Does anyone know of any online retailers that still have the Optimus model kit in stock? The few places I've looked are either out or aren't stocking it at all.
  6. Saw this again tonight, and overall I probably enjoyed it more this second time. Few things I would change, now that I've been able to absorb it a little more:
  7. Now I dont like to be mean, but if you genuinely like any of those designs, you eiether need your eyes or your head examined (or both). That Prime one you linked, is just the G1 toy, which is poo (classic, but still poo). None of those were convincing and most looked like crap. The copy machine is probably the only decent one, and even then...meh. I realize it's all a matter of opinion, but IMO you just linked a bunch of vids that prove exactly why G1-esque styling is completely fail in a live action scanario.
  8. I was definitely a contributor to the spoilers and for that I apologize. I usually try to tag everything that may be anywhere near a spoiler, it was a genuine mistake on my part.
  9. I actually thought she suffered brain damage of some kind. Im not sure if/how the studio compensated her and her family, but I believe the injury was pretty serious.
  10. We appear to be arguing two different points. I'm specifcally referring to aesthetics, not characterization. In which case "deal with it" is probaly the only answer your going to get without a reboot and that doesn't seem likely. Therefore arguing about whether or not you are going to see g1esque characters is probably futile, as it isn't likely to change. Characterization is another matter enitrely, and I don't necessarily disagree with you on those points. They can easily bring the current tfs more in line with their already established traits without rebooting the show. Id actually love to see them introduce little to no characters (at least autobots) and flesh out who we have more in any future movies.
  11. I laughed pretty hard when that line came up, but I was the only one in a sold out IMAX. I don't know if the link was just lost on everyone, or just no one saw the humor of using a classic Nimoy line.
  12. Just because it can/does work for X franchise in no way reflects that it'll work for Y franchise. The whole debate is pointless anyways if what Don Murphy has been quoted saying turns up true. You wont see drastic design changes, and you wont see a reboot.
  13. YOU thinking the designs are ugly doesn't equate to them being ugly. The funny thing is, I would bet there are more people who like the designs of the movie-verse than don't. The whole argument is moot at this point anyways, at least as far as Don Murphy is concerned "What happens next? Certainly not a reboot. We haven't lost the Transformers. They didn't grow up or become expensive like Toby Maguire. I don't know what happens next. I'm pretty sure there will be a second trilogy. I am pretty sure it will kick ass. And I am pretty sure some of you will hate it because it wasn't all bots." The odds of anyone getting anything resembling G1 (or those semi fugly comic versions) is slim to none, and the odds of seeing Bays efforts just forgotten are slim. As I mentioned somewhere before (this thread or the TF3 one) they aren't going to re-invent the wheel to appease some oldschool holdouts. These movies make craptons of money as they are, there is no reason for them to try and deviate much from the formula.
  14. I'm with Eugimon on this one, there is no way boxy G1-style robots is going to fly in a live action movie, especially with an audience that enjoys what we already have. These robots feel real, I would hate to see them go back on that. It's also been said (the quote is in the TF3 thread) that a reboot isn't gonna happen. While plans change, it makes sense, a reboot implies the series isn't doing well enough so it needs a reinvention. Now plenty of TF fans may not like the Bayverse, but the amount of money these films pulls in says it all. There is no need for a reboot. Hasbro and Paramount would be out of their minds rebooting a series with an appeal that is much broader than Transformers has ever been before. Why risk alienating those people that help make these movies near billion dollar earners. Appeasing a fraction of the old fandom isn't worth the financial risk. Additionally, there are plenty of characters from the shows (and comics) that can be used. As I mentioned in the TF3 thread, we only ever had 1 seeker, we never saw the coneheads, anything Unicron reformatted could be used regardless. Galvatron could just be out for vengeance after the repeated defeats of the Decepticons. They can easily continue the continuity in this universe, and I genuinely hope they do.
