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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. The thing about the hospital scene at the end, was that Vader's rage essentially makes him lose all control and he destroys the entire facility. George just seems to kind half ass Vader becoming Vader.
  2. The square around the tie fighters is frigging awful. So does Jabba in the Han and Jabba scene. I too hope he took the time to fix these things while needlessly tinkering with crap that wasn't broken.
  3. I thought Blu-rays were pretty tough to scratch up anyways
  4. He should downsize them too. So that Stormtroopers (and Vader) can ride on their backs.
  5. So true, it's why I choose to just stick to the movies and shows for Trek for my thoughts on canon. I really do enjoy Trek in other formats though. On a personal note, I find it more irritating when non-canon sources (or at least debatable sources) use canon characters. For example, Captain Picard goes to the McDonalds planet to try an Earl Grey/Sweet Tea hybrid. If they would have just made it: Some dude goes to the McDonalds planet to try an Earl Grey/Sweet Tea hybrid in a federation starship, it would bother me far less.
  6. It is fan made. But according to Memory Alpha the contest was put on by Pocket Books, the company publishing novels based around Riker's command of the Titan. It doesn't say how much Paramount was involved, if at all. The thing was only used for the cover and may have had some descriptions thrown into the book.
  7. I hate to be the champion of canon (again), but there is no canon evidence of that being the class of the Titan. Non-canon sources conflict on what class the ship is, with one source even stating it was a Prometheus class. And I personally think that design is hideous. I like most canon designs. I think the Sovereign and Akira are awesome ships. But I love old-school Miranda and Constitution class designs too. For the most part I think canon Star Trek has some of the best sci-fi designs anywhere. Half the reason I became so enamored with Trek as a kid was because of the ships.
  8. Ah ok, makes sense. But it'll still be cool to see those scenes.
  9. Dont like it as much as the kiss a wookie version. But still, I heard he was either adding or at least showing cut footage on these releases. I believe there is a scene or two about Luke constructing his lightsaber in RotJ in there somewhere too. I can live with those kinds of things. Heck, I'm even excited about the Lightsaber scenes if they actually make it in. Since building one is supposed to be kind of a big deal, it'd be cool to see something actually on screen.
  10. The "official" prequel comics are considered non-canon, soft at best. Movies, TV shows and apparently the animated TOS series are the only true canon sources in Trek. Just because Paramount licenses out Trek to 3rd parties, doesn't make what said parties produce, canon. Edit: Also the comic have Worf mortally wounded and presumed on his way to dead. Worf in game makes no mention of the comics. About the only connection between game and comics is that Data is Captain of the Ent-E.
  11. Had to make special arrangement with UPS to get Prime here, as they like to deliver when no ones home. Hopefully glorious images will grace this thread soon though. Saw some posts above about Skyhammer, and I gotta agree with the favorable views. He is probably one of my favorite recent voyagers and certainly my favorite DotM voyager. Imo the only downside is the white head.
  12. Ick, Ent-E is far superior to the AGT Enterprise-D imo. They literally just tacked shi*t all over a very nice design. Don't get me wrong, I like the ship in the scope of the episode (and enough to buy the Art Asylum one). But I think the Sovereign is one of the nicest fed ships ever. I'd never want to trade it for the tri-nacelled beast.
  13. Agreed (with Mike), the Ent-D wouldn't have needed replacing at all had it not been for Generations. Starfleet certainly has a history of using ships that are well over 40 years old. But I could accept a show that focused on the Ent-F, STO's reasoning for having one is just stupid. Their version of Ent-E's fate is basically "it disappeared and we haven't heard from it since". More shallow stories cooked up by cryptic. However, I could also accept a 40 year life span on the Sovereign as the flagship. The Sovereign was designed (at least partially) with combating the borg and well..the borg are pretty f'ed in the Prime universe. Unless some new crazy threat showed up (in actual canon) there isn't much reason to replace the Sovereign or even the Galaxy as the feds big guns. True it would be on of the longest time frames an Enterprise has stayed active without being destroyed or replaced, but it still doesn't seem that implausible. The post dominion war/post Romulus destruction should/could be a very interesting time. Alliances should be stronger than ever, new ones should be forged. Exploration should become the focus of the Federation again. But Cryptic has basically turned it into "the borg are back (again!) and everyone is fighting eachother". The Klingons are a perfect example of an alliance that was swept aside merely to facilitate pvp. The story telling in the game is shallow at best. Which is why I hope we just leave the game...as a game and out of any official canon.
