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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. Just received tracking information for Sideshow's Optimus Prime maquette . Seems like I've been waiting forever for this thing.
  2. Indeed, and Hasbro QC is usually pretty good. They'll occasionally slop paint apps a bit, but I've never had a thrashed figure from them before. I'm actually kinda surprised to see something come broken right out of the box (if that's actually what the problem was).
  3. I think he bought Ultimate Optimus Prime and part(s) were broken out of the box? So he is debating not buying TFs anymore, because of Hasbro qc? He may also take issue with the designs of these toys (though why buy them if you don't like the designs?).
  4. Yeah, and I'm not totally thrilled with the stuff they are coming up with in a post Nemesis world. But that's a bit OT, and yeah 100 years post TNG would be good. That may give the feds enough time to come up with something faster than warp, such as their own Transwarp network or something. They could open up basically the entire galaxy in which to pull ideas from. Perhaps even revisit some old friends/rivals from other quadrants and see what the 100 years post Federation contact has done. Trek has so much potential, STO fills the void...sort of, but it still doesn't feel very Trek. I also really don't believe anything in the game will ever be considered hard canon. The gaps been too large since we last had new Trek on tv imo.
  5. I'm ok with a time travel episode here or there, but I agree, the less there is, the better. Time travel has been done about a million times, especially in Trek. I think the creators would be smart to go forward vs backward with a new show. We have movies to give us the re-imagined Kirk era and Enterprise was...well crap. Hell they could do a nice jump like they did between TOS and TNG, give us like the Ent-G or something.
  6. Missed out on the pre-order already, which pissed me off. They damn well better open up more spots.
  7. There was a panel at the Vegas Trek convention about the future of Trek in TV. Personally I'd love to see them do it, and get it right. Just keep it away from the big 3-4 networks that can everything that isn't a huge cashcow out of the gates. I'd personally prefer a post TNG series, the show could even potentially have cameos to tie up any lose ends TNG might have. Trek needs some love imo, JJ has done some great work thus far, but we need more than just a movie ever 3ish years.
  8. I'd like to think it holds up pretty well. That being said, if I saw it for the very first time ever now, I may have a different opinion. But as it stands, I can literally recite every line of dialogue and sing (poorly) every song they put in the movie when there are gaps in what the characters are saying. It's so ingrained into my years growing up I could never think poorly of it. The animation and voice acting is still good quality and the movie introduced some of my long time favorite characters. Despite Prime dying (which bothered me, every single time I watched it as a kid) it's still one of my favorite animated movies and probably the best example of G1 Transformers.
  9. I think jetwing is going for closer to 200. I'm pretty sure this Prime doesn't have any sort of trailer. I think just some additional weapons in the package.
  10. http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/new-teaser-image-of-takara-transformers-dotm-da28-dx-optimus-prime/22483/ That article is really the only new news I've seen about that release so far. That picture kinda looks like...maybe he's painted up like buster Prime. But the quality is so bad its hard to say. I'd suggest finding a spot to pre-order him (I have one pre-ordered at bigbadtoystore) and just see what it winds up being. If he is just jetwing prime w/o the trailer and no special paint apps I'll probably pass since he's like 120 bucks. I'll keep the pre-order if he has a sweet paint job. Otherwise I'll just hope the stand alone retooled leader Prime makes it over here eventually and buy it for 50 bucks.
  11. So is there a place online you can actually watch all these? I only saw a couple of eps available on the Hub and then a bunch of random clips.
  12. I can totally sypmathize with the Optimus thing, as he had a very similar role in my youth as well. I think I just take a bias against Prime's not voiced by Peter Cullen. Primal would be the exception since he was, in fact, not the same character. And the movie-verse stuff isn't necessarily my favorite either, but Prime in particular brought me back to being a kid. Seeing him on the big screen with the right voice was very cool for me. So I suppose I'm apt to at least defend Prime's movie design (which I do truly love). There is something to be said about having your childhood hero and second father figure truly be larger than life. If it hadn't been Peter Cullen, it just wouldn't have had the same magic for me. And I too do the same thing with regards to Optimus. All incarnations of him sort of get compared to my favorite template of him. Prior to the movies this was G1 Optimus without fail (I almost swore BW off entirely because I thought they just changed him). Movie Prime has really moved to the top of my list after the movies. I do like some of the other movie designs too, especially the additions in DotM. I think overall, movie-verse designs got progressively better as the series went on. But of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. So to each their own of course. I think (not to debate it much again here) that the general movie going public is much more tolerant (and perhaps even enjoys) the Bayverse designs since they may not have ties to the older cartoons. It's the mainstream audience I really see as the main justification for not-rebooting TF (from a studio standpoint anyways). I can also understand your distaste for Animated design wise. It was not my favorite either, but the show itself grew on me and I wound up enjoying the series as a whole. On sort of a random sidenote, I was looking through all the stuff I brought back from comic con this year and everything is Optimus related. Couple of figures, a few really awesome art prints, a best of Prime comic collection, the little Kre-O minifig.
