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Everything posted by DarkPhoenix

  1. You don't have to order atleast 3 things.. You just need to order something in stock and they'll ship it. EMS is the fastest but most expensive, SAL is cheaper but slow and sometimes questionable.
  2. I have 5 neices and nephews but no rodents of my own. They don't go in my room. The oldest one is, on rare occasion, allowed in. None are allowed in, and if they MUST be in then they are not allowed near ANY of my collection. With $2000+ in collectables on my desk alone, I am not willing to risk it at all. ..espically when I know the mother of the problematic ones is a cheap bastard and wouldn't replace anything her spawn destroyed, regardless of fault or damage.
  3. So far the only SoCs I have are the Evas(yes, all 6 of 'em..) and they're the only ones that have interested me. The good posability and accessories are what did it for me, really.
  4. Yeah, they are unfortunately. They came that way right out of the box. The wings themselves are harder material, but the pods themselves, starting with the white 'fins', are soft PVC and those are what has warped.
  5. I can't say for sure, because I don't have the ADMSIA Strike, but from what I've heard, then yes. It's most certainly leaps and bounds over my ADMSIA Freedom Gundam. The hips have a good field of movement, the knees, while single-jointed, don't seem too obscured. The ankles are doublejointed(!!) by an intermediary piece that holds the ankle-guard, connecting the bottom of the calve to the foot itself. Both sides are balljoints, allowing for a far wider 'feet planted' pose if you want, as well as allowing the feet to be firmly mounted in a wide variety of poses. The arms have ball-joint shoulders AND clavical hinges, double-jointed elbows, and limited balljoint wrists.. The wingbinders are balljointed and have a wide area of freedom, and for reasons I don't understand have their balljoint on a piece that seperately pegs into the backpack, allowing it to swivel forward and back. Anyone know why this piece would be set up this way? The balljoint is offset, so it was specficly intended to manuever in and out for SOME reason..
  6. Yeah, I know about the non-ADMSIA figs. I'm just waiting for the Freedom Gundam one. Is it just me, or has pretty much every ADMSIA been crap compared to a normal one? They seem to be jointed poorly, lacking in accessories, underdetailed..
  7. Yeah, to its left is the ADMSiA Freedom Gundam. I wish I didn't own it. =P It's a big hunk of crap.. It doesn't even have functioning beam sabers! The hilts have no holes to accept blades, and it doesn't include any. The wing-binders are flimsy, the arms and wrists are fairly limited in posing, and the legs are too. The huge hip-binder-things are too big and jointed only with a peg, so they can't even angle outward to provide more leg room. Oh well.. Buyer Beware and all that. Can't wait for a better, non-ADMSiA Freedom Gundam. Strike and Freedom are the only two designs I like from SEED so far.
  8. ..and #2 Sorry if these aren't very good. I had to shrink them by 50% so they wouldn't be outragously large in dimensions and filesize.
  9. I have two pictures of this beauty.. Here's #1
  10. That's what the half-scale Monster would be for, though! Stupid Hummers and land-barge SUVs.. THEY'LL ALL PAY! TheehehheeeEEEhheheheheheEEee...
  11. For some pictures of (almost) the whole group, take a look here.. http://members.cox.net/atheonyirh/100_0877.JPG http://members.cox.net/atheonyirh/100_0878.JPG http://members.cox.net/atheonyirh/100_0879.JPG I hope to get the regular 00 someday, or atleast get its positron sniper rifle..
  12. It pretty much HAS failed. =P What other game system do you know of let you get 3 games and the system for a hundred less then its original retail price less then a month after it came out? =P Hell, even Nokia has finally admitted its pretty much a failure..
  13. Sadly, I don't think Crazy Probe has updated in over a year. People chased him off from the newsgroups due to his fondness of MSiA's and he's been pretty scarce since then.
  14. Given Datsun's constant inability to handle the giant robots that come on in and redecorate town for him, I'd say he'd definitely have reason to have a permanent stress-vessel there. ;D Got to suck knowing you're supposed to protect the town, only to have to constantly depend on a complete stranger(well, he knows Roger, just not that he pilots Big O. Not for most of the show, anyways..) who's nearly as destructive as what he's stopping..
  15. I could be wrong, but I think it was supposed to be a scar.
  16. o.O That'd be like having your own farkin' ED-209! "Step away from the display case! You have 10 seconds to comply.."
  17. I rather like Justice League. That may be partially due to my lack of interest in the comics, so any inconsistancies go unnoticed by me. The writing is definitely getting better as time goes on, and seems a good bit higher then your average cartoon. Several of the recent episodes have been WONDERFUL, including the one which heavily featured Solomon Grundy.. I won't spoil it for those haven't seen it, but that one definitely affected me. The recent episode with Darksied(sied? side? I /think/ its Darksied, but could be wrong..) was spectacular, too, if only due to providing one of those rare glimpses(again, for me.. I don't pay attention to the comics, it may happen more often there) of Superman taking the gloves off and really getting into the dirty work. Aquaman HAS shown up in the series, too, on atleast two occasions.. but really, who cares about Aquaman? O.o
  18. The most obvious one is not to have kids to begin with. o.O Baring that, keep them in a display room, or the closest equivilent, and keep that room locked.
  19. I've had mine for several days now and I absolutely adore it. It's very intimidating perched atop my TV..
  20. It is mentioned in Revolutions, yes. A bit round-a-boutly, but it is. The Merovingian makes a comment about how she obviously got a new shell, and she mentions having to make difficult choices, not being able to recognize herself in the mirror yet, etc. The thing they DON'T explain that's from Enter The Matrix, however, is why the Logos is sitting at the bottom of that pipe surrounded by dead sentinels and, itself, dead in the water. They could've atleast had Niobe tell them why as part of a debriefing or something..
  21. The Oracle gave up her linkshell as part of the deal the two programs in the Trainstation made with the Merovingian to save their daughter, Sapi, from being deleted. She got another linkshell, obviously, but had apparently grown quite fond of her former one. Just why Sapi is so important as to deserve such a sacrifice, however, is never explained. Overall, it's a rather good way to explain what happened.
  22. I think Yamato Lover was refering to the figures done in the same style as the larger G-Gundam figures.. The mk II one had exposed screws, for example.
  23. Could someone scan and post, or provide a link to one already online, the yellow Eva-00's instruction booklet? Specfically, the list/picture of contents?
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