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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. So I just finished unboxing my Takara MP-10 and I'm floored. This is, imo, without a doubt the greatest rendition of Optimus Prime ever. The sculpt (especially the head which is amazing), the color, the paint, the joints, everything is unbelievably perfect. Even the eyes are blue despite looking black in the photos I've seen. I have literally never been so pleased unboxing a Prime (or possibly any other toy) as I was just a few minutes ago and I own the Sideshow Prime maquette. I cannot sing enough praise for this figure. As a lover of Optimus Prime this is in contention for the crown jewel of my Prime collection. I feel that it surpasses MP-01 in every conceivable way and it's easily the greatest Transformer (that actually transforms) that I own. I'm saying all this without even really looking the trailer over, in fact, it's going to stay in the box mostly because of space. I don't feel like I overpaid at all, this is the Optimus Prime toy I've been dreaming of since I was barely old enough to talk. It's perfect.
  2. Went and picked up my FE Prime today from the post office. Gotta say, I'm really impressed with him. In terms of robot mode, I don't think he could be more accurate. First thing I did upon taking him out of the packaging is unscrew his head and pop on the ball joint like it's supposed to be. Apparently the heads were attached wrong and it really ruined the range of motion, it also made his head sit too far back. I would like to see this mold done entirely in metallic paint, I think all the TF: Prime figures would benefit from apps like that. Biggest gripes with the figure are the rubbery plastic sword and smokestacks and the lack of a second gun (and sword). If a third party company ever did a set with new swords, a second gun and some hard plastic smokestacks, I'd buy it in a second.
  3. Wish I could say I'm surprised by the Hasbro version of MP-10 being announced, but I'm really not. Mostly surprised they plan on trying to price it for 100 bucks. I'd probably be irritated if they had announced it without the trailer and all the extras, because all I was looking for personally was Prime himself. But my Takara MP-10 is only a couple days out so I'll be happy with my (probably) overpriced import lol. Also going to pick up my First Edition TF: Prime Optimus tomorrow from the post office. I'm really excited to see that in person. First impressions of the Hasbro Prime though are mixed. His colors seem to light, both the red and the blue (but it could just be the lighting or something). I do like that they painted out the lights on his chest/cab and appear to have redone his eyes in blue (instead of the black I believe the Takara one has). But I'm also impressed the opted to keep the long smokestackes on the version for the states. I feel like I should be irritated with myself that I jumped the gun by about 4-5 days with my purchase, but I'm strangely cool with it. Looking forward to some side by side images of them though once the TRU version is out.
  4. Hey thanks BBTS shipped him out this morning with an ETA of Wednesday for his arrival so I'll be sure to post some thoughts. My buddy just got a new digital SLR and wants to shoot some pictures of my collection so maybe I'll post a few and a group shot of all my Primes. I had no idea they had canned the small scale Faith Leader, what a bummer :/. I know plenty of people who were exited about that one.
  5. Pulled the trigger on MP-10, looking forward to adding him to my Prime collection. He's only my 2nd MP so it'll be interesting to see the changes the line has undergone since the original MP-01. I'm glad to see the dinobots making a come back in the new game even though I've always been sorta indifferent to them. But I know they are insanely popular and Hasbro needs to see it so people who want them as toys may get that chance. I feel like most characters need some love in toy form, especially if we haven't had anything in a while. Galvatron, the Dinobots and Springer (please give us a real Springer) all need some love. Despite the fact Prime is my favorite character of all time, not just favorite Transformer, even I can acknowledge that him and Bee saturate the market a little too much.
  6. The Boss is a woman, and in the games looks...more womanly than the figure. The figure is too manly looking.
  7. Yeah, Snake looks pretty good (though I'm not sure tons better than Playarts figures from Square). The Boss looks really off, I'm sort of getting like a modern day Sharon Stone vibe from her and it isn't really working for me. I just got my first Hot Toys figure ever and really love it, but I'm not sure I'd pull the trigger for either of these. They have other products I'd be interested in first.
  8. I'm really on the fence about this show. I want to enjoy it, but having read the books the show feels...cheap I guess. I suppose this happens with any book that is turned into something else, but I just feel like the show falls short. It seems like they...I dunno, have to spell things out more or change arbitrary things to make sure people don't get confused or something. It's hard for me to articulate things I dislike other than "this is like if they filmed the cliffnotes and made things simpler". Maybe it's unfair to match the book and show up so closely, but I just can't help it when I try to watch the show.