  15. Time will tell with Bay, I know what he says, but iirc he said the same after 2. Nolan said the same after Dark Knight came out. It seems like it's a common line in Hollywood. I know Bay says he wants to do some small indy film, but the guys bread and butter is action. If they offer to cut him a big enough check (and he gets a chance to get w/e small film he wants underway) I think he could be swayed back. For these huge popcorn spectacle type flicks, I'm not sure who you could even hire that could top Bay. Also, since it looks like a reboot isn't the direction any sequels will go at this time, Bay still may be the best bet. What is really needed is some serious writers (though Orci and Kurtzman who penned 1 and 2, DO write some damn fine movies).
  16. In the grand scheme of things, not that many Iconic characters are dead (hell I think the 86 movie killed more in total). They could honestly bring Galvatron (and the whole lot of reformatted bots) in as completely new characters with unique origins. We still have the seekers and the coneheads etc. There are plenty of bots they could snag that already exist to fill the gaps left by deaths over the course of these 3 movies. Personally I'd like to see Kup fill in the hole left . The human element will always be there, but I personally don't mind that. I would just want new movies to be enjoyable and to not kill Optimus again (I mean really, it seems like Optimus is always getting the crap kicked out of him).
  17. Interesting quote from Don Murphy "What happens next? Certainly not a reboot. We haven't lost the Transformers. They didn't grow up or become expensive like Toby Maguire. I don't know what happens next. I'm pretty sure there will be a second trilogy. I am pretty sure it will kick ass. And I am pretty sure some of you will hate it because it wasn't all bots." While this isn't certain, it makes sense they'd want to do more, and it makes even more sense not to reboot. Love it or hate it, the Bayverse makes tons of money and there is a group that has become connected to the way these Transformers look and act. For the most part, I'm one of them, I'm not sure they could ever change the look of the Transformers and make them feel as real. That being said, I don't want them to churn out 3 horrible movies (I know there are those that will argue they already have).
  18. Well if it can recombine itself from dust, I guess it's just as reasonable it could have survived Optimus nuking the machine it was in.
  19. That would not have been cool with me at all Now if Sentinel just offed Bee...I coulda probably lived with that. But Keith does have a point, with the Energon device destroyed, the Matrix doesn't have much practical use. I'm not sure it in of itself can even restore life to a Transformer (it may have been the essence of the Primes or something, that really did it). So other than it being a symbolic item of power, there really isn't any reason for Sentinel to take it.
  20. So after thinking about the movie a bit more, I though of a way I'd have like to seen the very end cap off. Basically keep everything the same as it is, but hold off Prime's speech. Then flash forward and do a montage type thing to show how the human characters moved on. After that cut to a shot of the autobots constructing autobot city while Prime gives his little end of movie shpeel. The city itself would be a pretty sweet nod to the 86 movie, and they could add some small nods to other classic characters. They could have included a shot showing the existing TF characters (and maybe a human or two) standing in front of a memorial erected in honor of fallen comrades (maybe with some holographic depictions). Just to sort of acknowledge that the Autobots do care when one of their own is...torn in half, shot in the head, sacrifices himself to turn Prime into Super Prime, etc. Granted, this would probably be a costly effects shot, but imo it would have tied up the whole package a bit more completely.
  21. Someone in line said the same thing about the Dinobots. I seem to recall Bay stating, pretty adamantly, that the Dinobots wouldn't be in his TF movies.
  22. Yeah...Ratchet is the green...I dunno fire rescue H2 thing (I'D have to go back and look at TF1). But he's been in all 3, was with Prime
  23. Slag- I would probably spoiler tag that...rant Aero- I personally thought Rosie was a better character and I was impressed with her acting overall. I mean, she wasn't going to win an Oscar for it, but considering it's her first acting job I was impressed. That being said, I never really understood all the frothing over Fox to begin with. I had an experience similar to Hikuro's, my GF really enjoyed the latest film. I'm not sure she has seen all of the first before, but she hated the second.
  24. Overall I really liked this movie. But I also loved the first one, and could at least pick out a few positive things about 2. This was easily the darkest of the 3, with humans getting turned to ash and Decepticons at least planning on executing Autobots in front of well...other Autobots. My biggest nitpicks would have to be that in the Chicago battle, we saw way less Transformer related action than I thought we would. My other major nitpick is that we saw probably the two most...un-Prime moments in the entire franchise.
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