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Everything posted by kaiotheforsaken

  1. The GIF sums this up pretty perfectly. Almost 3 am here, that's been my cutoff. I'll be really curious to see when the the pre-order actually opens.
  2. Yeah something tells me it isn't actually 1/6 scale. Though maybe it's supposed to be the ultimate Unit 1 ?
  3. Medicom RAH Unit 1: http://www.collectiondx.com/news_item/61112/16_rah_evangelion_unit_01_medicom Looks pretty sharp overall I think. Love the head sculpt, but I'm unsure about the slimmer build and long neck that seems to always pop up in the rebuild pieces. Though Unit 1 was kinda my first love for a Mech (even though it really isn't one) so depending on when and how much, maybe I'll try and get it.
  4. True enough, I wasn't very clear in my post that. All I meant was if the SW repaints come with 1 new cassette, that's wayyyy too much money to try and Pokemon the whole set from all the repaints. If they release some jumbo box of cassettes though, that is an entirely different story. I also have seen some buzz that Soundwave's price my get jacked up to closer to the 200 usd mark (he's up for like 140 on BBTS now). If he hits around the holidays that could be a real gut punch for me. Holidays, Anniversary, hopefully I'll have purchased my first VF-25. End of the year is an insanely expensive time for me.
  5. I flat out wont buy repaints of Soundwave for other cassettes. If they release a multi-pack of some sort with a few cassettes I'd probably bite there. But I'm not dropping another 130-140 bucks because I want all the cassettes.
  6. And it looks like Soundwave will come with Laserbeak only.
  7. Does anyone know of a quality sub done for Mac0? I know I saw one a few years ago that was excellent and solidified it as one of my favorites, but I lost it when my old HD died. Also, Zero has yet to see any kind of HD release correct?
  8. No kidding, was thinking of making some popcorn, maybe watching Macross Zero and my alert thing simultaneously.
  9. I totally went the popcorn and soda route, but that is standard fair for me at the movies. Most of the movie isn't so gross or cringe worthy that you couldn't more if you wanted. Maybe just a few scenes towards the end.
  10. I assume HLJ also would just say they weren't going to take pre-orders. People have emailed them about it, there's no reason to dance around the issue if they aren't going to be doing a pre-order. BBTS said they weren't when someone emailed them about it.
  11. Well Nippon-Yasan seems to have finally closed their pre-orders. I'm still under the impression they probably took far more than they can actually fill...but I guess we'll see come September.
  12. Finally bothered to run alertbox. The damn price tweaks....
  13. Definitely resuming the vigil. I can't wait until the pre-orders are over, even if I don't get one. The insanity will be finished at least.
  14. I'll be curious to see if the upcoming G release is easier or harder to come by than Alto's or Ozma's. On the one hand, since it isn't a "main" valk the prices on it post release might not go through the damned roof. On the other hand, Bandai might (stupidly) anticipate even less demand than it has for previous release and make less.
  15. I voted yes on this thing but really haven't had a chance to give any input. I think the head design is really awesome, as is the paint. It isn't a hugely different paint job, but I sometimes find the original VF-1 paint to be a little boring. I still haven't pulled the trigger on a new 1/60 V2, but I'd buy this in a heart beat regardless if it'd be my first or my 5th.
  16. Saw it this evening and enjoyed it quite a bit. While it wasn't a perfect film I think that Prometheus is a fine way to kick off a new chapter for the Alien universe. It tackles a whole different set of things than Alien in terms of the creatures themselves. I felt like prior to this movie, Fox had really run this series into the dirt and I'm more forgiving than some. I adamantly believe that Alien 3 is a good film, especially the director's cut. I even think Resurrection isn't bad until that...white thing is born, than it's alllll down hill. Despite liking the first AVP, it sort of heralded the end for the Alien franchise as we knew, and AVP2 was utter trash. So I really feel like Prometheus was the best way to revisit that universe. I think it would benefit from a lengthier director's cut and definitely needs a sequel or two to really start answering some of the questions that the first film gives us. It's a good start, and I hope Scott has a vision for a larger story and is allowed to do it. Also as other people have said, visually the movie is beautiful even in standard 2D.
  17. Well I think Soundwave is also 20-30 bucks more than the new MP Starscream so maybe that difference is for accessories. There also isn't much to Soundwave transformation wise and long as his sculpt is solid and decently poseable I'll be happy. But the relative simplicity of Soundwave might mean he is less expensive to produce. Also I agree on it being extremely unlikely that they'd make MP-14 an add on basically. It just happened to be one of the odder theories I'd seen.
  18. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    You actually sort of addressed a question I had brewing, which is: Do we need to camp this out on weekends as well? I assume the HLJ crew take days off, afaik they don't have a 7 day a week brick and mortar store somewhere.
  19. They are really cranking out the MPs, which I'm happy about. I'm really hoping we see a robust line of characters for this revisioned MP line. Galvatron would be excellent. I've seen some folks over on Seibertron guessing MP-14 is a pack of cassettes for Soundwave. I hope to god they are wrong, Soundwave needs a good collection of cassettes out of the box. I'm normally not into accesories that much, but for Soundwave it is a must. I'd love to see some more info for him as well at the Toy Show.
  20. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    Haha, very nice. I know I've said it before, but this is just nuts. Now that it's after 3 here I'll be punching out for the night. Hopefully they don't go up 5 minutes after I fall alseep, but good luck to my fellow MWers if pre orders go live.
  21. What a fantastic repaint. The red might be a little too dark for me personally, but it still looks unbelievable. Thanks for sharing.
  22. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    Yup, refresh button on HLJ and another tab for Macross World.
  23. kaiotheforsaken

    DX VF-25G

    That is my plan as well, I just have some serious doubts about Nippon, but they may end up being totally unfounded. In any case, I'm still spending more time than is probably healthy refreshing that HLJ page.
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