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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. I wonder if Zero is popular enough to ever warrant an actual V2. I think Ultimately it has my favorite designs and I'd love to see it. Hell I'd buy a strait re-issue and some replacement arm parts from Veef if the price was right from Yamato.
  2. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    I have never had the...pleasure of doing this for the release of well.....anything. I was this zealous about my Prime statue from Sideshow, but they told you exactly when pre-orders started. I'm already anticipating secondary market purchase for this, hopefully some are up for grabs from MW members. I know if I managed to get an HLJ pre-order and Nippon came through, I'd sell one here. The ebay prices on the other renewals make me cringe, but I have the Macross bug real badly right now.
  3. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    Is anyone have a space in a buddy system pre-order thing? I really have no faith in Nippon-Yasan and I really want to secure a pre-order for this. I'd love to get in on something here on the forums to try increase my chances.
  4. With my PS3 I almost always kept the controller plugged in because I would get input lag from time to time, it just got annoying after a while. I'd keep the WiiU controller plugged in as well. Also if most games can function with the pro controller, that might be another options for long term play. I've been disappointed with almost every game I've bought recently, the exceptions have been the big Wii games I missed like the Galaxy games, Kirby, etc. Nintendo is the only company I'm totally on board with at this point.
  5. I'm really tempted to shoot Nippon Yasan an email and see if they have any info about their stock or like....how pre-orders for the G can possibly still be open. They have the other renewals in stock...marked up like crazy but in stock, so maybe there is hope.
  6. Also, the longer Nippon leaves pre-orders open, the more I think they are just going to spawn a massive amount of disappointment. Even though I snagged a pre-order with them when it first got posted here, I wouldn't be surprised if they didnt get any.
  7. What a pain in the ass to try and secure one of these things. This would be my first renewal, and it will be last if I manage to get one. Putting pre-orders on sites with little to no rep. Smashing refresh on sites with actual rep. It's unbelievable, and you might still not get one. And in the time it took me to set up my Otacute info the pre-order went down...wonderful.
  8. And do they charge up front? They apparently do allow pre-order cancellations. Not sure about them.
  9. Unless I missed it, the rumor about the 3DS XL proved false. Saw a lot of amazing stuff coming for the 3DS and WiiU, but no 3DS redesign. I love my launch aqua colored one and there are so many games coming out I'd like to get for it.
  10. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    Might be a stupid question, but did you pre-order the renewal version? They have both available. Also the renewal isn't supposed to hit until September it according to what I've seen.
  11. Does anyone have an image of the stand attachment for the YF-21 for Battroid mode? Trying to put mine on the stand like Actar did and I cannot figure out which adapter fits. Edit: Annddddd My 21s face just fell off didn't really expect that. Still curious about the proper mounts however Edit: Found it with a handy google search
  12. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    I'm really hoping that their mark up on the item is what is keeping orders open, people are just holding out for the cheaper options. The thing has gone up like 20 bucks before shipping since I pre-ordered it on...Monday or whenever.
  13. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    I had no idea, at least some part of this process isn't a giant headache. On the up side, if I do manage to secure this toy I'll be able to find a way to get the armor for it. As for the 25G, the more I look at the pictures, the more I feel like this might be my favorite Valk of all time. Not owning one isn't an option. I'm just hoping I get lucky before the after market price explosion.
  14. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    At least there has been some nice group buys for the armor packs here on the forums. It almost seems like getting ahold of the add ons is easier than getting the actual Valk.
  15. Awesome, thank you. Even posted the wiki article I was planning on hitting once I got an answer.
  16. That is beyond insane and also makes me question my own sanity for trying to secure one of these. What a nightmare. Please toy gods, just let that Nippon Yasan pre order actually pull through. I'm likely to get an ulcer or something otherwise.
  17. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    Did they charge you up front or do you get to wait until it is ready to be shipped?
  18. So finally got around to seeing this movie and it was a lot of fun. I did feel a bit left in the dark since I hadn't seen the Cap movie or Thor, but I still go the gist of things. My comic-fu is extremely weak though, could someone fill me in on who the red post credit scene guy is.
  19. I kinda wish they'd keep all the reveals until E3, it used to be a really exciting time as a gamer. Now it seems to barely matter. It seems like Nintendo may have the most surprises, which is fine. But dear god, not everything needs a pre-E3 trailer or a reveal in Game Informer.
  20. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    I wonder if Nippon is taking way too many pre orders or they are just facing a situation where people are holding out for HLJ ir re-opened pre orders elsewhere to try and get it cheaper. I put an order in the day this thread went up so I'm really hoping they can fill it. I'll be watching to see if I can secure one on another site just in case.
  21. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    Indeed. I even have a pre-order down and I'm still concerned. By the time I know for sure if I'm getting one, it'll be too late to try and find another at a reasonable cost if my current PO falls through. I really don't understand why runs are so limited when people are practically throwing their money in Bandai's face.
  22. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    I may try and snag a preorder on HLJ, but I'll b e content if nippon can fill my order. Obviously I'll take the cheaper route if I can, but my luck hasn't been too great with that in the past. On the bright side the toy's release is far enough out that saving for it even with the mark up will be really easy.
  23. This doesn't really surprise me, I think they got hit with some kind of cease and desist a few years ago regarding Yamato Macross products. While they seemed to still stock certain items BBTS hasn't been to great for Macross items since. I just really hope Nippon can fill my pre-order. The more I think about it, the more I'd really love to finally have a Frontier release.
  24. That's why I pre-ordered one. I've missed out on all the Frontier releases and so just having one that I'm likely to get is a plus. And since I'm not billed at the time of the pre-order I can save long term for it. The fact the G looks really nice doesn't hurt either.
  25. The only 3rd party thing I've ever bought was Warbot Defender. Springer just doesn't get toys made, at best we get repaints. The quality on him is nice and I don't regret scooping him up. But I probably wouldn't buy a product like this again. I'd rather just support Hasbro/Takara by getting official releases and shelling out for MPs over pricey 3rd party stuff.
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