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About kaiotheforsaken

  • Birthday 03/15/1986

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    Anaheim, CA
  • Interests
    Macross, Super Robots, Lego, Star Trek, Star Wars, Mecha

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  1. For what it's worth, the only one I see on AmazonJP is at 51k yen shipped.
  2. I love seeing a bump on this thread only to see it's nothing lol. I got SUPER excited for a minute.
  3. It is! I like the old flight pose stands more, but this is a reasonable replacement.
  4. Both the VF-4 and the stand it's sitting on.
  5. I had this thought when looking at the VF-0 and now again with this VF-1, but the panel lines look really deep. Like carved with a paper clip deep. Obviously the 0 is a new mold so we don't know, but do they look as pronounced on the VF-1 in hand?
  6. For this particular bird, probably not super likely, but I suppose you never know. A CF version with the radar like in the first (I think) friggin episode would be welcome though. It's the only version I really wanted.
  7. I remember back in the day when you might get a stand with a Yamato release. I think my 21 and original Nora 51 came with them. It's really a shame stands aren't more standard with these. One of their modes is a plane for goodness sake, having at least some of them soaring through your displays is kind of required.
  8. I've ordered 3, but I'm debating going as high as you have. They look nice and I have serious stand deficiency.
  9. Just as a general fyi for folks looking for R-Type merch, I don't believe Bandai has ever done an R-Type release of any kind. Yujin did the gashapons in their Shooting Game Historica line (and a black 9A as a pre-order bonus for the original Tactics), A-Label did the 9A Arrowhead and 9D Shooting Star under the R-Type Tactics License in their Madou Gokin line, Good Smile/FREEing did the two Figmas as well as the Dobkeratops with a tiny clear 9A, and Ques Q is doing a 9A, which is out, and a 90 which is coming soon. Plum has also done a 9A model kit that has recently gotten a revamp for Final 2 and they've also indicated an interest into making kits for other ships.
  10. I would have honestly expected all of these before an Angelbirds. Bandai works in mysterious ways, I guess.
  11. I said it elsewhere, but I'm surprised this was the next one. I would have thought TV Kakizaki or just the regular ol' brownie would have been first up. Glad I don't have to stress about a pre-order though.
  12. While, I imagine, not on the same level of popularity as the 19 the 1/60 Max and Millia PFs were available for ages, the 1/60 PF Elint still is, even the 0D was around for a bit. I think there's definitely hope, especially since it's an Arcadia release and not a Bandai one.
  13. Oh I'm not arguing it's a viable product lol. Just arguing that size wise it seems more reasonable than it did when the picture first appeared.
  14. At the time that thing felt so enormous and impossible. But now we live in a world with 1/6 scale Batmobiles, Lego Millennium Falcons that you have to build a coffee table around, and 1/4 statues that, with the base and flourishes and posing, are basically the half the size of an adult human. The 1/60 Monster doesn't seem that obscene anymore (or maybe I've just lost my mind).
  15. A 0A PF would be such a dangerous release for me. Have the PF 0D, would probably want the 0A that way, and then my 0S is the odd man out and I'd want it to match the other two. Heaven help me if they figure out a way to PF the 51s.
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