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Everything posted by DarkPhoenix

  1. Yeah. The color isn't TOO bad, but it definitely should be a darker red.. Atleast it's not the hot pink that Char's Zaku came in.
  2. And side. No, my Lunemaria's Zaku wasn't put together wrong. I switched the arms to be that way.. it just feels right. ;D Also took the gun off its 'arm' because that arm severely cripples how well the gun can be posed. The GuAIZ R is very nice.. Hefty, and its forearms have a swivel joint so that you can face the shield however you want. Seriously, that's the only use that joint can have, as it only serves to rotate the shield hardpoint on the forearms..
  3. Lunemaria's Zaku, front..
  4. Got my GuAIZ R and Lunemaria's Zaku Warrior today. Here's the GuAIZ R first..
  5. Ack. Somehow I double-posted.
  6. I saw it, yes. The writers have been steadily working up to an outright conflict between the US Government and the Justice League over the course of Justice League: Unlimited. From the discovery of that massive cannon in one of the Watchtowers, to the salvage of that nano-warmachine, Doomsday's retrieval, the clone of Supergirl.. It's going to be ugly when it goes down, by the look of it. Thought it was very interesting how Batman started to question what they're doing, too. You'd think even he would have to admit Doomsday is too dangerous to let free ANYWHERE, given his single-minded goal.
  7. I can't find the answer to the question I wanted to ask, so I'll give the floor to anyone else who wants to ask a question
  8. Aren't there four? Rei I-III, plus the soulless dummyplug Rei. Anyways... Rei I: Strangled to death. Rei II: Suicides Eva-00'Kai to destroy 16th angel. Rei III: Merges with Lilith. Dummyplug Rei: No clue.
  9. I can't confirm, but from what I understand the AE Strike and Launcher Strike are the same mold, mostly, but are made of different materials. Launcher made from harder plastics then the sturdy-PVC-ish material of the AE Strike. AE Strike also lacks the screw holes of the Launcher Strike. I haven't seen the Launcher Strike toy, so I have no way of confirming this myself, just going on what others have said. It'd be as if they took the MMM Strike and made it entirely out of PVC material for a different subline of Seed toys.
  10. I'm not sure of its literal meaning, if there is one, but 'YF' designates a prototype aircraft, while 'VF' would mean it entered production. The YF-19 is in Macross Plus, where as the VF-19 is in Macross 7, where it had won the competition and entered mass production. Similarly there is the YF-21 and VF-22.
  11. Edit: Ack.. it helps if I'm a bit more specific, doesn't it? Does the PG Strike Gundam use screws? HLJ.com's description suggests it uses an entirely polycap/ABS based joint system.
  12. Not quite. There's next to no side-to-side posability to the binders, just up and down. You could modify the joints to allow for it, but that's not something I'm familiar enough with to try.
  13. And here's the joint I was talking about..
  14. If you pull out on the bar that joins the cannon/wing binders to the backpack, they built then to accomodate that style. Pull out on them gently, and they'll slide and lock into a second position. They will then fit perfectly alongside the hips. I'll have a picture shortly. Edit: Pic 1.
  15. Can you snap some pictures of Lunemaria's Zaku and the Guaiz-R?
  16. I suspect we'll have to wait for the h-doujshin for that particular scene.
  17. ...I just filled the cup. It simply has to be said, so I'll say it before anyone else can.. "I'm Athrun Zala, BITCH!"
  18. oh how are the joints,, would the weight of the sword become a factor in the posting of the arms? They are all double jointed right? They are, but they're secured by screws. So far I haven't noticed any real problems with the weight of the weapons messing up the joints.
  19. With how much of a bitch Camille was in Zeta, I damn-near orgasmed when Bright started to slap him around.. Shinn REALLY needed sense slapped into him, be it verbally or physically. Now, if someone could get that cellphone away so he'd feel a little less CREEPY.
  20. For a few notes on it.. The two headfins are a nice touch, everything secures in solidly once you figure out how (the torso/hip connection took me several tries to get right) and it holds its weapons securely. The swords are HUGE on this thing. The two combined are a good 12"-14" long, maybe more. The beam boomerangs are suitably large, the beam rifle looks very nice.. Like Graham noted, the posability is VERY good. My one issue is that you have to put on the screw covers yourself, which is a bit odd for a $60~ toy. I also got the Freedom and Zaku twins, if people want pictures of those.
  21. Close up on the head/torso area. I like that they provided both a soft set of headfins and a hard, plastic set..
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