  14. I refuse to take anything in STO as canon, especially the Ent-F. True the design may be approved by CBS, but that means very little outside of marketing. I doubt any of the people responsible for any of the true canon designs had any input or were even part of the approval process. I think in general, if it isn't in a show or movie, it isn't canon Trek. You might be able to bring in a term like "soft canon" to STO but nothing more. It's part of the reason I'd love a new show to directly conflict with the games events. While STO is enjoyable in its own way, I feel they crapped all of established canon as much as Enterprise did.
  15. I actually agree on the Voyager thing. While I like the show to some degree, I feel it is easily the worst of the big 3 (TNG, DS9 and Voy). I dislike more of the crew on that show than any other, especially Tuvok.
  16. Enterprise was one of the worst examples of Trek to date imo. Half of it seemed like the allowed fanfic to sneak in as actual script, and it basically shat all over everything that existed in canon prior. As for Abrams Enterprise, I found that design to be rather awesome truthfully. But I also love the Prime continuity designs. Part of me wants to see the show take place in the time frame of Trek Online...just to destroy any illusions about the games canon (which I dislike overall). But farther in the future would probably be the best bet for making the show interesting enough to draw in new viewers.
  17. It does: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZKT4KI/ref=ox_ya_os_product Iirc, they also had him displayed with his chest open at comic con
  18. I think that is his prime reasoning behind every change he's made to the films since they released. Iirc, he had some truly awful ideas about episode IV initially (Han Solo being some kind of orange alien or some crap). The guy makes some incredible movies from a visual standpoint. But now no one has the stones to tell him his ideas regarding plot, characterization, and even changes to his own classics, are just really horrid.
  19. I um...got to try the beta via a friend. Liked what I saw/played so I bit the bullet and pre-ordered despite my long standing resistance to the game. Signed up for the beta as well. In terms of actual combat gameplay, it doesn't feel any different than a standard mmo. However, Bioware seems to have made a solid effort at making you connect with your character in ways not done before in the mmo genre. That and you seem like a bamf right out of the gate. For a lover of RPGs, especially ones where you create your own character and forge your own path, what Bioware has done thus far has proven to be irresistible.
  20. The scalpers are going to town on this Unicron release. Thankfully robotkingdom had a reletively small markup on theirs. So I just bit the bullet. I learned the hard way (re: Buster Prime) that waiting for highly desirable Transformers often leads to paying through the nose. Those pics look great though, I saw him at comic con as well, and I'm really looking forward to having this in hand.
  21. Amazon exclusive Unicron
  22. They sort of shoot at eachother almost at the same time: http://www.youtube.com/user/WideAsleepFilm#p/u/1/mKEX6QJ-zlQ
  23. It'd certainly give him more to do. I think half these changes get made cause he gets bored swimming in his money bin all day.
  24. The "noooo" at the end of Ep III was so bad. I mean that scene was a running joke on the net for years after that movie came out. It probably still is to some extent. How could anyone working on this set think it was a good idea to remind people of that?
  25. Seriously, what the f*ck is Lucas doing? The "no" thing is totally not needed (along with most other changes). It's like the dude just cant leave it alone. The man could release these movies exactly as they were originally and still make 800 million dollars. The only things that should be changed (again) imo are cleaning up the CG effects they added in the special editions. That scene with Jabba in ep 4, for example, looks pretty dated (even though it's newer).
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