  13. This is very true, and I didn't mean anything combative by what I said. I'm not really sure what it even was that I disliked about the show/toys (though the designs aren't my favorite, i recall it being more than that). and Truthfully, if they brought some of those designs back in toy form like they did for those few Beast Wars characters, that'd be cool for fans who enjoy it.
  14. This made me laugh: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=HAS20639&mode=retail&picture=in They were giving this little guy away in the Gas Lamp district by the convention center for free. And to each their own, but I honestly hope we never see a resurgence of Armada or RiD, especially the Optimus looks. Those toy lines/shows nearly killed my love of Transformers. Though again, that's just me.
  15. I would tend to agree about the flow of things. I liked the movie, but there are some parts (like the very lengthy skydiving/wingsuit sequences) that could have been shortened to give us nicer transitions and a bit less abrupt ending. I personally like that Prime is the main autobot (as it should be imo) but I also agree that most other characters seem unneeded as a result. I imagine it's some contractual....thing, that requires new characters be added, but really the 2 sequels would have greatly benefited from LESS new characters and MORE with the ones we know from movie 1. If you are adding 3-4 new characters per movie(and sometimes per side), and then only giving them minor roles....why bother (aside to move toys). So they add new robots, then because they spent all this money on the development of them, they need to give them screen time which takes away from everyone but Optimus.
  16. The only differences are slight retoolings, the chest (as you mentioned) as well as the wheels on the waist (you'll notice in reviews that they have enough room to no longer overlap). It also features the gas tanks that transform in to the gun. So it's basically the Buster Prime mold with minor retooling. It does not (as I'm sure you've seen) have the super awesome paint apps of Buster Prime though.
  17. I think (and I'm not totally sure) that a large portion of the upcoming DotM line isn't coming out until 2012.
  18. Looks like at least some of the comic con exclusives are available at hasbro's online store.
  19. I didn't mean that to sound as if it was bad. I just wasn't sure if the hand was painted or for some reason it was molded in a different color.
  20. Is it just the lighting or is his hand really a vastly different shade of yellow versus his car parts? The kit looks great, I just cant figure out that hand.
  21. I intend on taking tons of pictures when he finally shows up and I shall share them (or at least a link to the album) here in the thread. I actually pre-ordered him directly from Sideshow. I signed up for their mailing list specifically so I could know when pre-orders opened. I was lucky enough to snag one of the sideshow exclusive versions with the swords. I basically dedicated a few hours the evening pre-orders went live, to make sure I didn't miss it. And as David said, Buster Prime is basically the most perfect incarnation of RotF leader Prime. His paint is superb and the fuel tanks that turn into the Buster/rifle are awesome. He has chrome bits, and shiny silver paint (vs dull plastic) and amazing pin stripes on the flames, and he comes that way out of the box. I'm not sure we will ever see a better movieverse leader Prime (unless they do a true MP or a version w/o any electronics). And in case anyone was wondering, I got the stand-alone variant with the mouth showing, not the masked version from the 2 pack. There was a vendor that had the 2 pack, but it was way more than I was looking to spend.
  22. Finally got home so I could unbox my prize from comic-con (buster Prime)and he really is an unsung Masterpiece. The same could be said of the original, but the paint/chrome work and the buster just make it amazing. I didn't think I'd ever get one, but seeing it there in person was just too much for the wallet and the Optimus fan in me to take. Once the sideshow Maquette shows up I'll have quite a collection of Prime stuff going...probably have to build a special case for them or something.
  23. Unicron is glorious, all the Prime figs are amazing (especially voyager Prime), and I managed to score a buster prime today at comic con. Good way to start, though I missed a TF pannel in my hunt for Optimus.
  24. I imagine the answer is probably no. The parts on the model kit likely don't make up anywhere near what you'd need for the full truck, and you'd have to add joints/hinges in addition to chopping up the model. You'd likely have to utilize a ton of leader class pieces as well. and really for the amount of money and time invested to even attempt to mash two toys into one, you might as well just commission the most bad ass paint job ever for a leader prime
  25. I can't wait to see that Unicron in person tomorrow. I've missed every version of this mold, I have no plans on missing it this time, especially with movie accurate paint.
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