  9. Awaiting delivery of my First Edition TF:Prime Optimus, figured I'd put off his purchase long enough and he isn't likely to get any cheaper. Heavily debating MP-10 right now, if only because I'm such a huge Optimus fan. Part of me wants to see if they'll do a release without a trailer, but I've paid out the ass for waiting too long in the past (Buster Prime). Also picked up a delux Wheeljack at TRU this past week. Overall I really dig him, the windows on his fore arms might be a bit of an eyesore, but overall I was impressed. That being said, the selection of Prime figures locally (SoCal) has been god awful. My local Target has about 20-25 Bumblebees and a dozen voayger Primes and the TRU I got Wheeljack from had 1 of him and 2 Bees and that was it. The hunt for these figures has been a nightmare. Now that I've finally watched the show I'd like to pick up more of them, but they seem nearly impossible to find. I'm really digging the new Starscream mold as well, but he is probably a pass. I'll snap up the eventual Thundercracker repaint though, I just love the colors on him.
  10. Importing your characters look is completely borked, especially if you didnt alter your character in ME2 after importing. It's 100% game breaking as far as I'm concerned. I won't even be playing it until the address the issue (which they said they are doing).
  11. Having completely missed MP Scream (or any of the repaints) I'll probably look into getting some form of MP-11. I might hold out for Thundercracker though, just because I like the scheme the best.
  12. Standard early access is usually between 7-10 days for preorders. I think bioware may have said 10 but I can't say for sure.
  13. A very short clip of an Enterprise-D flight shot. Even in 720 on youtube you can see how much better it is. And I think they scrapped that bug idea because lots of people found that episode disturbing(scared the crap out of me too when I was a kid). Actual clip is about 55 seconds in.
  14. So not totally on topic. But TNG bluray was announced. Kind of excited.
  15. I'm not a big gimmick fan myself. Imo give me a figure that's designed nicely and represents the character as best as possible. The only thing Prime might need as a "gimmick" imo is the opening chest for the Matrix. Other than that just make him awesome. Imagine what they could do on even leader class toys if they just cut out the gimmicky stuff like sounds, lights or the mechalive crap from RotF.
  16. I just want a release without the trailer. I think I like the design well enough.
  17. Good lord, I'll have to go inspect mine. Mine is the FP version but still, I really love it, so I'll have to inspect it in the morning.
  18. So despite the wait and the changes made, George still left the dated Special Edition CG completely untouched. Very disappointing.
  19. Definitely the only baseball game worth while.
  20. Not to go OT too much but it looks like that even if Lucas doesn't get it, his good buddy Spielberg does. "For myself, I tried [changing a film] once and lived to regret it. Not because of fan outrage, but because I was disappointed in myself. I got overly sensitive to [some of the reaction] to E.T., and I thought if technology evolved, [i might go in and change some things]…it was OK for a while, but I realized what I had done was I had robbed people who loved E.T. of their memories of E.T. [...] If I put just one cut of E.T. on Blu-ray and it was the 1982, would anyone object to that? [The crowd yells "NO!" in unison.] OK, so be it."
  21. I'm sorta on the fence about the new MP Prime. On one hand I really want it because hey...it's Optimus. On the other hand it's like...it's 250 bucks and it comes with a trailer I could care less about (and frankly am running out of room atm for anyways). Maybe I'll just hold out for one of the 487 re-releases oh him and hope one doesn't have a trailer. On the movie Prime front, an MP movie Prime would have to be pretty damned awesome for me to really consider it. With sideshow Optimus now my collection centerpiece and Buster Prime being a close second, I'd have to seriously think about how many more movie Optimus figures I wanted to add.
  22. It switches between first and third person from what I understand (like being in 3rd person when in cover) and it has heavy rpg elements. Soo...fpsrpg? I also think Human Revolution is a prequel to the other two Deus Ex games (though dont quote me on it) so you'd probably be fine.
  23. Haha thank you And yes, he is awesome. No pictures I take will do justice to the piece, it's even better in person. I would also agree about leader Prime, especially with the upgrades they've done for the DotM release. I'm not sure you'll ever get a better transforming movie Optimus unless they decide to do a full MP redesign. That toy is really great and they did a fantastic job with him.
  24. That is his pose, no articulation. I get where you're coming from with the question, that was kind my reaction when I saw the initial unveil. It's grown on me over the year and a half+ since his reveal. Swapping out the fist for a gun or sword in his left arm makes the position look a little less odd.
  25. Bwahahahaha I promise to add lots more,that are large, taken with a good camera and against an appropriate background. I just had to share.
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